GSIF Post #5

  1. List ten things that make you feel human.


  1. Ability to show empathy
  2. Being able to make calculated and individualistic decisions
  3. Ability to overcome my fears
  4. Sense of morality and values
  5. Ability to think philosophical questions
  6. Ability to think about long-term goals and aspirations
  7. Ability to design man-made creations and use them effectively
  8. Ability to understand others’ feelings through their spoken and body language
  9. Ability to grow as a person and try to become a better person
  10. Ability to define who I am and my preferences as well as wear personalized clothes and other items to distinguish myself from others


  1. Articulate your philosophy of engagement as it pertains to your work with the GSIF / LVSIF.


Specifically discuss

  1. Why should I engage?
  2. How must I engage?
  3. With whom must I engage?
  4. What kinds of challenges, opportunities, and approaches should I care about?
  1. What might my epitaph read?


I should engage because the copra method that exists as of now is inefficient and is withholding the farmers from making more money than they would with a faster and less time consuming product, which is also a great way to tackle female empowerment in the workforce as most farmers are women. I must engage by researching in depth through reading and analysing various scientific and cultural articles as well as engaging in interviews in order to gain more information about their challenges and how we can efficiently help them. Once I get to the Philippines, I prepare and organize my questions and interview many farmers, specifically female farmers, and the market around copra to see how we can design a culturally appropriate copra machine for the farmers and a business model to help them sell more for their valuable cost. In order for this project to be successful, I need to focus on the challenge of how to convince the farmers to use this new technique instead of the traditional one as well as look for opportunities to be able to improve the new device and for it to be culturally appropriate to their traditions. I hope for my epitaph to read that I was a hard working person who was determined to achieve her goals and was able to achieve them.

1 thought on “GSIF Post #5

  1. Good work – it may seem obvious but as part of why you must engage I think it’s important not only that there’s a recognized problem, but also that you are well positioned to be the one to drive a solution.

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