Abi Masillo’s Blog #9: July 11, 2024

Class this week consisted of our presentations that we have been working on with our groups. My group answered the research question – Free Speech and Social Media: Who Should Police the Content? For my portion of our presentation I spoke about the harm of misinformation, and covered two case studies to provide examples. First I went over a case that occurred during Covid when certain articles and Donald Trump both misinterpreted CDC data to give the appeal that mask wearing was not effective, obviously a very harmful message to spread. Another case I covered was ExxonMoblie’s attempts to divert attention from the systemic needs of climate change to the individual consumer. They do this to disinform the public about the severity of climate change and take focus on the harm they do to the environment. Everyone’s presentation was super interesting to listen to and I learned a lot from my peers, it was a great way to finish up the class!

This week in class we presented our “Made in Italy” Cultural Implications slideshow. I think our group did a great job sharing our findings with the rest of our class. Some of the highlights from our presentation include the process of obtaining the “Made in Italy” logo, how consumers perceive products that have the logo, and finally we covered the importance of fashion and food that originated and are continued to be produced and made in Italy. I covered the portion showing how influenced consumers are by these logos and I found that we perceive this as an item being of higher quality just for carrying a ‘made in’ tag. I thought back to my experience being here and I would definitely agree with my findings as some of my purchases during my time here were highly influenced by the fact that the items I was buying were made in Italy. 

Wrapping things up this week at my internship was definitely sad knowing things are coming to an end. We ended up being virtual the entire week because my boss was out of Milan and we never really had a final goodbye with her which was unfortunate. We stayed in touch all week making sure to keep up with any assignments she wanted done before we depart on Saturday. Most of my work this week consisted of writing and uploading more blog posts for the website and helping my boss decide on new merchandise designs. It was a great seven weeks working for SuiteFood, I feel very lucky to have been assigned to this internship!  

I decided to stay in Milan for our final weekend here. Every other week I have traveled elsewhere and felt I never truly got to explore and enjoy the city despite spending the majority of my time here. Luckily our decision to stay here also lined up with my moms visit. It was super fun to have her here for Thursday and Friday and getting the opportunity to show her around and give her a better view as to what I have been doing this past month and a half. For a fun activity to do as a group to fill the day on Sunday, seven of us went to a spa 20 minutes walking distance away from Aparto. It was a five hour time slot which I was expecting to feel super long because I was not expecting there to be so much to do at the Spa. With three pools, multiple saunas and steam rooms, rain rooms, and a napping area, there was much to explore and lots of relaxing to be done! One of the saunas was made out of an old tram car which was super cool. We also spent a solid hour and a half eating a delicious lunch and drinking wine, enjoying the luxury of spending the day at a spa, and an experience I have never had before. I am very glad we all decided to stay in Milan for our last weekend, I felt like I got to see more than I had our entire time here and it was a great way to wrap up our final days here!

Old tram car that was turned into a sauna at the spa!
Cute heart at the fruit market!
Katie and Allie walking along the canals looking for a dinner place to celebrate The Fourth!
Amazing spinach tortellini!

Abi Masillo’s Blog Post #8: July 4, 2024

In our CSR class this week we spent a lot of time discussing the Apple Case Study we read for class. This article covered Apples breach of socially responsible actions through using suppliers who do not treat their workers well, where there were even extreme certain cases of suicide due to poor working conditions. The class argued if Apple had a responsibility to these people who are not technically their employees and who they had really no authority over. My personal opinion is that Apple should and does have a moral obligation to these people. If Apple is going to outsource and use suppliers overseas to boost their own profits through cheaper work then I think they owe it to those workers to invest in better working conditions. Even though they really have no incentive to do so, it was shown that consumers stayed very loyal to the brand even after they were exposed for these cases. I think because of how much money they have it really would not hurt them to help these people who literally need these jobs. I also think in such a competitive industry and based on the way social trends are going, making a change and investing in better working conditions could give Apple an edge that other tech companies do not have. 

