Jimmy Littley’s Blog Post #6: Week Ending July 1, 2023

This week during class we had no physical, in-person class. During one of the class periods we were expected to watch the movie Erin Brockovich and our second class was canceled because we had a Friday field trip earlier in the summer. The movie Erin Brockovich was very interesting and thought provoking. The film was about a model turned law professional who gets involved in a $30+ million water contamination case. Brockovich initially took the job to earn enough money to pay her bills, but she quickly became interested and emotionally attached to the water contamination case of PG&E. Brockovich traveled daily to look for records or to meet with victims who consumed the contaminated water. Brockovich ended up winning the case and PG&E was forced to pay the victims and clean up the contaminated water. After watching the film, I answered a number of questions regarding CSR and how it related to the documentary.


This week during my internship my boss traveled to the United States to meet with clients so we were virtual for the week. I was assigned a week-long market research project about a topic that we discussed in our internship seminar class. Unfortunately last week’s “cooking class” was the final one of my trip to Italy with my boss. I am disappointed because that was a great time to bond with my coworkers and learn more about Italian culture and cuisine. To make up for no more cooking classes or lunches together, my coworker took the six interns out to lunch at my favorite pizza place Pizza e Mozzarella. This was a great experience and provided me with time to talk to my fellow interns and coworker. Hopefully next week we can do something similar.


Over the weekend I decided to finally stay in Milan for the whole time. I visited the Milan Duomo with my friends Bryan and Sam and we went to a nice (but expensive) brunch with a view of the Duomo. The Duomo was stunning and provided great views of the City of Milan. Once inside, we walked around and took in the breathtaking architecture. My favorite aspect of the Duomo was the stained glass windows. Every window in the Duomo was stained glass and each one had a unique design. When we got back from visiting the Duomo we looked into planning our final weekend in Italy: a group trip to a Tuscan villa. Luckily we found an Airbnb that was able to fit all 22 students that were interested in the trip.


A Lego replica of the Milan Duomo

The stunning stained glass windows inside of the Milan Duomo

Me and my coworkers at my favorite pizza place: Pizza & Mozzarella


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