Will Ironside’s Blog Post #3: Week Ending June 10, 2023

This week, we had our corporate social responsibility course with Professor Gupta on Monday and Wednesday. On Monday, we watched the documentary titled “The Corporation”, which is the movie that was made to follow the book “The Corporation” which was also highly recommended to read for our class. The documentary looked at large corporations’ power and influence in shaping the economy, politics, and society. On Wednesday, we began by talking about Tiffany and Sam Haft’s Wall Street Journal entries. Tiffany’s was about Merck challenging the U.S. government’s new powers to negotiate drug prices. Sam’s was about companies’ new cause of dodging the culture wars. Professor Gupta then handed out papers with different questions for each group to answer, and we spoke about these until the end of class. 

This week for my internship, I went into the office on Tuesday and worked remotely the rest of the days. On Tuesday, Sachi and I were in the South Garage boutique most of the day. We made some content for their Tiktok that should be posted next week. I was able to model the clothing in one of the videos which I found fun! After making a few videos, we were given a new presentation to make. We had to do a deeper analysis of 6 competitors of South Garage and identify each of their strengths and weaknesses. We will present our findings to our boss next week. Overall, it was a productive week and I think we got a good amount of work done. I am learning more each week through my internship!

This week I was able to travel many places both in Milan, and outside of Milan. On Sunday, I went to a local flea market near the outside of Milan. It was quite a culturally immersive experience, I had to put my Italian language knowledge to use as nobody there spoke any english! I was able to buy a few cool pieces of clothing. Also on Sunday, we went to see the Duomo which was a beautiful experience, the view of the city from the top of the Duomo was amazing! On Sunday night, we went to see AC Milan play Verona FC in their last game of the regular season. AC Milan won 3-1 and it was a great game! After the game, Ibrahimovic, one of the greatest soccer players of all time announced his retirement in person, I could not believe we were able to witness this! Overall, it was a super fun week of travel and I cannot wait for more travels this coming week.

A view of the Mernatino dell’usato di piazzale Cuoco flea market on Sunday morning
A beautiful view from the inside of the Duomo
A view from the stands of San Siro Stadium during the AC Milan vs. Verona game

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