Su Huai Chermayeff Post #3: Week Ending June 2nd, 2024

Heading into the second official week of Gupta’s Corporate Social Responsibility course, we still have not had an in person class. That being said, we have learned a number of things. For my second week’s Wall Street Journal post I decided to write about major companies such as Hulu, Netflix, and HBO Max changing their subscription plans into bundled packages. This article proved to be insightful relating to corporate social responsibility because it made me think about how companies that we interact with on a regular basis might not always have consumers’ true best interest in mind. I really enjoyed my article this week since I am an avid watcher of these platforms and it made me think of the thought that goes behind what plans I am currently paying for. 

Since my last blog post we have not had another class for the Swain internship seminar, but we did have a homework assignment. In this homework assignment we were asked to reflect on our first week at our internship and pinpoint areas of struggle, improvement, and strategies of how we would improve. While the first part seemed quite repetitive of my last week’s journal entry, the second half of the assignment was helpful as it served as an opportunity to pinpoint areas of actionable change and improvements. The internship seminar is making us think of creative ways to step outside of our comfort zone and improve on areas where we feel less comfortable or not strong in. 

Since the last blog post, at my internship, this week I was put in a scenario that I am completely foreign to. We were told that we would be advertising a property and recorded during this for it to be posted on social media. Charlie, Jack, and myself felt quite unprepared and unaware that we were going to have to do this. While it was quite enjoyable to get out of the office and see the spaces that we were working with virtually in person, we did not feel as though we were working long enough to all of the sudden be a face that appears in real life property rental advertisements. That being said, we were able to learn enough information to sufficiently explain the space and I think we all learned new skills. 

This past weekend we certainly had an adventure. With a 5am wake up, the whole group was ready to adventure to the Swiss alps. With a 3 hour nap on the bus, we arrived at the high ropes course awakened and ready for an adventure. I was excited to get out of the city and this ropes course was a great opportunity to be in nature and have a fun adventure. Once we finished the ropes course we had a two hour break where we had lunch and then we were off to a hike. Unfortunately, while the hike was fun at times, there was a significant amount of snow to the point where we were unable to get to the final destination of lake Arpy. There were beautiful views and this was a great opportunity to hang out with friends and experience a new area of Italy. 

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