Katerina Bazarko’s Blog Post #1: Week Ending May 27, 2023

This week in class we discussed that while Adam Smith’s ideas continue to shape our understanding of economics, he would likely express disappointment with certain aspects of the modern economic system. Smith placed importance on the ethical dimension of economic behavior. He believed that self-interest should be balanced by moral considerations and emphasized the role of empathy and social responsibility. With countless corporate scandals, growing income inequality, and environmental degradation, Smith would likely be disappointed by the pursuit of short-term gains at the expense of long-term sustainability and societal well-being. I believe that Smith would urge society to strive for a more balanced approach that aligns self-interest with the broader interests of society and upholds the principles of fair competition, ethical behavior, and informed decision-making – and that he would be a huge fan of our corporate responsibility course!


My first day in the office was this Thursday and it was a very interesting experience. It is evident that Italians are more easy going with their work schedules and appear to be less uptight than we are in America. Our boss told us that we should arrive around 9:30 AM, but that this was not necessarily a strict start time and that there could be days he isn’t even in the office at that time himself – because he will be playing tennis. Because he enjoys playing tennis, our boss also invited us to play with him in the mornings before work. I am excited to play tennis in Milan, but after reflecting on the experience I realized that on the first day of a new job in America one’s boss does not usually give them a loose start time and also offer to play a sport together outside of the office. Despite not receiving any specific assignments on my first day, I am very excited to actually begin my internship at Gen-USA.


The first thing that I have thoroughly enjoyed is the food in Milan. Of course we know that Italy is known for its pizza, pasta, and cappuccinos, but I have been pleasantly surprised by all the outside cuisine the city offers. On our first full day here, a few classmates and I went to a restaurant near the IES orientation center. At this restaurant I decided to order a burger – classic American style – and was very impressed with the meal. Additionally, I have had a couple asian meals and they have all been 10/10. It is clear that like most cities in America, Milan is indeed a melting pot of many different people and cultures. I have additionally enjoyed seeing the fashion of all the local people. Although it is commonly proclaimed how fashionable Europeans are, it has been different for me to experience this fashion in person and at an older age than when I have previously traveled in Europe. I am excited to find clothing markets and try and step out of my fashion comfort zone throughout our 6 weeks here. 

First Asian meal in Milan! Delicious!!!
Classic Italian breakfast – Margherita Pizzatta & cappuccino.
Cool street on the side of Gen-USA office – where I am interning!
My fellow Gen-USA interns and I outside our office!

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