Lili Sorrentino’s Blog Post #3: Week Ending June 10, 2023

This past week I went to a beach in Genoa, hiked in the Alps and spent a day in Venice, the perfect pairing of weekend activities! On Friday, ten of us woke up and took an early train to Genoa where we then walked twenty minutes to a nearby beach. It became apparent that this beach was a local area as tourists renting their umbrellas appeared unheard of to the workers. We spent the day falling in and out of naps in the sun, decompressing after our busy work week. The next day nearly everyone from Lehigh boarded a bus to the Alps where we were dropped off at a zipline obstacle course.  We watched a video in Italian on safety instructions and were sent to the course where we were in charge of hooking and unhooking all of our cables with no supervision, safety waivers, or helmets. It has been very interesting to compare the safety precautions taken in the US versus here, which is something I will not share with my dad.  After a morning in the treetops overlooking the snowy mountain range, we made our way to the bus where we drove the windy roads to a hiking trail. We hiked forty five minutes with never ending scenic views until we reached a large lake made of glacier runoff. After watching a few polar plunges into the lake we headed home and watched Inter Milan in the Champions League final. The next morning, without hesitation, we woke up for another early travel morning and trained to Venice. We walked the streets and went into nearly every store selling Murano Glass where I attempted to secure everyone I know a souvenir. The day flew by before me and I have already decided I would love to plan another day trip back. The canals and small allies were impossible to see all of but exceeded my expectations as it was prettier than any postcard pictures I had seen. Before heading home we found our way to the first authentic Italian restaurant I had been to since arriving in Italy. It was clear they did not cater to tourists as we were scolded for the request of parmesan on a seafood dish, as it would be against the law in the eyes of an Italian. Although the food was almost too authentic and real for us Americans, I knew my family would have loved this restaurant and wished they were there. 

For my Internship this week, my boss gave me creative freedom to make any content I found would be beneficial to advertising her new products. On my weekend trips I brought her product samples and made videos and pictures at the beautiful sights and recognizable landmarks. The idea behind this was that her product can be used anywhere due to its convenience. I found ways to incorporate my friends into the videos which made all of the content unique and entertaining. We made vlogs and tik toks using her products and had photoshoots at each destination. When I met with my boss yesterday, she was thrilled by the content we had created. I will now be in charge of editing and uploading it this week and seeing the response we get on her website. In addition to this, Tiffany and I have been setting up a ‘studio’ at her office to make the product also have a professional and aesthetic side to target a more simplistic and mature audience. 

​​This week in class we watched the documentary, “The Corporation”. The documentary discussed the impact of corporations along with their history and behaviors and how this influences society and the economy. It taught us how corporations are legally considered as individuals, yet they dont act in this way as they are most focused on profit above ethics and morals in many cases. The documentary raised awareness about the negative consequences of corporate dominance and highlighted numerous environmental issues, health and safety issues and bad labor conditions. The documentary showed the extent of how corporations change our lives whether for better or worse. 


Lago d’Arpy in the Alps
Maddy, Sara, Sachi and I in Venice!
Beautiful day along the canals
One of the zip lines I hooked up myself!


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