Sophia Lis’ Blog Post #9: July 11, 2024

This week in Professor Gupta’s Corporate Social Responsibility course, each group presented information on their final papers. It was great to see how much time and effort my classmates put into their research and I learned a good amount on topics I previously did not have much information on, such as Cancel Culture and Big Pharma and Access to Life-Saving Drugs. In our last Wall Street Journal assignment, I reflected on what I’ve learned through these weekly article summaries. I learned that being up to date on big news excites me for the future and also makes me feel more educated on current events. I’m glad I have had more practice summarizing articles and sharing my opinion on important matters, and look forward to continuing to stay up to date on reading the Wall Street Journal. 

In our last class for Professor Swain and Gupta’s Internship Seminar, my group presented on sustainability in Italy. This was a common subject among presentations, but I learned a lot about the differences between the efforts and fines put in place here in Milan compared to the United States to be more sustainable. I also enjoyed hearing the presentation on the implications of the label “Made in Italy” as it was a topic I had been wondering about as I continue to see this labeling across items in grocery stores and local markets. In class, we had the chance to practice our interview skills with our peers, and it reminded me of recruiting for investment banking positions in the spring and how far I have come in answering questions with confidence. I have had the chance to reflect on my experience at Easylife in my final paper for this class, and have discovered more about my professional profile and aspirations, as well as how to adapt to cultural differences I’ve experienced here in Milan. I think this experience has prepared me well to work in New York City next summer!

On Monday, my boss took Paige and I out to lunch to say goodbye. He introduced us to this market in Central Station called Mercato Centrale that had so many interesting food options. I’m sad Paige and I didn’t know about this market before, but we will definitely be back to try something else before we leave on Saturday. It was really nice of my boss to make the time to get lunch with us as he is usually very busy in the office, and I’m glad I was able to get to know him better. I learned he is from a small town in the South of Italy, and that he was an investment banker before founding Easylife. After lunch he invited us to a company aperitivo on Tuesday.

For the last weekend of this trip, I stayed local and explored new areas I hadn’t seen yet in Milan. I went to the QC Terme Milano spa and had a peaceful day spending time by the pool and sauna. I went to a market on Saturday near Navigli and saw different vintage clothes, bags, and cameras. I am really going to miss walking around these weekly markets and seeing such a unique selection of items. On Tuesday, Paige and I went to a company aperitivo my boss invited us to, and during the presentation my boss even introduced us and said we were part of the team. It was a great opportunity to support my boss in a work setting and I’m glad we had the opportunity to go. Tomorrow, I’m finally going inside the Duomo and I’m so excited. I’m sad to be leaving this weekend but I really had the best time exploring Milan!

Exploring the canals in Navigli
QC Terme Milano with Paige
Watching the presentation at the company aperitivo!
Trying cappuccinos at new cafes each week

Sophia Lis’ Blog Post #8: July 4th, 2024

In Professor Gupta’s academic course on Corporate Social Responsibility this week, we discussed our opinions on if businesses should demonstrate corporate social responsibility, and also how companies make tough ethical decisions. I learned that companies do cost benefit analysis when making decisions, and as long as the benefit is higher than the cost, they tend to take on a project. The effect of this decision making can be so devastating for both their employees and the communities they work in. I thought it was interesting when Professor Gupta said companies can’t go to jail, and in order to penalize someone you have to be able to prove they caused the problem. Our homework assignment was to watch the movie “Erin Brockovich” and I learned a lot about the impact decisions have on others and how important it is for people to speak up about injustices. 

In Professors Swain and Gupta’s Internship Seminar this week, we went over resumes and how to discuss our internship experience in Milan during future interviews. I always appreciate advice on my resume, as I know this can make a big difference in the future. I added my current internship with Easylife House to my resume along with a description of the work I have been performing. It was nice to have the time to edit my resume, and I now have to update my LinkedIn so that they align with each other. Last week, we had our networking event. I liked that it wasn’t very structured and anyone could speak to whoever they wanted to. I had fun connecting with my coworker Alessia outside of the office. 

