Lili Sorrentino’s Blog Post #2: Week Ending in 06/03/2023

Last Monday, I commuted to ChinaTown for the first time where SuiteFood is based to meet with my boss Emmanula. To get to ChinaTown I hopped on the closest tram and took it to the Duomo and then took a trolley to Chinatown, totaling about 45 minutes during rush hour, or an hour by foot. With Emmanuela and Tiffany, we brainstormed new ideas and trends we could incorporate into our marketing. We then tested each product and learned about health benefits while also convenience benefits. For the rest of the day I worked with Emmanuela on creating a new logo for her company along with a new slogan for her new line. At the moment her slogan is directed towards her meal kits to make asian cuisines. However, her new product launch consists of powders in which you add water to make coconut beverages. This past week I created content while traveling and made an introduction video to post as a lead up to the new product launch on July 1st. 

In class, we split into groups of four and read two controversial stories. Once we read the stories, we were assigned a side to take and debated it in front of the class. For my group, we read about a widowed, elderly women who fell for a scam of over $800,000. The money had been wired by her bank across seas by the time she realized it was fraudulent. For the debate, my team had to argue that the bank should have been held reliable for not doing research as to where the large sum of money was going andif it was a legit transaction, especially due to the women’s demographics. The next class I found both topics discussed from classmates Wall Street Journal entries to be fascinating. Sachi discussed the announcement that Tik Tok may be banned in Montana due to evidence that China is spying through the app. This then lead to a debate about whether it is more important to protect our safety or preserve freedom off speech.  Additionally, Bryan had an interesting topic about the dangers if red food dye in candy and the FDAs position. 

This past week I traveled to Verona, Lake Como, and Lugano Switzerland. On Friday, everyone from Lehigh took a train to Verona, a small town I hadn’t heard of prior to this week. We took the train an hour out of the city where we took a bus to a small winery where we were given a tour to learn about the wines we would be tasting. After the tour we sat and tried three different red wines, paired with the foods that best complimented them. After the tasting, we walked into the town where we met a tour guide. Although Iam usually not a fan of tours, our guide kept everything entertaining and catered to the younger audience. Verona was rightfully packed with tourist as the town sprawled with cute streets and shops along with historical buildings, including where Romeo and Juliet met. On Saturday, myself and ten others took a train to Lugano Switzerland where the classic post card pictures of Switzerland became reality. The mountains stretched up to the sky with small buildings nestled into the trees surrounding the lake. Although the food and stores were extremely expensive, we were able to rent a pontoon boat and escape into the center of the lake to get the perfect view of the shorelines. On Sunday, we set out for our last adventure of the week to Lake Como. As soon as we arrived I knew we had landed in the town I had been warned about, notoriously packed with tourist. To escape the crowds and tourist traps we ventured along a path where we found speed boat rentals. After a picnic on the water, we spent two hours jetting around the lake, swimming in the center, and admiring the beautiful towns and houses scattered in the mountains. After boating, we were on a mission to escape the tourist trap restaurants for dinner. We set out deep into the back streets of the town where I had one of my favorite meals yet. The meal was so good that we intentionally missed our train and rescheduled a later time just so we could get dessert!


Boat on Lake Como!
Beautiful views in Lugano Switzerland
Winery in Verona

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