Sophia Cakolli’s Blog Post #6: Week Ending 06/01/2023

This week at my internship was very similar to last week in terms of tasks. I have continued working on deep diving the start up companies for LTR vending machines. I finished this task by Friday and completed the entire two-pager presentations for each of the 19 companies I had to research further. Because my boss had to attend meetings in Venice this week from Wednesday until Friday, I only was in person at work on Tuesday, every other day I had remote work. On Tuesday, there happened to be a lot of people come to the office, and because there are only six desks, Caroline and I had to relocate to another part of the building. It ended up working out great because we got to sit at a table right in front of the air conditioning, which was very nice since it was over 90 degrees that day.


My week started off great because I spent the weekend from June 23rd until June 25th in Monopoli, Puglia with Emily, Tiffany, Ava, and Bella. We had a very relaxing beach day on Saturday and we spent the day on Sunday exploring the city which is breathtakingly beautiful. On Monday, I tried playing basketball with some of the others outside. It was very hot and I am not very good at basketball, so I felt bad for who was on my team. But it was a lot of fun and a great workout, especially considering it was over 90 degrees when we were playing with the sun beating down. Wednesday and Thursday were very chill days after work as I mostly just read my book, went to the gym, and caught up on work.


While we did not have class this week on Monday and Wednesday, Arianna and I ended up watching the Erin Brokovich movie together on Monday in Aparto. It was a really interesting movie and I was not expecting to be as intrigued with it as I was. I think that Julia Roberts played Erin Brokovich’s character very well: she was able to pull off the personality of a determined women, but who comes off very off-putting and wild to others, particularly at her workplace. On Tuesday, as credit for our internship class, we had the networking event from 7-9pm. I was happy that my boss ended up coming, and he stayed for a lot longer than I was expecting he was going to be able to which was great. I had great conversations with Raquel, who is a law consultant, as well as with Alessia, who works for IES. Finally, on Thursday in our internship course we all presented our final presentation. Mine was with Bryan, Lili, Le, and Bella and we discussed the pros and cons of Italian sustainability.


Manzo’s crew Thursday night
Ava, Tiffany, Emily, and I in Puglia
Tiffany and I at a restaurant for our last meal in Monopoli

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