During my internship this week, I continued to edit presentations on Easylife’s competitors. I also started my own presentations on different companies, and was glad I could show some creativity by creating these from scratch. I am learning more each week on how to summarize information better and edit presentations to look the most engaging. I didn’t see my boss at all this week, but I had a great time talking with my coworkers and hearing about their weekends and future plans. I am going to miss our work space and everyone I have met in my office. My coworker Alessia came to the networking event last week and it was cool to hear about her experience at the event. She said she might have found someone willing to put their property on our website, so it was funny that we were both able to get something useful out of the event. 

This weekend I traveled to Lisbon, Portugal and it was by far my favorite location I’ve visited on this trip. I met up with my sister and we had a great time exploring the area around Commerce Square and Alfama. We went to this homey restaurant for dinner on Friday called “A Nossa Casa” and had the best meal. On Sunday, I took a day trip to Sintra and explored the Pena Castle and the Moorish Castle. My favorite part of walking around Lisbon was seeing the unique tile patterns on each building. Seeing the Lisbon Cathedral was cool, and I loved how you could walk around all day in Lisbon and see so many interesting sites. On Thursday, I ran around Sempione park in Milan and it was gorgeous! I am glad I finally took the time to walk to this park and enjoy the nature and sites. 

Walking around the Lisbon Cathedral
My first breakfast in Lisbon at Manteigaria
Touring the Pena Castle
Reuniting with my sister in Lisbon!
The entrance of Sempione park

Sophia Lis’ Blog Post #7: June 27, 2024

For class this week, the debate on if the promise of stakeholder capitalism is illusory or real was interesting to reflect on. I appreciate that stakeholder capitalism represents a shift towards a more inclusive and sustainable world. However, I believe there needs to be greater efforts across all levels of society in ensuring businesses are truly serving the interests of all stakeholders. Changes are being made and customers are paying more attention to the companies that are following environmental, social, and governance standards. I think adding regulation to stakeholder capitalism will give it more structure and hold companies more accountable for the Business Roundtable Statement they have signed. I currently lean more on the side that the promise of stakeholder capitalism is illusory, although with more accountability and measurement, I see a future where stakeholder capitalism is real.

For the Internship Seminar, our homework was to think about power and decision-making at our workplace. The office I work in is small, with three different areas total. My boss has his own office, and the employees seem to choose where they prefer to sit in the other two areas, although there are usually the same people in each room. I believe authority comes from how invested an individual is in the company. My boss is the founder and CEO of the company, as well as a top investor, so it makes sense to me that he is treated with the most authority and is trusted to make the big decisions. The time and energy he puts into his job gives him the “aura of authority” in my workplace. I’m looking forward to the networking event to see how it may be similar or different to previous events I’ve attended in the US. 

Work this week involved updating the presentations on Easylife’s competitors. I really enjoy going into the office and talking with the people I work around. Kesha and Alessia work in the same room as Paige and I, and are so friendly and always want to know about what we’ve been up to and if we need anything. They told Paige and I about the strike on Wednesday and said not to worry about coming into the office and recommended working from home. I have definitely adjusted to commuting to work and school, as well as my overall routine each day. I have not seen my boss this week, but appreciate the feedback I was given last week and have been kept busy with other tasks at work, like helping my coworkers sort through different bins in the office to keep the space organized. 

This weekend, I traveled to Ibiza to see the beautiful beaches, churches, and nightlife! There was so much to do and I wish I had more time here. On Friday, I saw Calvin Harris and David Guetta, which was so exciting because I have been listening to their music since I was in middle school. We took the day on Saturday to explore Ibiza Town, which involved seeing the Castle and walking around to different boutiques. After seeing the Castle, we went to a market called Sant Jordi which is only open on Saturdays. I got two bracelets and had a great time walking around and seeing unique jewelry, bags, clothes, and more. After the market, we went to a beach our apartment recommended called Ses Salines then got dinner on the water. Our flight was early on Sunday, so I’m glad we had a busy weekend and fit in as much as possible! 

Friends at Calvin Harris concert
View from Ibiza Castle
Ses Salines Beach in Ibiza
Pancakes from PanFuwa in Milan
Celebrating Paige’s birthday early!

