Bryan Landadio’s Blog Post #1: Week Ending May 27, 2023

1: This week in class was very interesting. We watched the second video back from Lehigh and then discussed our survey results from our last class. Our survey results were very interesting as a lot of our answers contradicted themselves, this interested me as it made me realize that we seem to be trained to respond certain ways to certain questions. For example, one question was about trusting corporations and the majority of us said that we don’t but we then responded and said that we don’t have a choice when it comes to buying from these corporations. This made me think about if we actually do trust them as we constantly give them money, support and data.

2: This week was the first two days of my internship. My first day was also my companies first day in their new office so the first thing I did was help them set-up. One younger lady paired up with me and we set-up the kitchen area together and talked about my experience in Milan so far and her experience working in New York for a few months, after we finished setting the kitchen up we all went out to lunch and my boss bought everyone lunch. I was given some work to do that included collecting data on foundations and grants as well as data about B-Corporations and assembling them for Tuesday. My company is looking into expanding into US based foundations and asked me to do the research.


3: This week I learned how to speak some Italian in the IES classes and was able to practice it on locals. I took 8 years of Spanish throughout Middle and High school as well as in college so at one point I was close to fluent. Italian and Spanish are very similar languages and I have a lot of trouble switching between the two. When I ordered at a restaurant it came out half in Spanish and half in Italian and the waitress laughed and told me that not only does she speak Spanish if I spoke like that almost everyone in Milan would be able to understand me. When we were in class practicing I was having a lot of trouble with questions in Italian as they’re also very similar in Spanish, I have had a few more half and half interactions so-far and each time they’re funny so I hope that trend continues.

This is a pasta dish I cooked, it came out very well!

This was my first meal in Milan, I couldn’t tell if I was just hungry after a 8 hour flight or it was really that good!

I’ve never been so taken aback by a building before in my entire life, the Duomo is amazing!

This is wall of Jasmine that I found in a back alley of the canal district, it smelled amazing and remined me of home!

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