Ava Mian’s Blog Post #1: Week Ending May 27, 2023

In our Corporate Social Responsibility class, we discussed Adam Smith and his influence on the US and how the economic market has changed substantially because of his values that are ingrained in the economy. Additionally, we discussed our views on corporations and how much we trust and distrust them. It was interesting to learn that the majority of our answers contradicted each other. I thought it was surprising that most of us had similar answers, as well. I also enjoyed talking about how the government and Congress could potentially intervene in the market by creating regulations and laws, since it heavily relates to my major. It is a new experience to hear people’s opinions in the classroom, which really makes this class thought-provoking.


For my internship, I am working for Cristiano Cominotto Esq. at a law firm. On my first day, Mr. Cominotto assigned me to look into differing labor laws across the US, UK, and other countries in the EU besides Italy. It was interesting to see how a law firm in Italy functions, as I could slightly compare it to how a law firm works in the US. I am excited to see how Italian law differs from law in the United States. I am also assigned to different writing projects for the company’s newsletter, which I am thrilled to be doing as it relates to my major and because I thoroughly enjoy writing. Additionally, I met the other interns at the company and we will be working on presentations together. I look forward to receiving more information about my tasks in the upcoming weeks!


In my first week in Milan, I visited the Duomo along with our group on our way to the welcome dinner. At the welcome dinner, I went up to the top of the Torre Branca and saw a breathtaking overhead view of the city of Milan. Since it is my first time visiting a different country, it was really interesting seeing the architecture of the buildings, streets, and especially the Duomo. It was so exciting to meet everyone at the welcome dinner and in our classes. I also bought my first cup of real Italian nocciola gelato, which was so amazing. I already know this experience is going to alter my worldview and give me a different perspective on not only politics but also economics and the global market. I can’t wait to travel on weekends and I am already getting used to my surroundings around Aparto and in Milan! Our first trip to Lago Maggiore really set the bar high for the rest of our weekends. The views were spectacular.

The scenery on my walk from Aparto to the tram station
On our way to Lake Maggiore
The Duomo never gets old!
The beautiful view from the first island at Lago Maggiore


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