Samuel Haft’s Blog Post #3: Week Ending June 10, 2023

(1) Academic Course on Corporate Social Responsibility

We started off this week by watching a documentary on the dark sides of corporations and the common types of things that they do in their quest to earn a profit. This documentary was very interesting and after class, I thought a lot about the content of the documentary and the future of the US business system. I was previously unaware of the extent to which these corporations use underhanded tactics in order to keep themselves safe, and it reminded me of an organized crime organization. On Wednesday, we spent a good portion of class talking about the dilemma that CEOs face when aligning (or not aligning) their companies with various social issues, and it was nice to hear multiple opinions on the subject to better expand my own viewpoints.

(2) Practicum in Milan with an Italian Company

The highlight of this week at Gen-USA had to be going to my boss’s house for lunch and helping him make carbonara. Not only was the food delicious but it was also nice to be with my boss and colleagues outside of a work setting in a laid-back atmosphere where everyone could get to know each other better. It is clear that Italians take a lot of pride in their cuisine and are passionate about their traditional recipes and cooking style. I am hoping that I get the chance to cook alongside my boss again, as I had a great time and am interested to learn more about Italian dishes and how they are prepared. Most of the actual work I did this week revolved around working on mailing lists for the companies and opening emails, but toward the end of the week, I worked on a new project looking for Sales Engineers in Minnesota. I am excited about what next week has in store!

(3) Social and Cultural Immersion through travels in Italy and Europe

Sunday Night we went to the AC Milan game which was something I had been looking forward to for a while, and it did not disappoint. Unknowingly, we chose to go to a game where star player Zlatan brahimović announced his retirement, which made the experience that much better. Monday and Tuesday night I got dinner with my Mom who was still in Milan. On both nights we went to traditional Milanese restaurants and tried foods like risotto which are staples of their cuisine. I’ve noticed that Milanese food is very hearty and would be a great option in the colder winter months as a home-style type of dish. On Friday we traveled to Genoa and just lounged on the beach, but unfortunately, I got a pretty bad sunburn so I’ve definitely learned my lesson on neglecting to put on sunscreen. Saturday’s trip to the Alps was a lot of fun, and I’m very glad I got a late ticket and was able to go as seeing the mountain ranges and the villages in the valleys below was a spectacular view. Lastly, the Champions League Final was Saturday night, and even though Inter Milan lost, it was still fun to be among the Inter Milan fans watching the game on the canals, which is an experience that I’ll remember for a long time.


Carbonara cooked at my bosses house
View from the walkway up in the Alps
San Siro stadium during Zlatan’s retirement ceremony


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