Addy O’Shea’s Blog Post #9: July 11, 2024

This week in Prof. Gupta’s class each group presented their research and opinions on their assigned topics. It was interesting to hear all of the different issues each group researched, and what their take on each issue was. It was ultimately like an overview of most of the topics we have discussed throughout our time in Milan, so it was a great way to reflect on what we have learned. My group specifically researched whether or not ESG-investing has a future.This challenged one of the most conflicting topics we talked about, which was whether companies should prioritize ESG or profit. However, research allowed me to realize a different question that was possibly more important – is ESG profitable in itself? We decided that it was, and that ESG-investing does have a future. I will be interested to see how this evolves in the future, and if our prediction is correct.


In our last internship seminar of the trip, we discussed interview skills and then shared presentations for all of our italy-based research questions. Prof. Gupta was very helpful when talking about the do’s and don’ts of interview skills. I also realized that I have a lot of practicing to do to prepare for upcoming interviews that I will have to do in the coming year. My main focus will be to prepare genuine and intelligent questions to all questions that could be thrown at me, as well as think up some good questions to ask at the end of every interview. The presentations for Prof. Swain’s portion of the class was also interesting – we learned a lot about the sustainability of Italy.


Although I am working through the end of the week for BoutiqueNB, my last day in-person was on Tuesday. Since my boss left for a trip on Wednesday, Tuesday was the last day that all of us would be together working from her apartment. I was very bittersweet because although I am so sad to leave the company and the people I worked with, I am so grateful to have had such a wonderful experience working here. For our last day, me and the other intern took my boss and her nine year old son out to lunch. We ended up spending the whole afternoon together, running to a few apartments and also getting coffee. I had such an amazing time working here and highly value the lessons I’ve learned and relationships I’ve developed in my time here.


I can’t believe it’s already our last week in Milan! It has been such an amazing experience – I would start it all over again if I could. Last weekend, Sophie and I met up with our friend in Venice. We spend Saturday at Lido, the nearby beach, and Friday night and Sunday morning exploring the city. One of the highlights of the trip was the gondola – we felt that we didn’t really do Venice if we didn’t overpay for a gondola ride. Our driver let us drive the boat! Overall, Venice was the best way to round out this trip. Going home will be bittersweet – although I can’t wait to see my family and friends again (and have access to ice and free water), I will miss Milan and European life a lot. I’ve learned so many lessons that have grown me as a person and a student, and I will carry these lessons with me for the rest of my life.


BoutqiueNB Lunch (feat. Daniel, very excited for pasta)









One of our last Aparto Sunsets










Dinner with Sophie










Drivin the boat

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