Our internship seminar class this week was very helpful for revising our resumes. When I compared my resume to the examples Professor Gupta provided I knew I had a lot of changes to make to my own. I started by adding my internship from this trip to the professional experience category. I also got rid of some things I had from highschool and added in a hobbies category which I was unaware we needed on a resume. I am excited to get feedback on this draft so I can continue to work on and tweak it so it can be as good as possible. We also watched a video on body language and speaking well in a setting with a crowd/an interview. I think the main thing I picked up from watching this was how to pause with eye contact. When speaking to a group of people you should never look down and continue speaking. If you need to look at your notes you can pause and briefly look down and then back up before beginning to talk again. I did not know the importance of this until I watched examples in the video and will now keep that in the back of my mind when public speaking. 

Throughout this week in my internship my boss wanted Kate and I to focus more on writing blog posts for our website so we have as many as possible by the time she wants to post them. The more we have the more likely our website is to appear and come up in a google search, bringing more attention to our brand and online store. My boss also gave Kate and I samples to give to our friends so they can try and review it. We are going to film a short video of them giving their thoughts to post on our social media platform. I personally really like the coconut powder and am excited for them to try it too!

This week we wanted to stay in Italy and experience another city close by, so we hopped on a two hour train to Florence. The first day was great! We walked around leather markets, something the city is known for, and bargained with sellers on deals for purses. I got two super cute ones!  We also went to the oldest pharmacy in the city which was gorgeous. There were a bunch of little rooms displayed with different perfumes and other lotions and balms. Everything was definitely on the expensive end of the spectrum so we really just went to see it. Florence also has an herb based pharmacy as well that crafts everything right there and has amazing smelling perfumes that we all got. That night we went to an incredible restaurant where I split a truffle gnocchi and florentine steak with one of my friends. Both were delicious and exactly what I was craving, we all loved our meal here and finished everything on our plates. The next morning we walked up a hill behind our air b and b because the Tour de France was coming through there and we wanted to get the chance to see it. In 95 degree weather and blazing sun, this experience was definitely a little unpleasant but worth it to see these amazing athletes begin their bike journey. We honestly could not do too much this day due to the heat, however our air b and b was super nice and we enjoyed relaxing and hanging out in the air conditioned living room together. The steak I got the first night was so good I had to get it again for dinner the next night. I have not had steak this entire trip and I think my body needed the iron, and Florence is certainly the place to enjoy a great steak! The city was much smaller than I expected it to be so we never used public transportation and walked everywhere the three days we spent there which was super nice but definitely tiring so by the end of the three wonderful days we got in Florence I was definitely ready to get back to Milan!

Delicious affogato!
Fun photo booth in the streets of Florence.
Steak the first night, so good!
The Duomo in Florence.

Abi Masillo’s Blog Post #7: June 27, 2024

In our CSR class this week we spent a lot of time talking about a Wall Street Journal article about Ozempic. This conversation stood out to me more than past articles because it is so prevalent on social media. I think the discussion became a little bit insensitive when people were speaking about the use of the drug. I obviously do not think celebrities or people who are already fit need it at all and using it in this way is not only harmful to themselves but sets unrealistic standards online. However, many people were stating that it is a shortcut for overweight or obese people and I think that is an unfair way to put it. Those who struggle with obesity or diabetes are struggling with a disease, not a choice of being overweight and in these scenarios stronger actions can be necessary. I really enjoy conversations in class like these because they are so relevant. Hearing each of my classmates’ opinions gives me deeper insight I never would have thought of without these discussions. 

We continued progress on developing the Suitefood website this week. My boss taught Kate and I how to use Shopify so we could write up multiple blog posts and submit them through there with pictures and short experts. This program makes it easy to create hashtags and automatically makes a Google link that you can alter as needed. I have learned so much about coconuts and their health benefits through writing these blog posts, I feel like an expert on it! I never would have known that coconuts are such a rich source of nutrients, provide enhanced hydration, boost metabolism and help with weight management, contain cardioprotective properties, and enhance digestive health. Learning all of this makes me want to start incorporating it into my diet more! We are working really hard to make the website as perfect as possible so we can be ready to start marketing the coconut powder more. The progress over the past two weeks with it has been great and we are adding some final touches before it is all set to go!

