Jonah Nathan Blog Post #7: Week Ending June 27, 2024

This past week, in Professor Gupta’s Corporate Social Responsibility class, we delved deep into stakeholder capitalism, its definition, and whether it’s real or fake. I enjoyed listening to the debate on whether or not “the 2019 BRT Statement of the Purpose of a Corporation is just empty rhetoric.” I have thought it to mainly be empty rhetoric, so listening to the side pushing for how it has made an impact was an excellent first step toward progress. It was interesting to hear. Hearing the debate opened my eyes to the fact that we must start somewhere, even if corporations still break the BRT document they signed. Every problem solution has to start somewhere. I agree that this update to the BRT statement on the purpose of a corporation was a good first step towards enacting change in the world of corporate social responsibility.

During my internship this week, I continued automating the application process for our potential business angels. I’ve created individual Typeforms embedded in emails linked to status on This setup ensures that when I update the status, the system automatically sends emails directly to the potential business angels with the specific Typeform they need to fill out. This automation has amazed many of my coworkers, simplifying what used to be such a complex process for them to navigate for such an essential part of their business. Learning HTML code for this project has been very interesting, and I am excited to continue improving my skills in this new coding language. This experience has broadened my technical knowledge and enhanced my ability to create efficient and automated workflows.

Over the past week, I immersed myself in Italian culture. Evan, Mahan, Cooper, Charlie, and I went to Genova to stay with our friend from Lehigh Luca’s house. He was initially from Genova but moved to the right near Lehigh and went to school there. Staying at an Italian family’s home truly got us involved in the Italian culture. The first night, we had one of the only pizzas throughout my time here in Milan, and that blew me away. The following day, we tried focaccia con formaggio, specifically from Camogli, one of the only places to find real authentic focaccia con formaggio. It was a fragile focaccia filled with almost a melted cheese spread that was a tremendous, genuine Italian lunch. Later that night, we had the opportunity to have an authentic homemade Italian dinner with breadsticks, cold cuts, pesto pasta, and parmigiano reggiano. It was an incredible weekend for food and a fantastic weekend in a beach town in Italy.

View from the balcony at Luca’s house
Genova homemade pesto pasta
The best pizza from the first night in Genova
Inside the kitchen where they make Focaccia con Formaggio

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