Lilly Shanker’s Blog Post #9: July 11th, 2024

(1) Professor Gupta’s academic course on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

We spent our last two days in class reviewing a final Wall Street Journal article and our thoughts, as well as presenting our final research presentations. The question my group and I focused on answering was “An Individual’s Right to Privacy: How to Balance?” We highlighted the concepts of customers as products and the fee model as well as current concerns, why the topic matters, potential solutions, and how it connects to CSR. Not only did I learn about the topic, but I was also able to put my collaboration skills and research abilities to the test. I really enjoyed this class because I felt that it was very applicable to the real world. Oftentimes when I take classes, I have trouble seeing how I can use it in the real world, but I have already used many class concepts and findings from this class in my personal life as well as work life. 


(2) Professors Swain and Gupta’s Internship Seminar 

In our last class, every group presented their final presentation on their findings about Italy. Our group presented on sustainability in Italy. Our research question was “How effective are Italy’s sustainability methods, and is their level of effectiveness driven more by public desire for sustainability or by government regulations?” Through this, we interviewed some of our employers, read primary and secondary sources, and watched several documentary trailers, commercials, and videos to help answer this question. We ultimately came to the conclusion that in comparison to the US, Italy is far more advanced and cares more about sustainability. Whether it be through their local agricultural practices, sorting of waste, or governmental laws, it was really interesting to learn about how another country tackles their environmental outlook. Overall, this class has not only taught me about cultural comparisons, but has taught me a lot about adaptation, patience, and how to best operate in a new environment. I feel that what I have learned in this class, I can definitely bring with me into future internships and careers. 


(3) Practicum in Milan with an Italian Company 

In my last week at work, I finished up my main task of working on the database of nearby companies that could potentially partner with Hard Rock. I also got to create content and take pictures for the marketing team in front of the Duomo and the Sforzesco Castle. I really liked how I was able to work but also see the two most well known landmarks in Milan. My boss asked me to log 400 companies by the end of my team here, and I took it upon myself to not only meet but exceed her expectations and found over 500. I definitely wanted to leave her with a good impression, and I felt that this demonstrated a strong work ethic. Working at Hard Rock has taught me many technical skills, but has also broadened my soft skills. This has been an amazing experience that I hope to talk about to future employers and I believe that I have truly grown as an individual due to being in a new work environment and learning all different types of new things. 


(4) Social and Cultural immersion through travels in Italy and Europe

With this being our last week here, I was really excited to stay in Milan for the weekend. On Friday and Saturday I was stuck in bed with a fever, cough, and congestion; however, I still wanted to explore some of Milan. On Saturday I went to a few markets by the canal. This was a nice way to explore some local vendors as well as get more familiar with the area I have been living in for the past 7 weeks. I also took Sunday as an opportunity to walk around the Duomo area as well as enjoyed a picnic in the park with some friends. While I have been in the Duomo area almost everyday, It is mainly just in passing; therefore, I took this opportunity to really stop and look around. Walking and sitting around the park was another great way to stop and enjoy my time in Milan with some friends. On Thursday after work, I plan on getting tickets to explore the inside of Duomo, because I have only seen it from the outside. I am very grateful for my travel experiences and the accessibility that Milan has to offer to other places. Looking back, I thoroughly enjoyed traveling and exposing myself to all different types of cultures. 

Sforzesco Castle I visited to take pictures for my internship. 
One of the many pictures I have of Duomo. 
Friends at the picnic!
Cameras at the vintage market by the canal. 

Lilly Shanker’s Blog Post #8: July 4th, 2024

(1) Professor Gupta’s academic course on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

This week we discussed the Apple Case Study and learned about Erin Brokovich, an environmental activist and consumer advocate. The Apple Case Study was extremely thought provoking as we discussed it as a class as a whole rather than just watching two groups debate over a statement. I really enjoyed the difficult questions that were posed as they had me thinking a certain way. For example, why would BBC publish this article in the first place? If you were Jeff Williams, what would you do if you got a call and had to fix the issue? It made me realize that a company that so many of us consume from and source most of our product from, don’t truly know what goes on behind the scenes. This class has motivated me to become a smarter consumer and understand what I am truly putting my money towards.