We took on our biggest trip yet this weekend and flew to Barcelona for three nights! We arrived relatively late on Thursday night so as soon as we arrived to the air b and b we all crashed so we would be well rested for our Friday plans. We woke up early to ensure we could maximize the little time we had to enjoy such a big city. The Sagrada Familia was very close to where we were staying so the first thing we did was walk there and it didn’t disappoint. This church was incredible, and although we did not get the chance to venture inside, the outside was stunning and covered in intricate details that made it worth seeing in person. After this we went to a breakfast place that met all of my cravings, since being here I have not had a big breakfast which I have definitely been missing, and here I ordered the best breakfast burrito i’ve ever eaten, it was seriously so good. Following breakfast we walked the whole city for hours which was exactly what I wanted to do so I could see as much of Barcelona as possible. That night we got tapas for dinner, it was so good we got it again the next day. Sharing ten different small plates of food with a group is not only a really fun experience, but such a great way to be able to try multiple different foods in one dinner. On Saturday we spent a couple of hours on a boat relaxing and enjoying snacks and wine provided by the crew. It was a great way to fill the day and amazing to see the whole city from the water. From here we walked an hour back to where we were staying so we had time to explore the city more. While on the trip back we stopped at a market and bought amazing empanadas and coconut ice cream, proving again how good the food is in Barcelona. I have always wanted to make the trip here and I am so glad we had the chance this weekend, everything worked out super well and I would definitely go back!

Tapas the second night in a row!
The rooftop at our air b and b.
Delicious coconut ice cream.
The Sagrada Familia!

Abi Masillo’s Blog Post #6: June 20, 2024

We continued watching the film in our CSR class that we had started last week in class and then went over questions in our smaller group before discussing these important topics as a bigger group. My group covered questions on whether or not there should be an outright ban on patenting genes or other life forms and ideas we had for limiting the amount of genetically-modified foods that end up in stores with zero labeling. We stated that it is hard to put an outright ban on these types of patents because many are needed for medical and scientific innovation, however, like the patent laws in the U.S. we agreed that there should not be any patent laws on anything that naturally exists in nature. When talking about GMO regulations we discussed stronger regulations in agriculture because they can contaminate gene flow and harm our food. We also said there should be more incentives for farmers to grow organically like tax breaks or grants pushing them to want to be more environmentally conscious in their farming practices.

During our Internship Seminar class this week we continued our discussion on differences in communication between American and Italian culture. While we pointed out many small differences, a major point that everyone could agree on was the vagueness when given instructions from our boss. Many people in the class stated how they struggled with this when first starting their internship and how they have learned to work around this through asking clear questions. We also participated in a self reflection where we analyzed our behavior and thinking on different scales. Based on my survey results it appears I could have a bit more of an open mind, and be less defensive in regards to cultural differences. My results were due to my ability to adjust to cities which are not very strong. I am not a huge fan of them which is why my responses may have come off as defensive.

We have continued to progress with our packaging design while also putting a new focus on revamping the Suitefood website. Kate and I have been collaborating to work on the landing page, which only entails a basic layout with what we want to say. Once we finish this our peers who major in graphic design will go in and add images to fill the page. We have been analyzing other websites who sell similar products to our own for inspiration on the setup of the landing page. It is really cool to be able to play such a big role in helping my boss design her website because it shows how much she trusts us and values our opinions. I am excited to continue working and editing the progress we have made so far so we can produce a final product.

