Lilly Shanker’s Blog Post #6: June 20, 2024

(1) Professor Gupta’s academic course on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

In class this week we discussed re domestication, state charting competition, learned about “greed is good,” and had a debate on Corporate Social Responsibility and if shareholder maximization should be the only goal of a public company. I had the opportunity of participating in the debate on the opposite side. Our group brought up points from several of the readings, such as stockholder theory, the long term benefits, ethical obligations, and an adapting and evolving society. It was really interesting to take part in the debate as I got to learn how to think quickly on my feet and use my communication skills. I also enjoyed listening to the other groups in the other room that did the same debate to compare and contrast the points they made. 


(2) Professors Swain and Gupta’s Internship Seminar 

This week we discussed our upcoming network event, our readings on communication, American and European stereotypes, and took the self quiz on “how ethnocentric am I?” We learned the terms “low context” and “high context”.” I found this really interesting because I was able to put a label on my job environment and the instruction type that my boss gives me here verus home. At my home retail job, I definitely am in a low context environment, where my boss is very clear about what she wants me to do. For example, take inventory on these 5 shirts, work the cash register, restock this shelf until you are done, etc. While the jobs are very different and my retail job may be easier in some way, I feel that they both require specific directions in order for me to clearly complete the task. For my job here, I am definitely in a high context situation where I need to read between the lines; however, since I am not aware of this and have been here for about a month, I am much better at asking questions and asking for direct and instant feedback. This has improved my experiences greatly and definitely took some adjusting in the beginning. It was also interesting to compare the different street types across the different cultures because it was funny to laugh at the ones that are true and not be pleasantly surprised at the ones that are actually true. The ethnocentric quiz also made me realize how much I have grown since the beginning of this program as an individual and how I have learned so much in just the 4 weeks I have been here. I am interested to see where I am at the very end of this program. 


(3) a Practicum in Milan with an Italian Company 

I have definitely gotten a routine down and I was eager to work on some new projects. This week I responded to reviews in many different languages that range from Dutch, French, Italian, English and more! My boss advised that I use translation and stick to basic phrases when replying, but she wanted me to get more exposure to the Italian language which I enjoyed. I also started a new database, but this time, I knew exactly what questions to ask and what my boss was looking for in the beginning. I believe that my communication skills have thoroughly improved with this job and I am learning how to adapt to and conquer new tasks. I have also noticed that my relationship with my boss has become more personal. While I am not offered coffee or have seen any of my coworkers eat lunch, I am now always given a glass of water with a smile.


(4) Social and Cultural immersion through travels in Italy and Europe

This past weekend, a small group of us traveled and stayed in Nice for the weekend. We departed Thursday evening and came back Sunday night. While I wish I had more time in France, this was one of my favorite weekend trips because I felt I got the most out of being there. We spent all day Friday on the beach. The water was crystal clear blue and we lucked out on the weather since it was supposed to rain and only sun showered for a little. We enjoyed lunch on the beach and got to observe sailboats sail by and swimmers training for the Ironman competition that was held the following Sunday. We then got dinner as a big group where we enjoyed some delicious pasta and meats. On Saturday, we explored Old Nice, or Vieux Nice. I got my mom  some fleur de sel, her favorite salt and walked around vintage little markets and noticed several soap vendors. We then enjoyed another nice meal all together by the water. On the way back from Nice, Livi and I encountered some trouble with the train strikes. Two of our trains and connecting ones got canceled. This led to a long travel day on Sunday. While waiting at the train station for hours on end, I also noticed that the train station was filled with a lot more litter and cigarette butts. Despite the long travel day on the way home, Nice was a place I hope to go see again, and I was so happy to finally put my years of French to use. 


The train tracks in Nice filled with cigarettes.
One of the many delicious meals I enjoyed this week.
Lunch with a view on a beach in Nice.
Dinner by the water!

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