(2) Professors Swain and Gupta’s Internship Seminar 

In our second to last class we discussed what motivates us and began to reflect back on our time here. This is a good time to reflect back as we are already well into our internship, but are not quite at the end. This gives us an opportunity to look back on our time, but also time to improve the days we have left. We then had the chance to revise our resume. I found this to be really useful, especially for when we return to Lehigh. I am currently searching for internships for next Summer and am in the interview process right now. It was beneficial to gain some insight as it is very important to what I am doing right now. 

(3) Practicum in Milan with an Italian Company 

The networking event definitely eased up my work environment and relationship with my boss. It was also very exciting to meet everyone else’s bosses and get a chance to understand what their work environment is like. I really enjoyed seeing my coworkers outside of work as it gave us a chance to talk in a low stress environment. It was so interesting to drink casually with my boss and watch several of them smoke a cigarette. I have also been able to take several lessons I have learned from this internship into further careers, as I not only bring up the tasks and work I do in interviews that I am currently seeking, but I am also able to talk about my cultural experiences and differences that I have picked up on and adapted to. As I am looking for future internships and opportunities, this job has allowed me to learn more about what I like and don’t like and what I hopefully look for in a future career and work environment. 

(4) Social and Cultural immersion through travels in Italy and Europe

This weekend we went to Florence for 2 nights. I really liked how everything was within close walking distance. We went to the School of Leather, saw the start of the Tour de France, ate some delicious food, and walked around the area surrounding the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore. The first night we ate at Trattoria ZaZa where we enjoyed a wide selection of steaks and pasta. The second night we ate at Trattoria 13 Gobbi where we enjoyed a similar variety of food. We also visited the famous “wine windows” that are scattered around the city and create a charming feel to the street. We also spent several hours walking and exploring vintage markets that were full of unique antique items ranging from clothes, to shoes, to pins, etc. One of my favorite parts of the trip was seeing the start of the Tour de France. When we planned this trip, we had no idea that they would be starting the same weekend that we would be there, and one of the best views was only a 10 minute walk from our airbnb. Despite the scorching hot sun, it was an amazing experience to see all the bikers, even if it was only for a few seconds. 

School of Leather Showroom.
Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore.
Wine Window!
The bikers in Tour de France.

Lilly Shanker’s Blog Post #7: June 27, 2024

(1) Professor Gupta’s academic course on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

In class we discussed a Wall Street Journal about DEI and watched a video about stakeholder capitalism. The question, “if you were an entrepreneur and starting a company, would you factor in DEI or give the job to those more qualified?” It was interesting to see the different viewpoints of each classmate. Personally, if I had a new startup, I would definitely have a designated team focused on DEI. While I believe that you should always hire the more qualified applicant, I believe that being conscious and aware of DEI factors is very important, as it offers a diverse way of thinking to a company. I believe this is something worth investing in as a company and would be willing to drop initial costs on it for the long term benefits. It was also interesting to get several viewpoints and arguments on the stakeholder capitalism video as it provided a different way to present information rather than just reading an article. 

(2) Professors Swain and Gupta’s Internship Seminar 

For our homework assignment, we wrote about leadership, hierarchy, and how we show respect in the workplace. In my workplace, it is difficult to see who holds “the higher position.” There are several booths, and while the groups sit separately, they will often bounce back and forth asking each other questions and conversing; however, I sit at a separate booth by myself, so it makes me wonder if they are separated by power. When discussing what a good leader looks like, to me, a good leader is assertive, empathetic, and good at communication. Good leaders are amicable, actively listen, and know when to take accountability and support others. Some days I feel that I am under good leadership, and other days I feel that I need to be my own leader and figure things out on my own. I am eager to go to the networking event and meet other leaders and companies. I wonder how they compare to my working environment? 

(3) Practicum in Milan with an Italian Company 

At work, I continued to work on the database and creating content for the marketing team. Something I noticed was that my boss often gives me contradicting instructions. This has made the work a little frustrating and confusing, but I believe that I am truly learning communication and patience. I have gotten much better at asking clearer questions to ensure that I know what I am doing before I start a project. I also was offered my first “smart” working day on Wednesday. Before coming to Italy, I had no idea what this term was, but now I know that this is a common term for virtual working. It was enjoyable to switch up each day what project I am working on as in the past I have spent the last consecutive days working on the same thing. 