This past weekend we took a train to Nice, France and stayed for three nights right by the water. We got in pretty late, and all went straight to bed after arriving to our air b and b. The first day we spent the whole day on the beach, it was so pretty! All of the beaches we have been to since being here have been stone covered rather than sand which is interesting. Thankfully we made beach reservations and were able to lay out on beach chairs rather than directly on the rocks. We had a dinner reservation that night for the 12 of us and it was amazing, we all agreed it was one of the best dinners we have had here. The next day we wanted to shop around and explore the actual city of Nice more. It has so many little streets lined with tiny shops that are super fun to pop in and out of. After, we decided to jump in the water right by where we stayed and only realized after we got out that the water was filled with jellyfish and we totally missed the “do not swim” signs, the water felt so nice though and we got lucky the jellyfish left us alone! That night we got super lucky with dinner again and enjoyed a great meal with an ocean view. We left the next morning wishing we had more time in Nice but were so happy we got to spend the weekend there!


Really pretty street in Nice!
Delicious pavlova.
View from dinner.
Aperitivo from last night!

Abi Masillo’s Blog Post #5: Week Ending June 13th, 2024

For class this week we spend a good portion of our time watching a film on corporations. A portion of the film that caught my attention was the effects of the way corporations run the meat industry can have on animals, humans, and the land. I have previously watched a video purely on this topic and it honestly turned me away from the meat industry for a long time. The treatment of animals and the way we alter their bodies to “grow” meat faster for consumption is extremely disturbing. The beef industry is particularly alarming. Cows will walk through their manure and that will end up in your food which can give you fatal diseases. Another part of the film that stuck out to me was the topic of DDT. I remember doing a reading called “Silent Spring,” that was published during the aftermath of harmful effects due to this pesticide. This book really called to attention to Americans the damage we can have on the environment, and was a pivotal moment for environmental policy. I overall really enjoyed watching this film because it ties really well with classes I took last semester and I look forward to our discussion on it next class!

For our internship seminar class this week, we continued to compare the similarities and differences between Italy and America. One of the topics that stuck out to me the most was covering the topic of sports and the pride that revolves around them. More specifically, college sports. We covered how competitiveness, cost, and distance from home can influence and drive this sense of pride Americans feel for their college which is not as relevant in Italy. We continued this discussion into politics and how both topics revolve around one or the other, a very polarized mindset. In sports, most of the time Americans feel strongly about rooting for one team, similar to how we are very set on a political candidate, it must be one not the other, because that would not suffice. Italian think differs from this because they have more of a gray area when it comes to mindsets revolving around these topics whereas in America everything is very black and white.

I had a super interactive week at my internship. Two girls from a local college who major in graphic design joined our team to discuss revamping our packaging. It was really interesting to see the amount of work that goes into something that is seemingly simple. Evey decision was debated until we agreed on the best choice, the color of the background, pouch/packet size, wording on the packaging, the list goes on. Being a part of the process was really cool and a fun switch up from the usual Excel assignments I am tasked with. My boss also had her assistant come for the week, he is also from Italy but works remote most of the time. Hearing his opinions as someone who has been a part of the brand since the beginning was really interesting as well. I had not realized how much progress Suitefood underwent already, but I am excited to be a part of this next step which seems to be a pivotal moment for the brand.

This past weekend I got the opportunity to attend the Mountain trip to the Alps and Lake Como. Upon arriving at the lake, the weather wasn’t great and I had low hopes for what the weekend would bring. The time on the lake was similar to our trip to Lake Maggiore, which was enjoyable, but the real excitement began when we ventured to the alps. We were dropped off in a parking lot by our bus and were told to load into the backs of jeeps. Jam packed and curious for what was to come next, we drove 30 minutes up a steep and jagged road that eventually led us to where we would spend the night. The cabin was super warm and homey. Upon arrival we were sat in the dining room and served one of the best meals I have had since coming to Milan. It was a 5 course meal filled with pasta, different meat dishes, polenta, cheese, and dessert. Everything was so delicious! The next day we enjoyed a hike where we were able to see where the cheese we ate the previous night was produced. It wasn’t a difficult hike but it was super fun and the views were tremendous! We finished up the day playing cards before getting back into the jeeps and enjoying the entertainment of the ride down. It was an overall great weekend, but my highlight was definitely the dinner!

