Bryan Landadio’s Blog Post #6: Week ending 7/01/2023

Internship: This week at my internship, my company had a big event centered around fundraising in the third sector. I spent the entire day helping my company rearrange the office, set up chairs and supplies, and practice their portions of the speeches. I sat with one of my coworkers while she practiced her entire portion of the talk. While I couldn’t understand anything she was saying she was grateful. I also worked on the monthly press review my company puts out that contains a slew of articles related to ESG, B Corps, sustainability, etc. I enjoyed this as I was able to read articles from the WSJ, Financial Times, and even some European news outlets that I wouldn’t normally have read.


Class: This week in virtual class we watched Erin Brockovich a film starring Julia Roberts about companies dumping waste. When I originally told my office about watching A Civil Action they all thought I was talking about Erin Brockovich which is apparently a very popular movie not only with my company but my coworkers said it’s popular among a lot of Italy. I also had time to work on my research paper with my group, I found some of the research I did to be very interesting, such as Elon Musk releasing files that proved that Twitter censored information that was “contrarian but true” because it didn’t fit the narrative of the White House.


Culture: For our last weekend the entire group got an Airbnb in the Tuscan countryside. It was a 20 minute ride outside of Florence and 22 of us were able to make it and it was so much fun. We bought a bunch of food and cooked dinner both nights and relaxed all weekend. On Sunday we spent the day in Florence wandering around and seeing the city for the last time on this trip. I was able to find a jeweler who was able to fix my silver necklace and he did it for free. I bought a nicely painted bottle of meloncello and a charcuterie board made out of olive wood for my parents. 

My necklace that my dad got in Florence 30 years ago and gave to me  broke so I brought it back to Florence and was able to get it fixed

I love ramen and miss having it back home so I went with some people this week to get some

The before shot of the 1.2 kg steak I got in Florence

The after shot…

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