(4) Social and Cultural immersion through travels in Italy and Europe

This week a few of us traveled to Ibiza and we explored the beaches, Ibiza town, and saw Clavin Harris and David Guetta. I have never been to Ibiza before so it was nice to explore the night life and the charm the old town gave. Something I picked up on was that the beach culture was very different in Ibiza than it is in the US. People on the beaches are definitely open to more exposure than they are on the beaches in the US. Ibiza town was right near Dalt villa, where we explored the city walls, squares, and narrow lanes. We explored Ibiza castle and the medieval surroundings. We then took the rest of the day to relax by the beach. 

New merch Hard Rock put out
The crystal clear water from the beach
Friends at Calvin Harris!
View of Old Ibiza

Lilly Shanker’s Blog Post #6: June 20, 2024

(1) Professor Gupta’s academic course on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

In class this week we discussed re domestication, state charting competition, learned about “greed is good,” and had a debate on Corporate Social Responsibility and if shareholder maximization should be the only goal of a public company. I had the opportunity of participating in the debate on the opposite side. Our group brought up points from several of the readings, such as stockholder theory, the long term benefits, ethical obligations, and an adapting and evolving society. It was really interesting to take part in the debate as I got to learn how to think quickly on my feet and use my communication skills. I also enjoyed listening to the other groups in the other room that did the same debate to compare and contrast the points they made. 


(2) Professors Swain and Gupta’s Internship Seminar 

This week we discussed our upcoming network event, our readings on communication, American and European stereotypes, and took the self quiz on “how ethnocentric am I?” We learned the terms “low context” and “high context”.” I found this really interesting because I was able to put a label on my job environment and the instruction type that my boss gives me here verus home. At my home retail job, I definitely am in a low context environment, where my boss is very clear about what she wants me to do. For example, take inventory on these 5 shirts, work the cash register, restock this shelf until you are done, etc. While the jobs are very different and my retail job may be easier in some way, I feel that they both require specific directions in order for me to clearly complete the task. For my job here, I am definitely in a high context situation where I need to read between the lines; however, since I am not aware of this and have been here for about a month, I am much better at asking questions and asking for direct and instant feedback. This has improved my experiences greatly and definitely took some adjusting in the beginning. It was also interesting to compare the different street types across the different cultures because it was funny to laugh at the ones that are true and not be pleasantly surprised at the ones that are actually true. The ethnocentric quiz also made me realize how much I have grown since the beginning of this program as an individual and how I have learned so much in just the 4 weeks I have been here. I am interested to see where I am at the very end of this program. 


(3) a Practicum in Milan with an Italian Company 

I have definitely gotten a routine down and I was eager to work on some new projects. This week I responded to reviews in many different languages that range from Dutch, French, Italian, English and more! My boss advised that I use translation and stick to basic phrases when replying, but she wanted me to get more exposure to the Italian language which I enjoyed. I also started a new database, but this time, I knew exactly what questions to ask and what my boss was looking for in the beginning. I believe that my communication skills have thoroughly improved with this job and I am learning how to adapt to and conquer new tasks. I have also noticed that my relationship with my boss has become more personal. While I am not offered coffee or have seen any of my coworkers eat lunch, I am now always given a glass of water with a smile.


(4) Social and Cultural immersion through travels in Italy and Europe

This past weekend, a small group of us traveled and stayed in Nice for the weekend. We departed Thursday evening and came back Sunday night. While I wish I had more time in France, this was one of my favorite weekend trips because I felt I got the most out of being there. We spent all day Friday on the beach. The water was crystal clear blue and we lucked out on the weather since it was supposed to rain and only sun showered for a little. We enjoyed lunch on the beach and got to observe sailboats sail by and swimmers training for the Ironman competition that was held the following Sunday. We then got dinner as a big group where we enjoyed some delicious pasta and meats. On Saturday, we explored Old Nice, or Vieux Nice. I got my mom  some fleur de sel, her favorite salt and walked around vintage little markets and noticed several soap vendors. We then enjoyed another nice meal all together by the water. On the way back from Nice, Livi and I encountered some trouble with the train strikes. Two of our trains and connecting ones got canceled. This led to a long travel day on Sunday. While waiting at the train station for hours on end, I also noticed that the train station was filled with a lot more litter and cigarette butts. Despite the long travel day on the way home, Nice was a place I hope to go see again, and I was so happy to finally put my years of French to use. 


The train tracks in Nice filled with cigarettes.
One of the many delicious meals I enjoyed this week.
Lunch with a view on a beach in Nice.
Dinner by the water!