Pretty view of the lake.
Packed in the back of the jeep!
Really good pasta from the Mountain Trip.
Where we stayed this past weekend.

Abi Masillo Blog Entry #4: Week Ending June 9, 2024

In our CSR class this week we reviewed videos about Adam Smith and how he developed the free market ideals through observing human behavior. Through the video we learned that the free market is a system that operates with minimal government intervention, and rather prices are determined by consumer decisions. Prices in the market fall and rise in accordance to demand, so as prices rise, this can infer demand is exceeding supply and vice versa. The free market is often viewed under moral and immoral perspectives. The moral perspective states that the free market allows individuals to make their own economic choices which can be seen as a basic human right. It also states that the free market is the most efficient way at generating wealth which leads to economic prosperity. On the contrary, the immoral perspective states that the free market creates large gaps between the rich and the poor which leads to social inequalities. While the arguments on both sides are very valid, I still believe the free market is the best option because it is the most efficient method and provides the most sufficient level of economic well being.

For this week’s Internship Seminar class we spent the majority of our time reviewing the ethical dilemma case study, “The Parable of Sadhu.” In this story we learn about a group of hikers who are extremely passionate about their three month hiking trip through the Himalayas. While on this ruthless journey a dying sadhu is dropped in their hands and they have to decide if they want to sacrifice their trip or help this man in need. I can see both sides of this ethical choice, it is a big deal for the hikers to give up their trip and they technically did help to a certain extent, however, my personal opinion is that they acted unethically. I believe that you should put yourself first in many situations but I do not think this particular scenario qualifies. Although I think the Sadhu made a selfless decision to take a harder route and it is not entirely the hikers responsibility to take care of him, if a dying man is left in your hands I think ethically, putting his life over continuing a hike is more important. Only one group member wanted to help the holy man but group pressures led him to give in and agree with the group mentality. This shows how staying true to your own morals is extremely important when making hard decisions and to not let social pressure dictate decision making. Overall, the story highlights the significance of prioritizing ethical considerations rather than having tunnel vision to your own personal goals and remembering to value your own morals without letting external pressures get in the way.

This week of my internship was pretty similar to the first. To kick off the week my boss had me finishing up and adding to my task from the previous week which included researching potential sponsors and adding their name and other important information to an excel spreadsheet. Once that assignment was completed I moved on to using Google Trends to research specific areas and key words that stuck out to that geographical location relating to our brand and coconut powder. I logged all of this information into a new excel spreadsheet along with graphs that display trend lines in an organized manner. This task allows my boss to review the information I found and understand which words pop out to people the most in relation to Suitefood so she can market better to certain populations.

On Tuesday I got the opportunity to attend a Lana Del Ray concert. It was a last minute, spur of the moment decision, we got our tickets hours before we attended the actual concert. This was my first time going to a concert and it was definitely a great first experience! The set up of the venue was fully outside surrounded by boots selling food, drinks, and merchandise. It was really interesting to examine and interact with the crowd because we were pretty much the only non-Italians there. People were very friendly and eager to converse. I got the opportunity to chat with a group of girls while in line for the bathroom where I got to test out a couple of the new Italian phrases we learned in class. It was an overall wonderful experience and I am so glad I got the chance to attend a Lana concert, especially in Milan.

Me, Allie, and Xan at the Lana concert!
Lana on stage.
View from my room.
Another picture from work!

