Sophia Lis’ Blog Post #5: June 13th, 2024

The debate over how rich a sustainability premium people are willing to pay was an interesting debate in class this week. Professor Gupta mentioned how a 2022 study found 80% of participants stated that they cared about sustainability, but less than 7% actually paid more for sustainable products. Professor Gupta’s take on this was that talk is cheap, but I feel a lack of knowledge, research, and income can also contribute to the results of this survey. Something that stood out to me while watching the documentary “The Corporation” was the idea of ownership for every square foot of the earth. Of course, when you hear this idea it sounds impossible that every inch of the earth could be owned by someone, along with how complex it would be to actually set the parameters. However, if everyone acted in the best interest of the land they owned, it seems possible that more sustainable decisions would be made in favor of the environment. 

I learned a lot more about Italian culture in Professors Swain and Gupta’s Internship Seminar this week, such as how there are usually not many Italian flags around, unless Italy is proud of a recent accomplishment and showing their pride. For example, if the AC Milan soccer team won a game, many more flags would be out. I also learned about an Italian dish more commonly eaten in the winter called pizzoccheri. This stood out to me as on the IES trip this weekend to northern Italy, we had pizzoccheri for dinner one night and it was great! Paige and I completed the “Workplace Profile Encyclopedia” together, and I learned more about the competitive industry the company I work for is in. The short term rental industry faces strong competition both attracting tenants and property owners, which makes the industry dynamic and multifaceted. I hope the work I’m doing will help my company gain more properties and continue to profit. 

At work this week, I was given much freedom with how I spend my time. I had presentations to edit and update, but I did not see my boss all week since he didn’t come into the office. I appreciate the autonomy I was given to do the work at my own pace, although I do wish I was given more feedback so I had a better idea of what was needed from me. My favorite part of the work day would have to be enjoying espresso and cookies with the people in the office. After a conversation with my boss, I found a balance between going into the office and working from home that works for both of us. The plan is for me to come into the office 3 days a week, then work from home the other 2 days. I’m glad we had this conversation so I can better plan my weeks going forward. 

On Sunday, the group on the IES trip went on a hike around the cabin where we stayed the night. I loved being outside and seeing the nature in Northern Italy. I spent the majority of last week planning my trips out for the following weekends to try to take advantage of my time abroad! I am traveling to Nice this weekend and plan on spending one day on the beach and one day exploring Monte Carlo. I haven’t bought anything special for myself or my family yet in Italy, so I’m hoping there will be a unique selection of boutiques and shops in Nice so I can get something to remember the trip by.

Cute dog on our hike
Scenery outside where we stayed  in Northern Italy
Paige, Hannah, and I taking in the view
Area we hiked around on Sunday

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