Lilly Shanker’s Blog Post #5: June 13, 2024

(1) Professor Gupta’s academic course on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

This week in class, we discussed corporations and their evolutions and timelines. We also discussed what it means to “ethically source” a product. I found this to be very useful and interesting because we have been reading many articles on what it means for something to be ethical, but it is important to understand the true meaning behind what it means for something to be “ethical.” To me, when something is ethically sourced, it means the company has met the certain standards of being sustainable, following good labor and wage practices, and government regulations; however, this too can be subjective in some way. A key takeaway I took away was that “talk is cheap.” A 2022 study found that while 80% of people said they cared about sustainability, less than 7% actually paid extra for the product. This demonstrates that our actions speak much louder than words and that it is much easier said than done. It makes me wonder, how can we get people to act on their words?

(2) Professors Swain and Gupta’s Internship Seminar 

This week we debriefed our workplace encyclopedias. I have found that my experience is very different from my peers’ because I am working for an American company, despite being abroad. I really enjoy working for Hard Rock, but it is also interesting to see how my peers are adapting to more authentic Italian companies. We also learned how we can adjust ourselves in different cultures and the discomfort that comes with this adjustment. We looked at our identities and belonging in the cultural aspect. This then led to a discussion about Italian politics. This was interesting to learn about considering there was a recent election. One question that was asked was “How many Italian flags have you seen today?” It was surprising to learn that schools or post offices won’t have flags but they tend to only appear when a sports team wins etc. In general we see less Italian flags because there is a larger resistance to Italian nationality, but the average Italian is very nationally proud when it comes to soccer and food. Overall, we learned about the history and culturally significant things about Italy. 

(3) a Practicum in Milan with an Italian Company

This week I continued to work on the database as well as the social media and marketing content. One thing I continue to learn about my boss is that she tends to give instructions after I have completed tasks. This is still something I must adjust to and is teaching me how to become more adaptable and flexible. I was able to work Thursday by being virtual, and all I had to do was ask. At first, I was nervous to ask my boss and was not sure how she would respond, but she responded with no hesitation and even advised me to take Monday off since my mom was visiting. This was very comforting to know that communicating and simply asking goes a long way. Something I have noticed is that my work space seems to be very different from my peers’ experience. I often work alone and have not seen any of my few co-workers eat lunch. It makes me wonder if it is because I work for an “American company” or if they eat lunch later/after I leave. 

(4) Social and Cultural immersion through travels in Italy and Europe

This past week we visited Lake Como and Rifugio Tavecchia. The weather has not followed a typical Italian summer weather, and has consisted of clouds and rain since being here; however, we lucked out when the weather was anticipated to be rainy but held out. Lake Como was beautiful and we enjoyed walking around gardens, taking the ferry, shopping, and finding places to eat. Our night at Rifugio was an experience I had never done before. We had a family style dinner and enjoyed a multitude of food that ranged from pasta, polenta, pork, chicken, carrots and peas, and more. The next morning, our breakfast was small, and was just an espresso and a few biscuits. It still comes as a shock to me at how little Italians eat for breakfast and I am definitely still adjusting to that aspect. We then spent the day exploring and hiking around Rifugio Tavecchia and watched the dogs herd the cows, ate lunch by the church, and played hard in the dining room. It was really nice to experience the weekend away from city life and get outside with nature and farm animals. 

A picture from Lake Como!
What they called “an American pizza” on the menu at lunch
One of the dogs herding a cow from the farm in Rifugio Tavecchia
A picture I took for my internship for their marketing

Lilly Shanker’s Blog Entry #4: Week Ending June 9, 2024


Professor Gupta’s academic course on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

This week was our first week of our Corporate Social Responsibility Class, but I have noticed that I have already picked up and applied many concepts already. In class, we learned about free markets and globalization. A key idea from class was that Smith’s primary concern was the well being of the poor. The “man of the system” is when an individual thinks they know best, and then imposes this onto others– like moving people like chess pieces. Smith wanted to prevent this and saw mutual respect, not mutual selfishness. I think this ties into the (de)globalization reading because a country that has a free market economy would be more motivated to trade with other free market economies, and this could boost and expand globalization. Free markets also promote competition, and many may adopt more CSR practice to create more loyalty and reputation to put them at an advantage. It is also important to note that globalization requires managing an efficient supply chain and companies need to ensure that they are fair with their labor laws and ethical sourcing. In the future and through this class, I am interested to learn about what American companies and Milanese companies operate under a free market ethically and effectively. 