Abi Masillo’s Blog Post #3: June 2, 2024

We still have yet to have our CSR class however I thought the article I read this week really related to the topics of our class. My reading covered Microsoft’s decision to require their suppliers to be net carbon zero by the end of the decade for positive environmental impacts. In doing so Microsoft will appeal to consumers whose goals align with this new policy and boost their company as a whole. I think this article relates strongly with our class topics because it showed how a business is prioritizing its shareholders too, not just its stockholders. Major companies like Microsoft are bound to have a large environmental impact. In many cases the impacts will affect those who are contributing to the amount of carbon emissions the least, which is obviously unfair. This move shows Microsoft cares about people who may not even be consuming their product but dealing with environmental impacts caused by large corporations like theirs.

We have not had our internship seminar class since the last blog post was due so I have not learned any new information, however, I have been able to apply what I learned in that class to my internship. One example of this is when my boss had previously offered me a coffee on the first day of work I decided. After learning in this class that accepting a coffee is actually the correct social custom here, the next time my boss offered me coffee I accepted and we spent a solid 30 minutes conversing and getting to know eachother better. This turned into a really positive experience and I am really glad I learned this is the correct way to approach this interaction in Italy, I wish it was more common in the U.S.

I am so far really enjoying my internship! This week my boss, Emma, had me doing a lot of small tasks in preparation for learning how to use a website called Kickstart. Emma is really dedicated to expanding her brand into the American market and learning the best way to attempt to enter it. To help her in doing so, I have been reading a lot of case studies on small businesses in America who have scaled up successfully. Taking notes and jotting down common themes I have noticed through many companies is helpful for her so she can implement these methods into her own brand. This has also been helpful for my own learning because I now understand multiple new business terms I previously could not grasp as well as I can now.

This weekend was so amazing in regards to travel opportunities. On Saturday we traveled as a group to the alps where we spent the first portion of the day trying out different levels of a high ropes course. I really enjoyed the zip line parts of this but walking along the skinny tightrope was super hard and scary, especially on the fifth course. After this period ended we got back on the bus and traversed along a mountain until we reached our hiking path. This part was my personal highlight of the day. Towards the very end of the hike we reached a completely snow covered portion of trail where it just so happened to simultaneously become very narrow with a daunting drop off. The group that got to continue the hike and see the lake experienced many laughs as we all struggled and slid back down the hill! I had a super packed weekend and actually ended up doing another trip planned for Sunday. Ten of us decided to head south to Santa Margherita for an amazing beach day! This little town was so cute and had a lot of fun shops to pop into. The weather turned out to be so much nicer than the forecast which was a great surprise and meant we got to spend the day swimming and hanging out on the beach! I love getting to see smaller and less touristy attractions in my time here so I am super happy we got to venture here today!

Pesto Pasta I had in Genoa – where it originated.
A picture from when we crossed the bridge to the other side of the lake!
Me and Kate at our internship!
Lilly on the zipline!

Abi Masillo’s Blog Post #2: May 28, 2024

Although we have not yet had our class with Professor Gupta here in Milan, we have had the opportunity to complete a WSJ assignment for the class. For my article I choose to read about a new transmission rule that will require states to develop a 20 year plan in revamping their electoral grid. The act aims at reducing emissions and prioritizing green infrastructure. This relates to our course because when learning about SCR the environment is a very important factor. Corporations can have a large, negative impact on our climate and the new transmission rule will lead to Democrats’ ability to overturn decisions made in congress relating to the environment. In the future, this could lead to new regulations and taxes that businesses may have to start paying to offset their damaging effects on the environment. 

We had our first Internship Seminar tonight with Professor Swain which was super exciting to start! Throughout today’s class we went over building and maintaining relationships and how this may look different in Italian culture than from what we are familiar with at home. We spent a good deal of time going over how saying yes when offered a coffee if a large part of starting to build a relationship with someone here. On my first day of my internship I arrived first at my boss’s home, where her husband offered me a coffee. I declined his offer because I had thought it would be a bother for him to make it. I am now aware that his offering was a gesture of trying to socialize and get to know a little bit about me. In the future I will definitely not decline another coffee because I am more mindful of social and cultural customs here that are very different from what I am used to.  

