Throughout the Corporate Social Responsibility Course, I plan to learn what corporate social responsibility is and how it affects me in my internship/ future job experiences, the people I work with, my peers, and the world. During this course, I am excited about working with my group as we have selected “cancel culture” as our topic of discussion for our paper. I am excited to advance my public speaking skills as this is a very participation-heavy course. Throughout the course, we need to keep up with the assigned readings and assignments and be able to talk about them in class. One of the things that I am most excited about in this class is the debates that we will have. I love to hear different people’s opinions and approaches on an issue, and hearing from several slides personally helps me understand the issue better as a whole.
In the Internship Seminar class, I am very interested in learning about how I can thrive and excel more not only in my summer internship but in any of my future jobs. This is my first internship and first time being exposed to an actual work environment. I believe this class will help me be more prepared, increase my knowledge and confidence in a work setting, and help me achieve my goal of learning as much as I can in this internship. I am very excited to build my professionalism skills and how to be more confident in a work setting. I plan on using this class to my advantage as much as I can because it is here to help me succeed. I am excited to build my resume, advance my interview skills, and learn how to balance my internship with my two classes this summer.
At Lehigh, I have come to the conclusion that I plan on becoming a finance major. Because of that, I would like to have a finance internship in Milan. I am still in the beginning stages of the process, waiting to match up with a company, be put in contact with them, and go through the interview process. Personally, I am not picky about where I end up interning as I know I am fortunate enough to learn about finance at one of the finance capitals of the world. During my internship, I plan to learn the basics of finance and grow my knowledge about it. I have never had an internship before, so this will be my first time working in a professional office setting. I am very excited to learn from everyone that I work with at whatever company I end up at!
As I am very excited to take classes and have an internship this summer, I would have to say that I am most excited to travel around Milan, Europe, and other countries. As of now, I am signed up for the two class trips to Lake Maggiore and the mountain retreat adventure. I am super interested in traveling to those cities as it will be my first time going there. I am also excited about going on these trips with other Lehigh students that I will meet in Milan. Professor Gupta talked about how, on the Milan trips in previous years, the students and teachers became like “a family” and were constantly doing stuff together. I can’t wait to see new places and to meet new people! I am not sure yet, but I plan on traveling to other countries throughout Europe and learning about their culture. I haven’t had the opportunity to travel to many countries in Europe so I am very excited to get the chance to and want to travel as much as I can.