Hannah Gordon’s Blog Post #9: Week Ending July 11, 2024

This week in Professor Gupta’s corporate social responsibility class we completed our final papers and presented our findings. While this project took a lot of time and effort, I thoroughly enjoyed it. My group researched the topic of cancel culture, which is not something I had given very much thought to in the past. Through extensive research and discussion with my group, we were able to put together a product that we are all very proud of. I think that this project taught me a lot about critical thinking and research. It had been a while since I had done such a big group project, but I enjoyed working with my group members and hearing their thoughts as we made our way through the project. Overall, it was a very positive experience. 

This week in Professor Swain’s internship seminar we completed our final project presentations. My group decided to research sustainability in Italy. Specifically, we wanted to learn whether Italians are personally invested in sustainability efforts or if it is all driven by regulation. We found that it really takes both of these components to successfully create sustainability. Italy’s government creates a lot of regulations and even incentivizes sustainable practices through things like tax cuts. However, Italians also drive the cause out of personal motivation. This research helped me understand what we lack in America and gave me some ideas on how to live more sustainably. I enjoyed this project and working with my group. 

Given that this was my last week at my internship, I have done a lot of reflection on my time at G2Q. I feel unbelievably lucky to have been paired with this company and will never forget the time I spent with them. My coworkers are fascinating and brilliant people. More than that, they are extraordinarily kind and thoughtful. They have taught me so much. On Wednesday night we all went out to get drinks. We talked about a lot of things – from my time here this summer all the way to American politics and the war in Israel (in a very polite and respectful way). It was very different than the time I spend with my friends, but it was very fun and educational. I hope that my future job has as wonderful of a company culture because it made working here so much better. 

I did not travel last weekend partly because we were all a little burnt out and partly as an opportunity to explore Milan a bit more. It ended up being a very nice weekend. On Saturday I went to the vintage market near the canals. It was a huge market and I was able to find some really nice gifts for people back home. On Sunday I went to a local spa. It was a very cool experience with all different kinds of water rooms such as a rain room, a jacuzzi, a waterfall, etc. It was a great way to relax with my friends before we all go our own ways for the rest of the summer. I am very grateful to have had so many different experiences through my travels this summer and it was so much fun doing it with friends. 

Selfie with two coworkers right before saying goodbye 🙁
A canal near Aparto.
Cameras at the vintage market.
Cafe at the spa.

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