My internship this summer is through SuiteFood, where I am lucky enough to work alongside Kate. SuiteFood is a sustainable startup that produces a vegan coconut powder. It is very versatile and can be used as a sugar replacement or mixed with water to create coconut milk. We were in person yesterday for our first day! It was great to meet our boss, Emmanuela, and spend the day learning about her company and the progress she has made with her brand over the past few years. I am working on developing her business, she is trying to break into the American market specifically focusing on Miami and west coast cities in California. To do so she had me research case studies of brands in these U.S. locations who have succeeded in scaling up the market. As we are just beginning our work together, a lot of what we are doing revolves around getting organized and prepared for effective work for the summer ahead. We spent a good amount of time speaking with Emma and listening to her explain her motives behind starting her brand and her successes along the way. Although we are just two days in, I feel I have already learned a lot from her gained experience in patience and communication with those who do not have the same native language as you. We have already had to use google translate a couple of times for specific words but it hasn’t been a bother, it is more just an effective tool we utilize so we can communicate successfully. I am excited for what is to come in the following weeks working at SuiteFood because I am already thoroughly enjoying it!

This past Saturday we got the opportunity to travel as a group to Lake Maggiore. It was an amazing experience! Right when we got off the buses we were greeted with a view of the incredibly beautiful lake that is surrounded by tremendous mountains lined with little towns that  give the view a pop of color. We started off on the first island walking through diverse areas of greenery, each new direction we headed towards offered something different to photograph. After this island we headed over to an island that provided a quaint little town. After enjoying lunch with a view of the water, we explored down the windy streets and popped into a couple of shops along the way. Lastly, we ventured to the castle and botanical gardens. The castle was enormous but so interesting to walk through and when you reached the end we were able to walk out and enjoy the beautiful gardens. I truly enjoyed getting to spend the day at Lake Maggiore and loved experiencing the culture on the islands we visited. I can’t wait to travel and explore more places!

Allie and I enjoying our coffee at the bar!
A flea market I went to on Sunday.
A really delicious lunch I had at the Lake!
A super pretty view of Lake Maggiore!

Abigail Masillo’s Blog Post #1: April 1, 2024

As an environmental studies major, I am excited to address the question concerning whether corporations should prioritize shareholders or stakeholders. I hope to get a perspective through discussion that is very different from my own to see why people would prefer to focus more on shareholders. Another expectation I have for this class is that I hope it can help me improve my skills in presenting and speaking in front of my peers. Typically I struggle with participating in class, but with that being such an important aspect for success, I know I will force myself to be more involved with class discussion, overall helping improve this aspect in the long run.

Applying for future jobs and internships is definitely a stressful subject. I feel behind when it comes to my resume, linkedin, and interview ability. My expectation for the Internship Seminar includes feeling more confident in these aspects and knowing how to find internships that will suit me well. I hope to accomplish this through adjusting my resume to be more professional and understanding how to best present myself to companies. Another goal I have for the Internship Seminar is to improve my networking skills. I expect to learn more about what a conversation should look like with professionals, such as good questions to ask or how to make sure I seem interested in their company.

My main expectation for the actual internship is to gain work experience in a professional setting. My past jobs have been normal summer jobs, this will be my first internship which will be an amazing learning involvement no matter what. I hope to genuinely enjoy what I will be doing while acquiring new skills in this different work environment. I also hope to gain and grow a global professional network while building confidence through this. Being in an internship setting is hard, adding on a language and cultural barrier will make this harder, however, I think it will help with my confidence after coming back after being thrown into this situation.

I really hope to be capable of speaking a little bit of Italian by the time the seven weeks is up. It would be amazing to learn a couple of phrases and actually use them throughout the trip. Another expectation I have is gaining a better understanding of the culture and customs in places I visit through exploration and adventure in these new spots. It is so important to see norms in other countries to gain other perspectives as to how people and other societies function, I want to be able to see a lot of this. Lastly, my expectations for travel within this trip is to build memories and have a super fun summer. Having the ability to visit other places will only make this more possible!