Professors Swain and Gupta’s Internship Seminar 

In our seminar class this week, we discussed how our personal cultural identities affect how we are as an individual today as well as the Parable of the Sadhu. This was then followed by a mini debate. We also discussed the personal characteristics of Bowen H. McCoy, which was a big factor into his ultimate decision and take on the case. Due to McCoy being extremely goal oriented and competitive, being a priest, and a realistic sense of reality, McCoy ended up pursuing his goal of climbing the mountain. It was interesting to talk about ethical dilemmas in a setting that is not business, but can be easily applied in a business aspect. Something I noticed was that each individual acted ethically, but as whole and as a group, they did not. When applying this to the business world, I think this shows that in order for companies to be successful, it is important for each individual to do their role, but if they do not collectively work together, the job won’t get done and everyone will assume others will take care of it. I also think how each person would respond in this situation is greatly affected by their personal cultural identities. For example, not everyone in the class was able to come up with one group consensus on how they would handle the situation, and this is because we all grew up in a different environment, culture, and have different priorities and viewpoints. 

A Practicum in Milan with an Italian Company

This week I had a variety of different tasks than I had in the last week. I continued to work on the database, was introduced to the content calendar, and created content with another IES intern. Something I have noticed in my workspace in comparison to my other peers’ is that my space is not as collaborative as theirs. While I work alongside other but few employees, I am mainly isolated at my own table and I am the only person of my age. I have also noticed that I struggled at the beginning of the week clearly identifying how my boss wanted my tasks to be executed. My boss had given me very vague but open instructions. I was advised to do what I wanted and use my own artistic vision on how I wanted to create certain content. About 3 hours had passed and when my boss came over to see what I had created, it was immediately rejected and she told me that I had to use their specific fonts and certain images and that there were certain guidelines I had to follow; however, when I had asked earlier, she told me I had the freedom of creating whatever I envisioned. This led to frustration, but taught me that I needed to proactively ask for constant feedback and ask more specific questions in order to understand exactly what she wanted. While it is only my second week, I am learning how to work in this different work environment. 

Social and Cultural immersion through travels in Italy and Europe.

This week we had a wine tasting workshop and I had the opportunity to explore the Brera neighborhood with my mom. The wine tasting workshop was very fun and interesting to do as a group. We learned about density, consistency, color, bubbles, and more. We also learned how to tell if a wine is on the older side or newer side, the six important things you should do when tasting wine, and the common phrases Italians use when toasting! Exploring the Brera neighborhood with my mom was also immersive as I was able to roam the streets of our surrounding neighborhood and eat delicious food at restaurants I wouldn’t typically go to. While exploring, we stopped into some shops and I discovered some vintage Italian shops and other Italian brands. 


Enjoyed some delicious food in the Brera area
Our note sheet from wine tasting!
Photo I took for my internship where I worked on the marketing side
Exploring the streets with my mom!

Lilly Shanker’s Blog Post #2: Week Ending June 2, 2024

This week, I read about companies and their ability to meet sustainability reporting requirements. While we have not had our internship class yet, I think this strongly correlates to corporate responsibility in the sustainability aspect. Companies are struggling with their given resources and technology and are trying to find the happy medium between investing and spending on developing new technologies and investing on growing their companies in general. I think this puts them in an ethical dilemma and relates to corporate ethics because it takes time, money, and resources to obtain and develop these new technologies and might not produce immediate results; however, in the long run, companies will be able to correctly report their sustainability reports. I think it really depends on the company and how ethical and genuine they truly want to be. It is interesting how many companies are facing regulations and are almost being forced to be “ethical.” Overall, I think this is beneficial because I don’t think many companies would take the time and money to report their sustainability impacts, let alone reduce it. Something I have noticed when comparing responsibility is that Europe seems to care more than the US. When looking at other companies’ mission statements and websites, more EU companies have an impact/sustainability page whereas I feel more and more US documentaries are coming out and exposing companies in the US for their ethical and environmental issues. 

In our internship seminar class, we had the opportunity to learn more about ourselves and our personal cultural identity. Through our in class discussions and readings, I was able to discover which dimensions contribute to the individual that I am today and I hope to apply these findings and discoveries to my current internship and future career. The dimensions that stood out to me most were organization, collaboration, and emotion. I found this assignment to have a lot of overlap with an introductory business course in business communications where we identified our “Big 5” and analyzed where to play our strengths and weaknesses. I learned a lot about why I do what I do, why I think the way I think, etc. By identifying how my past and culture have made me who I am today, I can better understand how to apply it to the new cultures that I am experiencing and witnessing. 

