Victoria Hawk’s Blog Post #7: June 27, 2024

This week in the CSR class, we continued our daily routine of starting class on Monday with two WSJ conversations. The person who picked that article talks about it, and then the person commenting on it also shares their thoughts. After they go, the rest of the class can share their views and ask questions. We did that for the first half of class. In the second half of class, we watched a video. On Wednesday, we had a similar structure starting with WSJ. I shared my WSJ about California wanting to have zero emission motors in cars and trains, and not letting cars and trains enter that aren’t up to CARB standards, and how that affects the rest of the country. After my article, another student shared, and then we went on to debate whether corporations have empty rhetoric or not.  

In my internship, we have started to enter the beginning stages of talking to clients about the tradeshow Sigep. I talked about this last week, but we have been making calls and sending out a mass amount of emails to almost 800 people on Thursday. On Monday, it was to get back to work and check our email to see who responded, and who is interested in coming to sigep. Our boss told us we had a positive turnout from years prior, and many more people are interested. The following days, we worked from home and continued to clean up and organize the data sheets of other clients we are planning on reaching out to. 

This weekend, I traveled with seven girls and went to a nice. I went on Saturday, but the rest of the group went on Friday, and when I arrived, I heard about the chaos that occurred on Friday night. Apparently, the air bnb we got was in an unsafe area, and doors didn’t lock and fully shut. Around 2 am, some people started banging on doors outside of the Airbnb, which was scary, and they had to call the police. We ended up moving to a hotel, and it all worked out. The rest of the trip was great, and on Saturday, I met up with them, and we spent the day at the beach, explored nice, and then got dinner. On Sunday,  a few of us went to Monaco and explored the town. It was very cool to see the yachts, and then we spent the rest of the day at a beach club, then headed home to Milan!


Me, Kiera, Kate, Julia, and Jen in Nice!

Beach in Nice

Cod Rissoto that I had one night for dinner this weekend.

Yachts in Monaco

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