Sophia Lis’ Blog Post #6: June 20, 2024

This week in Professor Gupta’s academic course on Corporate Social Responsibility we had a debate over whether or not corporate social responsibility was a thing. When first asked this question, my initial reaction was of course it is, corporations have a responsibility not only for shareholders, but also for employees, customers, suppliers, communities, and the environment. On the other hand, an interesting point brought up in one of our class readings was that the financial capital provided by shareholders is essential to the production of goods and services, and if shareholders of a publicly traded firm are unhappy, they can remove their resources and invest them elsewhere. While the traditional view of a corporation’s goal focuses on profit maximization for shareholders, contemporary perspectives increasingly recognize the importance of CSR for sustainable business success and other societal benefits. I found this debate to be really interesting, as it reflected the changes in societal expectations and business practices of the world today. I look forward to continuing this discussion next week. 

In Professors Swain and Gupta’s Internship Seminar this week, we discussed leadership styles and the difference between a hierarchical and egalitarian workplace. I enjoyed discussing the different leadership styles of our bosses, and I realized how different everyone’s work life here in Milan really is. For example, some of us have conversations with our boss everyday about what to do and how to do it, while others work alone with little instruction. It was interesting to discuss the stereotypes Italians have of Americans, especially how they think we do not know how to dress for the temperature. I am used to wearing shorts and flip flops everywhere in the summer, but have made an effort to be more socially aware here in Milan to try to avoid underdressing.

At work on Wednesday, I received feedback from my boss for the first time on the presentations I had been making. I had found a lot of information on different competitors we have, but it turns out my boss wanted a much similar version he will be able to look through quickly. This was disappointing to hear, as I had put a lot of time and effort into finding relevant information the last two weeks. With that being said, I understand he is busy, and I will try to sort through what I have done so far to edit out information to be more aligned with what he wants going forward. I am glad I have a better idea of what he is looking for now. My boss also invited Paige and I to an aperitivo in July, which I am very excited to attend! I am realizing more and more everyday how unique this experience with a work place in Italy truly is. 

This weekend, I took a train to Nice, France. We had a beach day on Friday and walked around the Old Town of Nice on Saturday. The water was so blue and it was great to spend some time on the beach. Although the location of the Airbnb I stayed in was a little bit far from Old Town, it was a quieter area with great restaurants and it was a 5 minute walk to the coast to go for a swim. On Sunday, I took a train from Nice to Monte Carlo to walk around and see the casino and the F1 race track. I wish I had more time here to explore, but it was so cool to see some of the crazy yachts and luxury stores. This was a great weekend trip and I’m so glad I got to see both Nice and Monaco!

First view of Nice getting off the train
Paige and I at dinner our first night in Nice
Enjoying the water in Nice
Visiting the casino in Monte Carlo
Burrata during dinner on the canal

Sophia Lis’ Blog Post #5: June 13th, 2024

The debate over how rich a sustainability premium people are willing to pay was an interesting debate in class this week. Professor Gupta mentioned how a 2022 study found 80% of participants stated that they cared about sustainability, but less than 7% actually paid more for sustainable products. Professor Gupta’s take on this was that talk is cheap, but I feel a lack of knowledge, research, and income can also contribute to the results of this survey. Something that stood out to me while watching the documentary “The Corporation” was the idea of ownership for every square foot of the earth. Of course, when you hear this idea it sounds impossible that every inch of the earth could be owned by someone, along with how complex it would be to actually set the parameters. However, if everyone acted in the best interest of the land they owned, it seems possible that more sustainable decisions would be made in favor of the environment. 

I learned a lot more about Italian culture in Professors Swain and Gupta’s Internship Seminar this week, such as how there are usually not many Italian flags around, unless Italy is proud of a recent accomplishment and showing their pride. For example, if the AC Milan soccer team won a game, many more flags would be out. I also learned about an Italian dish more commonly eaten in the winter called pizzoccheri. This stood out to me as on the IES trip this weekend to northern Italy, we had pizzoccheri for dinner one night and it was great! Paige and I completed the “Workplace Profile Encyclopedia” together, and I learned more about the competitive industry the company I work for is in. The short term rental industry faces strong competition both attracting tenants and property owners, which makes the industry dynamic and multifaceted. I hope the work I’m doing will help my company gain more properties and continue to profit. 

