Bryan Landadio’s Blog Post #2: Week Ending June 3, 2023

Class: This week in class Professor Gupta asked me to present my Wall Street Journal Article about the Skittles Ban Bill in California. This prompted a small class discussion about certain governmental organizations that we have in the US such as the FDA and also about what power the State should have over certain restrictions that steps on the toes of the FDA. We also had two facilitated debates in class on Monday about two scenarios we were given. The more interesting one was about a woman who was scammed and then sued the bank saying they should’ve protected her more. It interesting to learn that the court ruled in favor of the bank and no the elderly woman.

Internship: I had a lot of fun at my internship this week. One thing I was tasked with was collecting news articles and helping with  assembly of their monthly press report about sustainability, B-Corp, etc. Since they just moved into a new office I also helped a lot with hanging art and pictures as well and looking for good lunch spots around the new office. One day I went to a supermarket with a few of my coworkers and they helped me speak to the butcher to get some meat for lunch. This week I also found out that I will be going on a day trip with my boss to Padua this upcoming Tuesday to attend a client meeting and she also told me Padua is where the Aperol Spritz was invented so we would try one there as well.


This week in Milan I did a lot! On Sunday a few of us from the program took a 6am train to Monterosso in Cinque Terre which was so much fun. We spent the day on the beach then Me, Jon, Sam, and Jimmy went to a sea side restaurant where we had the best fish I’ve ever eaten. Monday night we went to all you can eat sushi with Professor Gupta which was a lot of fun and on Tuesday we went to see the Last Supper painted by Da Vinci which was really cool but also sad because it’s really starting to fade and wear down so I’m happy that I was able to see it before it deteriorates any further. On Friday we went to Verona which was one of the coolest cities I think I’ve ever been to, I would’ve loved to have a few more hours to explore!

This is a box of Macaroons that Emily and I bought in Verona

This is my current Postcard collection of where I’ve visited so far

This is one of the amazing views in Monterosso

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