Hannah Gordon Blog Post #7: June 27, 2024

This week in Professor Gupta’s Corporate Social Responsibility class, my group got the opportunity to debate. We took the position that the Business Roundtable Pledge from 2019 is just empty rhetoric. Although I do not entirely agree with this perspective, I enjoyed arguing this position. It was very interesting to think about why companies may have chosen to sign this document and how they acted after signing it. I think that actions are sparked by claims, so in that regard they are useful. However, I also think that companies are able to reap many undeserved benefits simply by making claims without ever acting on them. It will be interesting to see how the companies who signed this pledge act in the future. 

I had a great time at my internship this week. It is starting to get bittersweet because as I continue to get closer with my coworkers I am reminded that my time here will be over soon. This week I got to spend time with more of them in person and even played ping pong with one of my coworkers today. We are planning to have a group dinner before I leave, which I am very excited for. I have still been working on the website and I am really happy with how it is coming along. I am confident that I will be able to have it done before my time here is over. 

Last weekend I went to Barcelona with some of my friends. I loved the city and had a lot of fun exploring – I LOVED tapas in particular. I was a little disappointed because a lack of adequate planning meant I was not able to see some of the attractions that I was most interested in. However, I still got to see some of Gaudi’s work and was blown away by it. Although I have really enjoyed every place I’ve visited this summer, I do not feel like I saw any of them to their fullest. I hope to go back to each of them one day with more time to explore and learn about the history. My trips have been great, but they have also made me realize how fortunate I was in the past while traveling with my family to spend more time in each place and have more resources to explore what I was interested in. 

Me at La Sagrada Familia!
Art from the Joan Miró Foundation.
Amazing tapas from our last night.
Me and Katie on a boat in Barcelona.


Charlie Petro Blog Post #7: June 27, 2024

View from the balcony at Luca’s house

This week in our CSR class, I had the opportunity of presenting my article about the standoff between Disney and DeSantis. It was a huge disagreement between government and a corporation. Eventually, it ended with both sides better off, as politicians want to be reflected and corporations want more money. However, this led me to my next article, learning about the case that leads to the possibility of a wealth tax in America. Diving deeper, I feel that tax policy is becoming more of political policy, and it is being used in order to garner public vote, instead of producing a functioning economy. It is times like this when I realize that this class is broadening my knowledge, making me dive deeper into topics I would not have originally discovered. This class is broadening my knowledge and horizons, encouraging me to expand where I look for news.
This week at my internship, I proposed new ideas for content. We are going to create new videos for entertainment, instead of our usual informative videos. I proposed this as an idea to expand viewership, so that the account can grow followers. I feel as if they take my proposals more seriously now that I have earned trust within the company. If I proposed this idea earlier on, I feel as if it wouldn’t have carried as much weight. I take pride in knowing that I am growing within the company. My relationships continue to grow with my coworkers, and I feel this is also because of the merit of my work. If I wasn’t doing as good as I was, then my trust with my employer would not be the same.
This past weekend, I had the opportunity to travel to Genova. It was an amazing sight, truly one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. It gave me inspiration for my personal writing, and was a good escape for the amount of work I have undertaken on this trip. I also had the best bread ever, focaccia fomagio, and it truly was amazing. It melted in my mouth, and was the best food I have had here in Italy. We also stayed with a friend, and it was interesting to see how his parents interacted with us as guests, which I feel is different as they would have if we were in America. They even cooked pesto pasta for us, and it was fantastic. Probably the second best meal I’ve had, behind the bread. All in all, Genova was an experience I will never forget.

    Authentic Genovese Pesto Dinner at Luca’s

Evelyn Emmon’s Blog Post #7: Week Ending June 27, 2024

This week in Professor Gupta’s Corporate Social Responsibility class, we delved deeper into stakeholder capitalism. We watched a video featuring a debate between two knowledgeable individuals discussing whether stakeholder capitalism is the ideal approach. Following this, our class engaged in a lively debate, sharing and exchanging our own ideas. In preparing for the class debate, I reflected on the assigned readings. Although The Business Roundtable appears to represent a positive step toward social responsibility, it seems contradictory when companies that signed the document, such as Amazon, simultaneously cut healthcare benefits for part-time workers. This makes it appear that declarations of social responsibility do not always lead to meaningful change. Additionally, in class, we listened to a Wall Street Journal story about the weight-loss drug Ozempic. Discussing this drug in the context of social responsibility was eye-opening, as I was unaware of the significant environmental impact of its production. This raises concerns about whether the drug, which is increasingly used by people without diabetes, will cause future harm. It was a thought-provoking discussion that highlighted the complexities of corporate responsibility.