At work this week, I was given much freedom with how I spend my time. I had presentations to edit and update, but I did not see my boss all week since he didn’t come into the office. I appreciate the autonomy I was given to do the work at my own pace, although I do wish I was given more feedback so I had a better idea of what was needed from me. My favorite part of the work day would have to be enjoying espresso and cookies with the people in the office. After a conversation with my boss, I found a balance between going into the office and working from home that works for both of us. The plan is for me to come into the office 3 days a week, then work from home the other 2 days. I’m glad we had this conversation so I can better plan my weeks going forward. 

On Sunday, the group on the IES trip went on a hike around the cabin where we stayed the night. I loved being outside and seeing the nature in Northern Italy. I spent the majority of last week planning my trips out for the following weekends to try to take advantage of my time abroad! I am traveling to Nice this weekend and plan on spending one day on the beach and one day exploring Monte Carlo. I haven’t bought anything special for myself or my family yet in Italy, so I’m hoping there will be a unique selection of boutiques and shops in Nice so I can get something to remember the trip by.

Cute dog on our hike
Scenery outside where we stayed  in Northern Italy
Paige, Hannah, and I taking in the view
Area we hiked around on Sunday

Sophia Lis’ Blog Post #4: June 9, 2024

This week, Professor Gupta’s course on Corporate Social Responsibility has opened my eyes to how difficult it must be for corporations to balance having their own set of ethics with maximizing value for their shareholders. The discussion we had on Planet Fitness and if they should have changed their policy on changing rooms was an interesting debate. My initial reaction was that Planet Fitness’ motto is about inclusivity, and I agreed with their decision to maintain the rule which states each individual can choose the changing room that they best identify themselves with. With that being said, after hearing about how their stock price had greatly declined after that decision and has still not fully recovered, I better understand the other side of the argument. If shareholders would have been better off, I wonder if it would have been more ethical for Planet Fitness to change their policy, although I commend them for sticking to their previous position. 

This week in Professors Swain and Gupta’s Internship Seminar we had a discussion on the case study “The Parable of the Sadhu.” The hiker in the story made a difficult decision when he came across a man in need. Facing different obstacles, the hiker did all he thought he needed to do to help the man by giving him clothes and helping him stay alive. However, at the end of the day he decided to leave the man and finish his journey. I better understand how individuals struggle to stray from a group decision after reading this case study. My main takeaway from the case was that the standards for what is ethical is subjective and as individuals, we sometimes do enough for a short term solution for a problem, but not enough for a long term solution to a problem. 

I worked both in person and virtually this week. One of the mornings the tram wasn’t operating near Aparto, so Paige and I had to walk to the Duomo subway station and were a little late to work. I didn’t know how common delays were, but hopefully we can avoid this in the future by leaving earlier. At work, I was able to translate two of Easylife Milano’s company slideshows to English by making a direct translation and then having conversations with my boss about what to change so it would sound the most natural. I was glad I was able to help the company with this, and I’m enjoying getting to know the people in the office on a more personal level.

On Thursday I went to my first wine tasting! It was interesting to learn about how to identify different qualities of sparkling, white, and red wine. I have been playing soccer in my free time outside of Aparto, and this week I met some Italian boys who wanted to pass around and play a game together. They were so nice and curious about how I play soccer for my university. Although we had a hard time fully understanding each other, it is cool to think about how soccer is a universal activity that can bring together people no matter where they are from or the language they speak. On Saturday, I went on the IES trip to Varenna and Bellagio. This was my first time seeing Lake Como and it was so beautiful! Walking in the gardens and seeing different views of the lake was calming, and I will definitely have to come back for a day trip to swim when it gets warmer. As a group we went on a packed ferry ride to Bellagio, but once we got there all the shops and gelato places made the trip worth it! I really enjoyed walking into different stores and seeing so many unique leather bags and purses. This was the last IES trip offered, but I’m grateful they worked so hard to plan these trips to make our experiences positive.

My first view of Lake Como
Exploring the gardens near Lake Como
Set up at the wine tasting
Paige and I enjoying aperitivo in Bellagio

Sophia Lis’ Blog #3: June 2, 2024

I am looking forward to our first class on corporate social responsibility next week. Reading the Wall Street Journal has always been an important part of my day as a finance major, but as I further analyze articles during my reflections I feel I have been able to form a more educated opinion on matters. The article I researched this week was on artificial intelligence and its capabilities in the field of health care. The ethical dilemma at hand is whether individual privacy should be maintained or if having all medical records shared using AI can save lives. While doing further research, I found it interesting that Reddit is giving OpenAI access to its data. I wonder if Reddit is setting the tone for other companies to follow in terms of data sharing and trying to maximize AI’s capabilities. 

