Ava Mian’s Blog Post #4: Week ending 6/17/2023

In our CSR class this week, we discussed a lot of important topics regarding taxpayer money. It was very thought provoking to talk about how many things we would like to change, like universal college, but also having to figure out where the funding would come from. We also talked about the BRT statement of their commitments to their employees, suppliers, and the environment. It was interesting to debate whether or not their statement was legitimate and if it would foster real change throughout the biggest corporations in the world. The Civil Action movie was also very eye opening, as we talked about how big corporations’ lack of social responsibility can lead to death.


At my internship this week, I continued my search for international labor plaintiffs firms to join my company’s international association. I spoke with an employment attorney from the US about finding law firms that fit their specific criteria, which was very eye opening. Additionally, I wrote my firm’s weekly newsletter. I went out to lunch with my coworkers every day and I am getting so much closer with them. It is the highlight of the work day to sit in the park and eat lunch together! We normally finish up lunch by walking to a local cafe and getting an espresso! I understand why Italian culture places so much emphasis on lunch time, because it has been a great experience so far.


This week in Milan, Bella, Sophia, and I traveled to Lake Como on Sunday. The lake and mountains were spectacular! We got lunch in Varenna and I got the opportunity to try their homemade tiramisu, which was so good. We took the ferry to Bellagio and spent the day by the beach. On our way back, we stopped for focaccia and gelato before getting back on the train. On Friday, we left on our flight to Paris. We got an amazing breakfast at a French cafe and saw the Mona Lisa at the Lourve. We also saw this Eiffel Tower, which was even more impressive and amazing than I thought it would be!


The Mona Lisa!
Lunch at Bellagio in Lake Como!
The beautiful view of the mountains at Lake Como
Sophia, Emily, and Bella taking in the art at the Louvre.

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