This week at my internship, I began preparing emails to the companies I have been researching for potential partnership opportunities. I used previous emails as templates, tailoring them to fit the specific partnerships that MKS is seeking. To ensure the institutions I’m contacting have all the necessary information, I also attached a presentation I received at the start of my internship. This presentation provides a comprehensive overview of MKS, including its mission, values, and past successes. My goal is to have all the emails sent by Monday, and I am excited to see the responses. Additionally, the office has been very busy this week as students prepare to showcase their work at the end of the week. I have had the chance to see some of the designs the students have created, and they are truly impressive. It’s been a rewarding experience to witness their creativity and hard work firsthand.

This past weekend, a group of us traveled to Nice, France. The city was vibrant and lively, with parades and street bands creating an energetic atmosphere. We also encountered several Pride celebrations, which were lively and fun, featuring DJs, a variety of drinks, and delicious food! On the second day, we visited a beach club and were amazed by the stunningly blue water—it was unlike anything I’d seen before. We spent theday soaking up the sun and swimming. The water was a bit rougher than I expected, making it challenging to get out once we were in. That night, we dined at an excellent restaurant and tried the special: beef cheek stew with gnocchi. Although I was initially hesitant, having never tried beef cheek before, it was delicious. I also sampled some of Kate’s escargot for the first time and found it surprisingly enjoyable. It was a fantastic trip filled with new experiencesand unforgettable moments.


Band playing in the street.
Beach in Nice.

Cara Chiappinelli’s Blog Post #7: Week Ending June 27, 2024

Our discussion this week centered around stakeholder capitalism and if corporations really have an obligation to people outside of their shareholders. We watch a debate between two highly knowledgeable;e economists who argued over the legitimacy of stakeholder capitalism. Before this debate, I thought I was going to be on the side of fully believing in stakeholder capitalism, yet the economist against the concept brought up points I had never considered before. Specifically, he talked about how government intervention is not a part of stakeholder capitalism, and I believe that intervention is necessary to make corporations act ethically in a timely manner. Many of our social issues, like climate change, cannot be solved through slow mindset changes, which is what stakeholder capitalism entails. 

Instead of our internship seminar, we had a networking event in substitution for class. Unfortunately, my boss was traveling on Thursday, so he was unable to make it to the event. However, I was introduced to all of my friend’s bosses and was able to connect with people that way! Allie, her two bosses and I were able to chat for a while since we ate dinner as a group. This experience was super fun because it allowed me to talk to some Italians who have lived in the Milan area for years. We even got some restaurant recommendations for Florence because we are traveling there this weekend. The hotel the event was at was also gorgeous! 

My work this week was extremely busy since the project I am currently working on involves backing up data that will be lost on July 1st. Universal Analytics, an older version of Google Analytics, is shutting down at the end of June and all the data track from the client’s website will be lost. I have been working on code that automatically transfers this data to a looker studio dashboard to visualize the data. Unfortunately, I did not get approved access to a bunch of the data from clients until today, meaning I spent pretty much the entire day making sure my code was running smoothly and redoing certain blocks. All of my coworkers are slammed with work too; this is the first time I have ever seen Italians work through lunch!

Last weekend some friends and I flew to Ibiza, which was super exciting. We got to see this famous dj, Calvin Harris, perform live! However, my favorite part was this car boot market we went to in the middle of the island on saturday. Every week, hundreds of local vendors drive to the same location and sell vintage or home made clothing and jewelry from their trunks. I have been looking for a watch while abroad and I finally found a silver one I really love. I even got to haggle the price down a bit, which made the purchase more worth it. The ocean was so clear too! We visited one beach on the opposite side of the island and the sandbar went out for a long time.