During the internship seminar this week, we went over our personal cultural analysis and did a group activity determining which scenario coincided with a cultural feature in Milan. I learned that I fall on the particularist side of authority and the schedule side of organization. My internship will require me to accommodate the schedule of my boss and when he will be in the office, so I will make sure to be mindful of my own cultural profile and accept new “norms” here in Milan. In the reading “The Head or the Heart,” I learned about how when different cultures interact, they both will have different perspectives on how the interaction went based on what each group is used to. Americans tend to be more focused on business and less about building trust and relationships, which is an important part of other cultures. A way I can try to build relationships with the people I work with here in Milan is to accept an invitation to coffee or lunch whenever possible. 

Over the course of my first week, I have learned a lot about the company I work for, Easylife Milano. I better understand how I can help the company reach their goals. I have been editing and updating presentations on similar short term rental firms in Italy to better analyze our competitors. Italy is a very popular tourist area, and it is important that tourists see Easylife Milano’s website and trust it is reliable to book their stay. To help, I have been comparing and contrasting our website with our competitors to see what we could add or change to have more of an advantage in gaining customers. For example, I recommended increasing the amount of languages our website translates to so tourists from different parts of the world are encouraged to book with us. Although my boss is very busy, I appreciate how he has been very open to any questions I have in the process. 

On Saturday, I traveled to the Alps and was able to see Europe’s highest mountain, Mont Blanc. Hiking to Arpy Lake was difficult, but I’m glad I had this experience with my friends and we were able to make it to the lake despite some challenges. On Sunday, I took a day trip to Santa Margherita in Liguria. This is the first beach I’ve been to in Italy and it was beautiful! I hope I have a chance to go back and spend more time exploring and walking around the area. Although it was cloudy, people swam and laid on the beach for hours. It was definitely very different from what I’ve seen in Italy so far and I’d love to explore the coast of Italy further.

First time seeing Arpy Lake
View of the Mont Blanc range
Beach day at Santa Margherita
Carbonara at Ai Balestrari

Sophia Lis’s Blog #2: May 28, 2024

In Professor Gupta’s academic course on Corporate Social Responsibility, I am looking forward to understanding how businesses implement ethical policies to both uphold a good reputation and contribute to a better society. Businesses today face challenges on how to maintain ethical standards and keep up with societal pressures. In the WSJ article I reflected on this week, I learned about the strong impact rule changes have on everyone involved in a corporation. For example, athletes can soon be paid directly by their universities, and as a result smaller conferences struggling with their finances may have to bear the burden of this settlement. This also brings up an ethical issue where schools may have the power to decide which athletic teams receive the most money. I am looking forward to hearing my peers’ opinions and perspectives on the articles they chose, as reading over the posts was very insightful and I already have a better understanding of important matters going on in the world. I was glad to see the company I work for here, Easylife Milano, is using CSR practices to be more sustainable, such as by using home automation to reduce energy consumption, and I hope to explore more ways different companies implement CSR practices in this course.

I enjoyed the Internship Seminar today and better understand how important taking this class is while interning abroading so our group can come together and have discussions about new experiences we are facing and how we are adapting to different social situations. I enjoyed our discussion about being aware and intentional about how you are using your soft skills in a work environment. Professor Swain also had great advice, including to ask many questions (especially this first week or two), be proactive, and to earn trust by working hard to prove yourself. Having relationships with people in the workplace is so important in Italy, and I have enjoyed coffee with the people I work around both yesterday and today. I spoke with two people I work with for over an hour on my experience growing up in America and also about their experiences in Europe. I wish to make the most of this internship by continuing to build relationships with those around me. Going forward I want to be more proactive during the time I’m in the office. I’m having some difficulty understanding which days of the week I should be in the office. My boss wants me there when he comes into the office, however he is unsure of his schedule until the night before. Next week, I hope to make a plan with my boss and understand his weekly schedule so I can prepare for when to come into the office, but I will also be flexible and continue communicating to show I am interested and want to work. 

