Will Ironside’s Blog Post #2: Week Ending June 3, 2023

This week, we had our corporate social responsibility class on Monday and Wednesday. During class, on Monday, we began class by having Corinne and Le present their Wall Street Journal articles which they wrote about. Corinne’s was about how Disney says that Governor DeSantis’s allies are “Weaponizing the Power of Government”, and Le’s article was about how shareholder activists dragged companies into U.S. culture wars. We debated 2 different points about corporate governance. On Wednesday, Bryan and Sachi shared their Wall Street Journal articles with the class. Bryan spoke about how California has taken on candy makers with a bill that opponents call the ‘Skittles Ban’, and Sachi’s article was about how a TikTok ban was signed in Montana. This topic related well to what my group will be writing our final paper about. Then Professor Gupta gave a lecture about corporate governance and we answered some of the questions from our homework. Overall, I enjoyed our first full week of class and I like how Professor Gupta runs it.

This week I worked remotely for South Garage on Monday and Wednesday and went into the office on Tuesday and Thursday. On Monday I worked on a presentation that myself and 3 other interns did where we learned a bit more about the motorcycle industry in Europe. This was to help us get a better understanding of what we will be doing and why we are doing it. We analyzed the European motorcycle market as a whole, then we looked at South Garage’s competition, and their customer segments. We got to present our findings in the office on Tuesday. Then on Tuesday, we broke up into separate groups for different parts of the business. Sachi and I will be working on the South Garage Boutique, and we were told to do another presentation that looked at different ways to market the boutique to different ages. This is what we worked on remotely on Wednesday. We then presented our findings on Thursday and began experimenting with different approaches to how we will go about making the content. Overall I had a great time working this week and I am looking forward to making content to market the boutique next week!

This week I did just as much traveling as the last! On Sunday, Ian, Le, Sam, and I walked around Milan and went shopping. After getting breakfast at a cafe, we went window shopping at a few designer stores. We then went to Uniqlo and each of us got a few pieces of clothing. During the week I did not travel much besides going to a few dinners. I also went to a secondhand store called Bivio and got a lightweight black jacket. Then, on Friday we all went to Verona and did a wine tasting/lunch at Montresor, followed by a guided tour of the city of Verona. We had a great time! Finally, on Saturday, Dane, Le, and I went to Venice and walked around as well as did some shopping around the city. We also went to the top of Scala Contarini, which was a beautiful spiral staircase in Venice. I had lots of fun traveling this week and I am looking forward to continuing my travels in the upcoming weeks!

One of the wine barrels at Montresor that was beautifully painted.
An outside view of The Arena in Verona.
A view from the bottom of Scala Contarini in Venice.

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