Beautiful church in Ibiza
The carboot market
Fresh squid from Ibiza
View from the top of a castle in Ibiza town

Cooper Nelson Blog Post #7: Week Ending June 27, 2024

Corporate Social Responsibility
This week in Professor Gupta’s Corporate Social Responsibility class, we delved into various pertinent issues. My Wall Street Journal presentation focused on Instagram’s failure to censor pornographic content accessible to children, a topic that resonated deeply with me and connected to my earlier journal entry about social media’s contribution to mental health issues. Additionally, I found Victoria’s journal discussion on California’s ban on certain locomotive engines to reduce carbon emissions particularly engaging. The debate revealed the complexity of the issue, ultimately suggesting that the measure might be both unnecessary and ineffective. Our class debate on whether CSR is a genuine commitment or merely a public relations illusion continued to be thought-provoking. The more we discussed, the more I became convinced that CSR is largely an illusion, a concept imposed on corporations rather than a voluntary, heartfelt practice.

My internship has continued to progress smoothly, and we’re now entering the questionnaire phase. Livi and I are tasked with creating surveys to distribute to crowdfunding platforms and campaigners, aiming to compile statistics on the current state of crowdfunding in 2024. On Thursday, we had a busy day with back-to-back networking events. The first was a Turbo Crowd partnership event with Publicis, where Claudio delivered an informative presentation, followed by an aperitivo where I learned more about my coworkers. Immediately after, we headed to the IES event, where I reunited with friends and met their colleagues. The evening was filled with lively conversations, numerous glasses of wine, and an array of incredible snacks, including a particularly memorable pesto lasagna. These events provided valuable networking opportunities.

Travel and Cultural Immersion
Last weekend, Evan and I embarked on a journey to Monterosso, one of the five picturesque towns that make up the Cinque Terre. Known for its beach resort atmosphere, Monterosso was the perfect destination for us. We took an early train and spent the day basking in the sun, enjoying the crystal-clear waters, sipping on drinks, and, of course, getting a bit sunburned. The following day, we traveled to Nervi, near Genoa, where we met up with Luca Prando at his childhood home. Luca, a high school friend and freshman year roommate, showed us around. We spent the day exploring the stunning coastal scenery and indulging in local delicacies like focaccia col formaggio and the famous Genovese pesto. Before heading back on Sunday, Luca’s father graciously gave me a personal tour of their backyard, which was a paradise filled with fruit trees. The weekend was a perfect blend of relaxation, adventure, and delightful culinary experiences.

Monterosso, One of the Towns in Cinque Terre

Window in Castello di Nervi

Authentic Genovese Pesto Dinner at Luca’s

Travel and Cultural Immersion
Luca’s Incredible Back Patio View

Allison Dubler – Blog post #7: Week ending June 27th

  1. Professor Gupta’s academic course on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
    1. This week in Professor Gupta’s academic course on Corporate Social Responsibility, we debated whether the recently-released statement from the Business Roundtable about the purpose of a corporation was purely rhetoric, or if it will prompt real change. I find this debate extremely interesting because I genuinely am torn between both arguments of the debate; I always find myself doubting the true intentions of a corporation, and this statement brought about no different reaction in me. I felt that the statement from the Business Roundtable was just an attempt to follow the demands of society, wanting more accountability for corporations. I have trouble accepting that the motivations of this new statement were anything but rhetoric. However, I do find myself thinking that maybe some corporations truly will hold themselves more accountable now that more of society demands so.  
  2. Practicum in Milan with an Italian Company
    1. At my internship this week I found myself nervous about making sure I am doing enough. I have not gotten many new tasks in the past week, and I get anxious that I am not doing enough. I want to make a good impression on my colleagues, so I have been asking for more to do and trying to ask for as much feedback as I can without overstepping. I also have been working to make stronger connections with my colleagues. Today, Thursday, I went with my two colleagues, Laura and Lorenzo, to the grocery store for lunch. I had already packed a lunch, but I thought it was a good idea to spend some time with them outside of the office. During lunch, we talked for an hour about random things and really enjoyed the break.  
  3. Social and Cultural immersion through travels in Italy and Europe
    1. This past weekend, my friends and I flew to Barcelona on Thursday night. Our flight ended up getting delayed, so we didn’t end up arriving at our AirBnB until around 1am. However, I had a spectacular time in Barcelona. The first day we all just walked around the city and explored before getting incredible Tapas for dinner. The next day, we went on a small group boat tour that included someone driving the boat for us. It came with unlimited drinks and snacks, and we were even able to jump off of the boat and swim. Although I got seasick at some points on the boat, the captain let me drive to take my mind off of it. That night, we also got Tapas from a different restaurant, which was also delicious. 
Really cool building I passed on a walk in Milan yesterday.
Such a pretty night on the canal after dinner with friends.
This was an awesome stock market-themed bar that we went to in Barcelona. The drink prices would rise and drop throughout the night.
On the boat in Barcelona.
La Sagrada Familia! It was so beautiful.
Probably the best breakfast I have eaten in my life. So good !!!!!!


