Sachi Williams Blog Post #3: Week Ending 06/10/2023

This week in Professor Gupta’s class, we watched a movie called “The Corporation.” Before class, Professor Gupta gave us a set of questions to pay attention to during the movie. The movie showed the dark side of corporations and compared them to a psychopath. The topic of child labor and cancer-causing chemicals was brought up. These two topics in particular, scared me a lot because these corporations are causing harm to people but hiding it from the consumers. In the next class, all eight groups met together and discussed the assigned questions Professor Gupta gave. My group debated whether the issue in society is corporations, consumerism, or capitalism. My group decided that the issue is consumerism, as we buy way more than we need. However, I believe that corporations feed into this by advertising new items and changing trends that make us feel behind for not having those items. We also debated whether corporations are psychopaths and decided that corporations are not psycho but the individual. We all contribute to the issue caused by corporations, for example, buying from a company that uses child labor because it is cheaper.


This week at my Internship in South Garage, we started filming very cool styling Tik Toks. I have always been interested in fashion, so being able to do the advertising for the boutique is very fun and cool. Federico and I styled Will in multiple outfits, and I filmed a Tik Tok showing different outfits for each different day of the week. I have a lot of experience with lighting and filming from my internship last year, so I helped out a lot with staging. We met with the company’s CEO, and he gave us specific companies to research. These companies are similar to South Garage but different in several ways. Each of the six interns took on a different company. We are now all working on separate in-depth SWOT analyses. My company is Maria Motorcycles. I personally thought that South Garage has way more strengths compared to Maria Motorcycles as South Garage offers Diverse products and experiences. The restaurant at South Garage is one of its strongest features, and it makes South Garage stand out over all of its competitors.


Last weekend we traveled to Switzerland, Verona, and Lake Como. Lugano, Switzerland, was so beautiful. It was my favorite over all of the other places I have been so far (maybe tied with Lake Maggiore). The city and the lake were beautiful. Jon took us out on a boat, and we just took in the views for a few hours. I did, however, notice that Switzerland is significantly more expensive than Italy. We had an amazing brunch, and I had the best french fries I have ever had. My favorite food is french fries, so I have high standards. We all split a bottle of wine. I had Apperitivo with Sam, Jon, and Neave. I had my favorite drink, an Aperol spritz. The next day we traveled to Lake Como. It was very beautiful. We had an amazing lunch. I had a spritz and a fish dish. We then had a picnic, and we made limoncello spritz. We then rented a boat and swam in the middle of a lake. It was one of those pinch-me moments where I had to ask myself if it was real life. It was so beautiful and surreal. Before the train ride home, I had the best meal I have had in Italy yet. Lili and I split truffle pasta and an amazing pesto pizza. It was a beautiful and amazing weekend that I will remember forever.


The best meal I have had in Italy yet!
Lili, Neave, and I on a boat at Lake Como!
The girls at Lake Lugano, Switzerland. So beautiful!
A great meal that I had in Switzerland. An amazing COB salad!


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