Neave Murray’s Blog Post #3: Week ending June 10, 2023

In class this week we watched the movie the corporation which gave me new insight into how corporations run and their tendencies in making decisions. I found this to be very interesting as it showed how corrupt corporations are and how they can be abusive, and how corporations can be classified as psychopaths based on the DSM-5 criteria. Watching this movie was very eye-opening in seeing how corporations truly are single-minded entities without concern for those being impacted by externalities caused by them. We also broke into our groups and discussed different questions about the accountability of corporations and management positions. This tied into our Wall Street Journal conversations that discussed backlash and expectations that companies receive from certain social issues and standings they either take or do not. I enjoyed this discussion and found my classmates opinions insightful when discussing how actions of companies are impactful to their consumers.

For my internship this week I met with my boss on Monday at the IES abroad office where we discussed the upcoming Ocean Week and continued working on the integration between the United Nation’s SDGs and The World Health Organization’s One Health approach. I specifically located and defined crossovers between these ideas throughout all seventeen SDGs and then went through and brainstormed potential data collections sources that could help us measure these indicators in the future. I found these data collections by looking at the indicators that the UN provided for the SDGs and then how they can relate to the One Health approach perspective. An example of a data collection would be in terms of the Zero Hunger SDG, measuring the number of individuals that die from malnourishment in a given year.

Last weekend we traveled to Lugano, Verona, and Lake Como and then this past weekend we did a hiking trip in the Alps and traveled to Genoa. I have loved getting to see the beauty of Italy and its neighboring countries, and have especially enjoyed how easy it is to travel. When we traveled to Lugano and Lake Como, some of us rented a boat to explore the lakes and enjoy the nice weather. It was very relaxing and I had a great time hanging out with the group and exploring new cities together. Then this past weekend we did our hike in the Alps which was absolutely breathtaking, It made me feel like I was back home in the mountains. Genoa was a little less busy than Monterosso, but it was still a nice break from Milan and I always love sitting on the beach and taking a swim in the Ocean, even if it was really cold. I am excited to continue to travel!

Group pic at the lookout over the river after the ropes course in the Alps!
Sachi, Jon, and I swimming in Lake Como after renting a speed boat for a few hours. This is one of my favorite moments in Italy so far!
Girls in Lugano! Such a beautiful city and my first time in Switzerland
The group skipping rocks in Verona while we waited for our walking tour to begin

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