Livi Mielke Blog Post #8: July 4, 2024

1) Academic Enrichment via Professor Gupta’s Corporate Social Responsibility course
This week in Professor Gupta’s corporate social responsibility class we continued with the same routine as always with the discussion of Wall Street Journal articles, homework case studies and debates on them, and then later a video. For the Wall Street Journal I was particularly interested in Alexandra’s article about the current state of wages for Doordash drivers. It made me realize how expensive these services have gotten and that it is almost a feedback loop where Doordash cannot afford to pay their workers so they add on more fees and then their drivers make less money. We also conducted a group discussion about the Apple case studies and had the opportunity to dig into corporate ethics and how to adjust general ethical standards country by country. We now have to focus on our final papers and presentations to wrap up the course which should be a lot of work but I am excited to work with my group and get it done.

2) Academic Enrichment via Gupta/Swain Internship Seminar
This week in Professor Swain and Professor Gupta’s internship seminar we discussed our post event impressions of the networking event. I thought this was a fun and open environment to find out more about my peers’ internships and tell them about my own. Because my boss was not there I could take my own direction with who I wanted to talk to. We also discussed key tips to understanding differences in working environments. Me and my group discussed how different relationships work in different workplaces, and how we need to be flexible. We also got to discuss our intrinsic motivation activities, which I thought was a really interesting way to evaluate what I have taken away from my internship and my experiences in Milan. I realized that in the future I will definitely be seeking in person job and internship opportunities because I really am not motivated at all by working online.

(3) Actual Internship
This week we switched things up at TurboCrowd and moved on to creating the State of Crowdfunding annual survey to prepare a report. This was much more fun than just scraping data and I got to actually be creative with the way I was making the survey and how I was asking the questions to get the most efficient answers. I am happy with the progress I am making and I feel like I have gotten into more of a rhythm of things with the pattern of when I do work. We also got to attend an in person event this last week! We got to attend the launch of Turbo Crowds partnership with Publicis group, the multinational advertising agency. I could not hear much of the event because it was in Italian, but it was a really cool experience. We also got to interact with some of our coworkers who live far away in Naples and build better relationships with the coworkers that we have already met. Overall, I am excited to be in the final stretch of this internship progress and I feel like I have been learning a lot.

(4) Cultural Immersion through group and personal travels
This past weekend myself and some friends boarded the train early on Friday morning and headed to Florence! It was so much fun to explore such a beautiful, historic city, and I really appreciated how walkable it was. We got to see the Duomo in Florence from a cool viewpoint in a local library which was one of the most stunning buildings I’ve ever seen. All of Friday we explored and walked around with little direction and it was actually really fun to just dip into whatever store or building we thought looked cool. That night, we went out to dinner at Trattoria Gobi and enjoyed a delicious meal of Florentine steaks and pasta. The line was super long but it was absolutely worth the wait and we all left so full but so content with the meal we had just had. The next day we woke up and it was scorching 99 degrees outside but we were surprised with the beginning of the Tour De France! My whole family is super into road and mountain biking so this was such an incredible sight to see. This next week I won’t be going on any sort of trip and I am planning to explore Milan “the tourist way.”

Affogato in Florence
School of leather
Night out last weekend
Beginning point of the Tour de France

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