I feel that I am starting to get the hang of commuting and working for Hard Rock Cafe. Most of my work consists of working on a database where I organize, gather, and contact neighboring companies that will partner and promote Hard Rock Milano. I have found that I enjoy walking to and from work more than taking the tram (if I have time). On my walk home, I’ll often find myself discovering a new coffee or gelato place! During one of my work days, I was given the task to walk around and take pictures and gather data of nearby rental companies. While I was working on this, I had the opportunity to explore the Duomo area— which I thoroughly enjoyed. Next week, my boss informed me that I would start to look at the marketing side of things and start creating content, so I am excited to work on something new! 

This week was full of travel with a hike in the Alps on Saturday and a beach trip to Saint Margherita Ligure- Portofino. I really enjoyed getting out of the city and exploring the breathtaking views. I have never been on such a rigorous and climate changing hike, but I really enjoyed and surprised myself. I found the hike to be worth it when we made it to the lake at the end. I also think the group really bonded as a whole on this trip. I was also eager to make it to the water on Sunday, as it was another nice change of scenery from the city life. We spent the day relaxing on the beach, shopping, and exploring. We finished off with a delicious seafood dinner by the water! 

A photo of a neighboring B&B as part of my job during my internship
One of many pictures I took of the Alps
My work space at Hard Rock Cafe
View from the beach we visited on Sunday!
Pasta with clams

Lilly Shanker Blog Post #2: Week Ending May 28, 2024

This week, I read three articles on how companies and consumers are struggling on what to do with individuals’ data after they die. While we have not started our corporate social responsibility class yet, these articles were a great introduction on the types of real world scenarios we will be learning and applying in our class. I am also very excited to become more familiar with the Wall Street Journal as it has always been one of my goals to be informed with what is going on in the world. I believe these assignments will ease us into becoming more knowledgeable and engaged citizens. I enjoy learning about Italian culture as well and how Italian companies compare to US companies ethically. I look forward to hearing about my peers’ companies and what impact they are each making, because as of right now it seems that many of their companies focus on sustainability or impact. On the surface, it appears that European companies and the culture in general are more conscious of the effect they have on society than US companies, but I am sure by the end of the 7 weeks and the class, I will be able to confidently answer these assumptions/questions. 

I really enjoyed Professor Swain and Gupta’s internship Seminar this week. It has been one of my favorite aspects of this trip and is one of the reasons why I chose to study abroad in Europe and explains why I am drawn to study in Europe again spring semester junior year. I thoroughly enjoy learning about and immersing myself in different cultures. I truly believe this experience will enhance my ability to be adaptable and flexible– qualities I currently strive to improve. Learning a new way of life has pushed me outside of my comfort zone and I found it to be so unique and interesting how we were able to talk about the cultural significance and meaning of coffee for 20 minutes. This experience is truly a learning curve but it is so cool how I am able to take what I learn in this seminar class and apply it the very next day.

Despite working for a company I thought was only big in America, I am still gaining new knowledge and a new perspective on working for an Italian company. Within just a few minutes of first arriving, I was offered a coffee, and immediately regretted my decision of denying it because I had just finished my coffee on the way to work. (I will be sure to accept now with my knowledge!) It was unique to see my workspace as I did not really understand it until I saw it in person. I was working on the top floor of the Hard Rock Cafe in a booth alongside a few other employees. I immediately found that my tasks seemed unclear and more complicated…. Or so I thought. After about 20 minutes of questioning and getting familiar with my role, I ended the conversation with, “I am sorry for asking so many questions.” I was relieved to learn later in the day in class that it was normal for Italians to be vague and we are encouraged to ask questions and take initiative when we are confused. After I felt like “prying” answers out of my boss, I quickly discovered that my task really was not at all difficult, but it ultimately consisted of me re-organizing and gathering data in excel. I sat in the booth for the entirety of the time, but really enjoyed listening to the language around me and observing how the other employees interacted with one another. I could tell the environment was very much collaborative and not competitive and was intrigued to see that all the employees sat together at booths rather than in an office space . At the end of my shift my boss came over, looked over my shoulder, told me to send it to her, and then I was free to leave. I am glad to know that no feedback is good feedback because I think I would have been discouraged if I didn’t know this coming in. I was surprised to find that lunch was on my own and that I was merely released on the dot; However, I ended up discovering a little cafe/sandwich shop on my way home! I only had one day of my internship since I had Monday off, so I am curious to see how lunch plays out the rest of the week. 

