Evelyn Emmons Blog Post #3: June 2, 2024

The first class of the CSR course is tomorrow, and I am excited to begin discussing the topics we briefly covered during one of the classes at Lehigh before the trip. The class will hopefully allow me and others to share what we have noticed and learned about Italian culture, such as the differences in behavior that create a different atmosphere in work environments and lifestyles. We learned in orientation that Italians have a very team-oriented style of working and schooling. Through my internship, I saw this and appreciated how it also transfers into the daily lifestyles of Italians and even transportation. When reading a Wall Street Journal article and browsing the site, I usually read an extra article on something happening in the U.S., and I tend to notice how independence is emphasized in the U.S., whereas in Italy, the community is emphasized. I’m interested in how this will play into the discussion about topics we will have in class. 


The first class session of the internship seminar was led by Professor Swain, who has worked in France and Italy and was born in the U.S., where she has also worked. During the first class, she was able to provide insight on how working differs in Italy from the U.S. We discussed rituals such as lunch breaks and coffee breaks that make working in Italy slightly confusing, as taking breaks in a corporate environment in the U.S. is often frowned upon. We were also provided with tips from past students. The one that stuck out to me the most was to be proactive. Since directions and instructions in Italy can often be vague and leave you confused about what is being asked of you. The only way to avoid this situation is to ask and be proactive. 


This week at my internship, I became much more comfortable with the commute and the work environment. My workplace was more hectic this week as the students at MKS were working on wrapping up their schoolwork for the year. This made my boss less accessible, which forced me to be more proactive. Instead of just going to her office, I emailed and set a time to meet to go over expectations for the project I was given. When we met, I felt much more comfortable proceeding with the project, and I felt like she was able to provide me with valuable feedback. It was also my first week of work, during which I worked from home. Going into it, I was unsure of what to expect because, in the past, when we had school from home during COVID-19, it was very structured. When I worked from home for MKS, I got an email asking me to continue working on the project I was given earlier in the week, making it very unstructured. 


Week two in Milan has been a fantastic time. I have spent the week exploring and trying new places to eat. I have begun to feel much more comfortable in my environment and am no longer nervous when figuring out transportation alone. I have become confident in getting places by myself, making seeing the city much easier. I also explored one of the bigger grocery stores and was surprised by the difference in selection from the local stores. I recognized many more American brands, which was fun to see. I have enjoyed how walkable the city of Milan is. I can walk almost everywhere, which has allowed me to see a lot of the city and to feel acclimated to my surroundings. 


View from the tower!

Dinner at Duomo.

Starbucks reserve in Duomo.

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