Madeleine Richardson- Blog post #7: Week ending June 27th

This week in class we further discussed corporate social responsibility if feasible and beneficial. I thought this was very interesting because before this class, I never really understood how controversial this topic is and how corporations giving back to social and environmental issues is revolutionary. Growing up during this change, I assumed that companies were getting involved with these issues because they cared about them and really wanted to make a change but this class has helped me realize that there are more motives behind this agenda which can be questionable. Additionally, this week I was part of a debate discussing this topic. I was on the pro CSR side which I found a lot easier than the con because as the industry is modernizing I think this is a very important aspect.

This week I feel like I am finally getting the hang of going to my internship and I know what to do when I get to the office. This is very refreshing because the first few weeks I was very nervous to go into the office and when I finished a task I wasn’t really sure what to do. Additionally, this week I attended an assembly with the whole company and a few other people in the industry to listen to the President talk about the future of Camera Moda. This presentation was completely in Italian so I was really unsure about what they were talking about however I think it was a cool thing to experience and see. 

This weekend we went to Nice! It was a six hour train ride which made for an intense travel day, however it was very fun to go to a different country because so far we have only been traveling around Italy. In Nice we had a beach day and walked around the town and some of their markets. Everything was so pretty and it was one of my favorite things I visited while being here. Additionally, on the way back to Milan, some of us made a stop in Monaco. The city was extremely small and on the side of a huge mountain which I wasn’t expecting. I couldn’t find somewhere to leave my bag, so I was rolling my suitcase up and down the hills which was very difficult. 

Zucchini Flowers in Nice!
Beautiful flowers we found at the farmers market.
Walking around the town after a beach day.
The docks in Monaco!

Paige Christakos’ Blog Entry #7: Week Ending June 27, 2024

This week in Professor Gupta’s class we watched videos and talked a lot about the topic of stakeholder capitalism and whether or not it is real and actually can be implemented. We debated on the topic of whether the Business Round Table’s 2019 statement was actually filled with substance or not which was really interesting because we got to hear arguments from both sides of the argument. We also had discussions about several Wall Street Journal articles like California’s new transportation laws and Eli Lilly’s new drug controversy which were very spirited. I also had fun writing an opinion piece on the topic of stakeholder capitalism because it’s something that I’ve come to learn a lot about through the class and have been able to form a somewhat strong opinion on.

In my internship this week Sophia and I continued to work on the presentations we were given feedback on last week. I do find it interesting as it pertains to my major, but one day this week we spent two hours sorting/matching up keychains for the company’s apartments which was pretty monotonous and boring but it made the time go by fast. Due to the strike on Wednesday our boss told us to work from home so we wouldn’t have any trouble getting to and from work which was really nice! I asked the girl that I work under if she wanted me to come in on Thursday instead because I am normally remote on Thursdays, but she told me I didn’t have to switch days and could be remote for the rest of the week. Sophia’s and I’s work environment is very relaxed and flexible which I really enjoy.

This past weekend me and a couple of friends explored Ibiza which was such a cool experience! We went to the beach on Friday during the day and at night went to a concert to se Calvin Harris which was my favorite part of the trip. On Saturday we explored the Ibiza castle which had great views from the top, walked around a famous local market, and then laid out on the beach for the rest of the day. I got my sister and I matching bracelets at the market and the water at the beach was so clear, blue and shallow so you could walk out really far. The beaches we went to were also sand which was a nice change of pace from the pebbly beaches we have been to so far.

Sunset from the 10th floor of Aparto
Delicious pasta from Gloria Osteria
Church at the top of the Ibiza Castle!
Beach day in Ibiza!

