Kamara St. Paul’s Blog Post #9: Week ending on July 11, 2024

This week in Professor Gupta’s Corporate Social Responsibility class, we wrapped up our semester’s worth of work with presentations.  There were 10 groups and each group had a different topic.  My group’s topic was Artificial Intelligence and Corporate Social Responsibility.  We were able to identify several issues that we thought could potentially affect society as a result of artificial intelligence.  We also questioned how much responsibility companies have to protect people from the negative effects of the products they’re releasing, specifically regarding AI.  I thought that my peers presented well and that hearing their presentations gave a lot of insight into topics important to the final paper that my group had to do.  I also thought that many of the presentations allowed for great discussion after them regarding people’s personal experiences and expectations.

In our Internship Seminar class this week, we also had a day of presentations.  Before we began those, we did some interview preparation that I thought was really useful to prepare me for when I begin applying for domestic internships.  It was good to hear my peers’ responses and critique them because it also helped me realize things that I missed or should add as well.  I enjoyed seeing where all of my peers had gone to do their research and seeing the pictures they took.  I thought it was also surprising how many different pieces of information were found during the research because most groups presented on the same topic.  Overall, I thought that the class was really helpful in my acclimation to Italy and my internship as well as understanding the differences in culture.

This week at my internship was another slow one, which I wasn’t mad about.  We received a request to create more graphics to be sent out in next month’s newsletter and be posted onto LinkedIn.  We also edited some posts that were to be in both Italian and English to make sure that the translation was correct.  We got to see the first newsletter with some of our work in it go out and it was so great to see our work put into action.  I said my goodbyes to all of my coworkers and ate lunch with them and played foosball one last time.  I really enjoyed my experience at LG Electronics and am glad that I got this opportunity. 

This weekend, I stayed in Milan once again and was able to go to some places that I had previously missed.  Saturday, I spent about 5 hours just exploring and eating around Milan.  I went to Brera, and saw the Teatro la Scala and the botanical gardens and I saw the statue of Leonardo DaVinci as well.  After, I saw the Columns of San Lorenzo and passed by some takeaway 5 euro spritzes that I couldn’t pass up.  I went out to dinner twice with people from this program  and aperitivo twice as well, once with the other interns.  I also went to this famous panzerotti place by the Duomo that I really enjoyed.  I thought that eating and partaking in Italian culture was the perfect way to say goodbye.


Some gelato that I had

A plant at the botanical garden

Some of the pasta from one of my dinners this week

A picture from Brera

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