While we have only been in Milan for a short period of time, I feel that I have picked up on so much of the culture already. The 8:30pm dinners have been a little rough for me as I am someone that likes to be in bed by 9, but I could definitely get used to the 4pm gelato as I have found that this is when I’m craving it most. Within just 24 hours of being here, I went to the grocery store and tried to buy bananas. I quickly learned the hard way that is it not like how you buy them in the US; however, by my second time at the grocery store, I was able to confidently print out the barcode and purchase them with no problem. While these are little things, these are not things I expected to struggle with before coming here, so I am interested to see how I adapt when I go back to the US and what cultural differences I can pick up on. I also really enjoyed our Lake Maggiore trip. The entire time was filled with breathtaking views and better weather than I had expected. Observing the 3 different islands was something I’ll never forget, especially the gardens. Something I noted was that there were no security guards lining the gardens or entrances to the exhibits and there were no little kids picking flowers or ruining the bushes. This was a small yet noticeable observation. It appeared that everyone was respecting the exhibit and everything else with ease. When I go to exhibits or gardens in the US, I feel that I always notice at least one out of line person not acting in a respectful way, but I did not find that on this trip. I also attended an AC Milan soccer game. This experience was awesome and definitely made my friends back home jealous. I had never seen a soccer crowd so enthusiastic and a game so close like this one before. This made me realize how important soccer is to Italians and how committed they are to supporting their favorite teams. 

Breakfast before the first day of class/ day of IES
My first time visiting Hard Rock Cafe!
Enjoying some Gelato with Sophie (at Gelato o’clock of course)
Getting used to the coffee around here and trying to figure out what is best to order and when
The crowd at the soccer game celebrating a goal

Lilly Shanker’s Blog Post #1: April 1, 2024

This summer, I hope to push myself out of my comfort zone and truly immerse myself in a culturally diverse environment with new experiences. The Lehigh in Milan Program will provide me with academic enrichment through a corporate social responsibility course, an internship seminar, an actual internship, and cultural immersion. Through engaging lectures and hands -on experience in and out of the classroom, I hope and expect to understand more about ethical dilemmas and the global impact of CSR initiatives. As of right now, I know very little about Corporate Responsibility and how companies and stakeholders remain socially accountable. Professor Gupta mentioned that we would have debates and discussions, and I hope to strengthen my communication and critical thinking skills in the classroom. 

Additionally, I think an internship seminar will be extremely beneficial as I have very little experience in the work world. I am eager to improve my resume and interview skills and learn more about the business world in general. I hope to learn what executives are looking for in a potential intern and how I can best find a job that suits my skills and interests. I aim to be more articulate in conversation and increase my social skills when speaking in a professional environment. I am also looking forward to receiving feedback and a form of mentorship through this program. While past business classes have provided me with business feedback, I have never had one with the lens of an internship and I think it will truly benefit me in the future. 

I believe the best way to truly test my knowledge and skill sets from the classroom would be to apply it directly to a hands-on internship experience. Not only does this program offer an internship, but it offers one in a globally diverse environment. This internship experience will open a gateway to the European market and will allow me to see a different aspect of business trends and practices. I will learn how to work collaboratively in a work setting rather than a classroom setting and develop practical skills and expand my network. I am also eager to see where the building is located and work on site in a professional environment. 

I am most excited for group and personal travels through this program because I have never been to Milan. Not only will Milan provide me with enriching experiences, but its easy accessibility and location allows for easy weekend trips to several other places in Europe. I expect to get better at planning and organizing my travels, which will help me manage my trips more efficiently. I am eager to learn more about the Italian language and their way of living. I am also very enthusiastic about the opportunity to explore historical architectural landmarks. I want to see and learn about iconic historical sites and landmarks that offer insights into the heritage and identity of Italy. Italian food is also my favorite, and sampling local cuisine is an integral part of cultural immersion during group and personal travels. I hope to seek out food markets and indulge in new and familiar foods that reflect the culinary diversity of the different landmarks I will be exploring and visiting.