Charlie Petro’s Blog Post #9: Week Ending July 11, 2024

This week in our CSR class we finished our presentations. I found it to be very valuable to research my topic and present it to the class, as it helped me develop skills I will use in the future when I take on a career. I also learned a lot of new information as it pertained to the other group’s research topics, and found their presentations to be very interesting. They helped to expand my knowledge on important topics, ones that I usually wouldn’t pay much attention to. As the class ends, I am proud to say that my skills in research have improved, as well as my general knowledge as it pertains to CSR. I feel like that I am much more knowledgeable than I was before, and can start to embrace debate while defending my positions in the right way, rather than making uninformed decisions based on prior knowledge.

In Professor Swaine’s class, we got important information as it pertained to interviews for our upcoming internship applications. As someone who has already been through this process, I felt that the ideas we learned would have been very valuable for me to know at the time, and I will keep these concepts in the back of my mind as I progress in my career and have to go through more interview processes. We also made presentations in this class as well, primarily as they related to the culture and background of Italy. My group chose sustainability, and we did a lot of research on Italy’s efforts to make a more sustainable environment, and how they are working to push back against climate change. Overall, we found their efforts to be mostly successful, but the income of Italy remains an issue when it comes to individual emissions, as it is harder to afford higher end electric transport.

As my internship wraps up, I felt myself sad to say goodbye to my coworkers. I have developed strong and true relationships with them, some who don’t even speak a lick of English. I feel as if I contributed a lot to the company as well, and am proud of what we managed to accomplish. Overall, we finished much of the data entry assigned to us, and were able to complete it much faster than the current employees were able to, as they have a lot of other tasks on their plates. I also learned more of how the business operates, and can say comfortably that I could describe the functions of the business I interned for in an interview environment, practically and efficiently explaining the experience I gained. It was a very fun experience, and I consider myself blessed to be able to partake in it.

This past weekend we traveled to Split. This was one of the first times this trip I felt I was on a true vacation, and it was amazing. It was a great way to end the trip, and am happy to say that I have developed many meaningful relationships while I have been here. Split was beautiful, and it was interesting to see mostly tourists in the area we traveled. I did not have much difficulty acclimating to the environment, as it was something I have done before, and I felt proud of myself that I was able to adapt so quickly. We spent time on the beach as well as embarking on a small cruise while we were there, and it was something that I will remember for a long time. It was the most fun experience that I had while I have been abroad, and am happy I got to end the trip on a high note.

A bunch of dogs at sea
Chillin on a couch
View from Split
Aura filled walk to jet

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