Sachi Williams Blog Post #4: Week Ending June 17, 2023

This week in Professor Gupta’s class, we discussed loan forgiveness programs. This was extremely interesting as it is very relevant to people my age. We got into a conversation about scholarships and whether or not they should be entirely merit-based. We talked about this topic for a while, and many people in the class were able to share their opinions and debate this topic. After that, Professor Gupta gave us two signed documents by Business Roundtable. We broke up into our groups and discussed these two documents and whether these statements were just signed and released as rhetoric. The debate between the two groups got pretty heated. I can see both sides, and I do believe companies can do more, but I think that signing the Business Roundtable PR statement is pretty significant. In Wednesday’s class, we watched “A Civil Action,” which was a great movie. The movie was really eye-opening for me to see how a civil action case works and all the money that goes into it. I probably would never have come across this movie if it had not been for this class so I feel very appreciative that we got to watch it because I learned a lot.

This week during my internship at South Garage, Will and I filmed a lot of content! It honestly does not feel like work because we are having a lot of fun with it. On Tuesday, Will and I created outfits in the boutique and filmed a video matching those outfits with motorcycles. Will modeled the clothing, and I filmed. We also filmed many more informational TikToks about the clothing itself and information about the items. We had to do a lot of research for these videos because there are many unique types of leather and fabrics used at South Garage. I also continued my research about competitors of South Garage. It is obvious that South Garage has a goal right now to differentiate itself from its competitors. I already think we are on the right track. It seems that not other competitors have social media like Tik Tok. South Garage also offers a unique bistro and boutique. It is also fun to work and collaborate with our coworkers and other interns. I have really gotten to become close with the other interns, and I am learning a lot from them. One of the interns, Matei, helped me fix my camera settings. Now I know why my camera quality has been horrible! Tomorrow, Will and I will use our scripts and film voiceovers for our videos and edit them.

Last weekend I traveled to Genova, Lago D’Arpy, and Venice. My favorite is tied between Lago D’Arpy, and Venice. I am so thankful to have been able to go hiking in the Alps because, originally, I was not able to get a spot as it was full. Thankfully, Jimmy and Kat let me know that their coworkers were backing out, and they transferred their trip to me. As a hiker, it was amazing. It felt so surreal being able to hike in such a unique place. I kept reminding myself to take it all in. The views were like nothing I had ever seen before. The following day I traveled to Venice. My grandma always told me that she did not like Venice, but I actually loved it! It felt like a fake place as all the buildings were beautiful, and the canals were so blue. I bought a bracelet made out of glass from Venice, and I love it. It is such a special piece to remember the trip. This weekend I plan on traveling to Barcelona. I am excited because it is my first time flying somewhere during this trip. It will be my first time in Spain so I am looking forward to the new experience! 

The Beautiful Canals in Venice!
Me and Maddy at lunch in Venice! It was so good!
Jon holding a watermelon in Genova! He bought it for all of us to share! So nice!
Jimmy and I while hiking in the Alps! What an amazing experience!


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