Jonah Nathan Blog Post #7: Week Ending June 27, 2024

This past week, in Professor Gupta’s Corporate Social Responsibility class, we delved deep into stakeholder capitalism, its definition, and whether it’s real or fake. I enjoyed listening to the debate on whether or not “the 2019 BRT Statement of the Purpose of a Corporation is just empty rhetoric.” I have thought it to mainly be empty rhetoric, so listening to the side pushing for how it has made an impact was an excellent first step toward progress. It was interesting to hear. Hearing the debate opened my eyes to the fact that we must start somewhere, even if corporations still break the BRT document they signed. Every problem solution has to start somewhere. I agree that this update to the BRT statement on the purpose of a corporation was a good first step towards enacting change in the world of corporate social responsibility.

During my internship this week, I continued automating the application process for our potential business angels. I’ve created individual Typeforms embedded in emails linked to status on Monday.com. This setup ensures that when I update the status, the system automatically sends emails directly to the potential business angels with the specific Typeform they need to fill out. This automation has amazed many of my coworkers, simplifying what used to be such a complex process for them to navigate for such an essential part of their business. Learning HTML code for this project has been very interesting, and I am excited to continue improving my skills in this new coding language. This experience has broadened my technical knowledge and enhanced my ability to create efficient and automated workflows.

Over the past week, I immersed myself in Italian culture. Evan, Mahan, Cooper, Charlie, and I went to Genova to stay with our friend from Lehigh Luca’s house. He was initially from Genova but moved to the right near Lehigh and went to school there. Staying at an Italian family’s home truly got us involved in the Italian culture. The first night, we had one of the only pizzas throughout my time here in Milan, and that blew me away. The following day, we tried focaccia con formaggio, specifically from Camogli, one of the only places to find real authentic focaccia con formaggio. It was a fragile focaccia filled with almost a melted cheese spread that was a tremendous, genuine Italian lunch. Later that night, we had the opportunity to have an authentic homemade Italian dinner with breadsticks, cold cuts, pesto pasta, and parmigiano reggiano. It was an incredible weekend for food and a fantastic weekend in a beach town in Italy.

View from the balcony at Luca’s house
Genova homemade pesto pasta
The best pizza from the first night in Genova
Inside the kitchen where they make Focaccia con Formaggio

Addy O’Shea’s Blog Entry #7: Week Ending June 27, 2024

This week in Professor Gupta’s class, we heavily discussed the concept of stakeholder capitalism. This idea basically combines all the topics we have discussed thus far. Stakeholder capitalism is a new business idea and trend that calls for companies to do more than just prioritize profit – it requires them to maximize profit for all stakeholders in the business, including customers, employees, suppliers, shareholders, and more. We discussed if this concept of business was sensible or even feasible, and many people had great arguments for both sides. On top of in-class debates, we also watched a video of a debate between two renowned economic professors who specialize in this topic. It was very intriguing to hear both sides, and ultimately I left the class even more conflicted than before. While I instinctually lean towards principles that prioritize business profit, stakeholder capitalism has compelling ideas that bring up solid arguments. I’m interested to continue this discussion next week.


After a twelve day stint of virtual working, I was expected to return to in-person work this week. My boss returned from her business trip in Valencia, where she was speaking on behalf of Airbnb as a community leader. She was very excited about how successful the presentation and forum had gone, and it was really great to hear about her experience leading her professional community into a positive direction. It was fun for my work team to be back together again – not only are we more productive together, but it is much more fun to spend the day chatting and bouncing ideas off of each other in person. We ended this week by having a midday aperitivo to celebrate Lucia’s brand new car, and brand new airbnb listing! Lucia also took us on a field trip to visit one of the apartments that we manage, which was so fun to see.


All week I have been going through Croatia-withdraw, after I spent four days last weekend in Rijeka to visit one of my best friends from school. Although it was a long journey to get there (almost seven hours of travel in total), it was totally worth it. With my friends, I spent two nights in Rijeka, which is the largest port city in Croatia, and one night in Krk, which is well-known for being a vacation destination for Croatians. Overall, it was an amazing experience – the seafood was delicious, the scenery was beautiful, and the people were so friendly. It was also sooo much cheaper than Italy, which was a pleasant surprise. However, the hot weather definitely gave me a newfound appreciation for the unusually temperate weather that we have been experiencing in Milan this summer.

Fieldtrip with Lucia










Aparto Sunset










Rijeka Beach










Dinner in Krk!