I am working at Easylife Milano on the financial side of the company. Easylife was established in 2016 and manages apartments and accommodation facilities for short-term rentals in Italy and Switzerland. During this week, I have analyzed the company’s website and learned of their long term goals, including to be the first sustainable operator for short term rentals in Italy as well as to obtain the most apartments in Italy so their customers have a large selection to choose from. I also discovered their two biggest costs are personnel and maintenance fees. I will involve myself in this experience by communicating daily with my boss on what to research and offering my insight and different perspective to reach our goals. A way I started doing this was by analyzing the Italian firm with the most apartments, Italianway, and comparing my findings to Easylife to see if there are ways Easylife can implement new techniques to be more successful. Paige is working on the marketing side of Easylife so we commute to work together. 

This weekend, I traveled to Lake Maggiore with other IES students. We explored Isola Madre, Isola Dei Pescatori, and Isola Bella. Each island offered so many beautiful sites, from palaces to botanical gardens. I have attached pictures of both below! During our boat ride to these places I conversed with other IES students and made friendships with those outside our Lehigh program. Meeting new people and showing curiosity in others is a goal of mine this trip, and I think this group trip was a great way to start. On Sunday, I took a tram to a vintage market called Giardino delle Culture with friends. The atmosphere was lively and welcoming as I walked around and viewed different styles of clothes, jewelry, bags, and more. Seeing the way people are able to express themselves through fashion was captivating and an important part of Milan, as it is the capital of Italian and international fashion, and I would recommend this activity to anyone with free time on Sunday! I also went to the AC Milan soccer game at San Siro Stadium last week. As a soccer player myself it was fascinating to see the quick pace of the game live, and experience the energy from the crowd. Soccer is huge in Europe, and I hope I have another opportunity to see a game live while I am in Italy!

Scenery from Isola dei Pescatori.
Flowers at Isola Madre.
Paige working across from me at Easylife.
My view of AC Milan playing.
First dinner in Milan with IES.


Sophia Lis’ Blog Post #1: April 1, 2024

Sophia Lis’ Blog Post #1: April 1, 2024

I am excited to begin the Academic Enrichment via Professor Gupta’s Corporate Social Responsibility course. Being an ethical individual and holding yourself responsible for your actions is crucial to being successful. I am a finance major, and it is so important in the field of financial services to understand the economic, legal and ethical responsibilities of corporations, and understand how to take action to align operations with these responsibilities. My expectation is to come to class prepared from doing the class readings, and be an active participant in the conversation. I hope to learn from both my classmates and Professor Gupta in these discussions. I read the Wall Street Journal every day so I am looking forward to reflecting on an article I find interesting each week! I also hope to gain insight on how to be a trustworthy leader in the financial services field. 


I think the Academic Enrichment via Gupta/Swain Internship Seminar will be a great opportunity to further my understanding on accounting topics and learn through participating in class discussions. I enjoy actively listening and being able to discuss topics with my peers. Hearing others’ insights and perspectives is so important and I think I will learn a lot from the professors and also my peers. My expectations are to learn more about what field in finance I want to start my career in and learn how to best prepare for interviews. This will be a great opportunity to gain exposure to different career paths. I also hope to learn new topics to add/change to edit my resume to ensure it is strong for applications. 


My expectations from the internship is to ask questions and learn as much as possible throughout my time in Milan. This is such a unique opportunity to explore the European financial markets and I hope to understand the difference between doing work in the United States compared to in Europe. Although I am not exactly sure what my internship is at this time, I hope to build a connection with the people I work with and contribute positively to the work being done. I am excited to start my first internship and I hope it prepares me well for the future! I hope to make new contacts and stay in touch with the people I work with to expand my network. 


I am most excited for the cultural immersion through group and personal travels. I have signed up for both field trips offered through IES, the Lake Maggiore trip and the Mountain Retreat Adventure, and am looking forward to learning more about Italy and experiencing the culture first hand. I think the Italian language class will be a great opportunity to better understand the language and I hope to be able to use what I learn for the remainder of the trip. My expectations are to get to know everyone on the trip and find out more about the culture together through group activities and spending time outside. I am on the women’s soccer team, so I also may try to find a soccer team to join in the area!