Victoria Hawk’s Blog Post #9: July 11th, 2024

For the last week of class, we continued our normal routine of starting class with a WSJ presentation, and people sharing their views and thoughts on the story presented. Then we did things differently in class this week, and shared our final presentation. Each group got 20 minutes to share a brief explanation of their research topic and we got to learn about what they have been working out throughout this summer term. After the presentations, we got the chance to ask questions on areas we were confused about or wanted to hear more about. Even though we had some technical difficulties, all the groups got to present and it was very interesting learning about what everyone researched. 

In the internship seminar this week we all worked on our group presentation on the topic of our choice, with options that we could choose from, and got the chance to present them to the class. My group presented on Waste Management in Italy as we were very interested in it as it has been a hard transition coming from the US used to our waste management regulations. They are very strict and legit and Italian and it has definitely taken me some time to adjust and I don’t even think I fully have. In my group, I was responsible for interviewing an Italian and hearing their thoughts on waste management, and that was extremely informative and educational hearing their thoughts and opinions on it.  

In my internship this week we are back in person for my last week. Last week both of my bosses were traveling so they had me and Jen work remotely. As much as I enjoyed working remotely, it was great to be back in the office and getting to see everyone. As soon as we got back to the office, we got straight into what the game plan is for the week. We started organizing excel files and finding people on linkedin that fit all the requirements that our boss sent Jen and I. We then continued reaching out to people seeing if they are interested in Sigep, and continue to stay in contact with the people that are interested. I have really enjoyed this internship and felt as though I have learned and grown a lot. I hope to stay in touch with everyone I have met at my internship and people at IES!

This weekend was my last weekend in Italy and I traveled to Split Croatia with a big group! This was my first trip getting on a plane and planning flights my whole time here. That was a little nerve racking as if we have only traveled on trains, and if we missed our train or if our train got canceled/ delayed, we could catch the next one which isn’t the case for flights. Luckily, everything went smoothly and we made our flight to and from the Split. In Split, we went to a beach club one day and then went on a boat tour the next day. Split was very different from any place I’ve been but the beach was so relaxing and calming. It was very interesting as the water in Split is extremely salty and something I wasn’t expecting. Besides that, that boat was such a fun experience and great way to see Croatia and one of my favorite things I’ve done in my time here.


The Street right outside my Air BNB in Split

Kate, Jonah, and Mahan swimming!

The view of the beach club in Split

Mussels I had for dinner on Saturday night










Victoria Hawk’s Blog Post #8: July 4, 2024

This week in the CSR class, we started as we morally do with discussing WSJ and sharing our opinions for the first half of class. In the second half of class on Monday, we discussed the Apple case study that we had to read for homework and wrote a summary of it. We got into our groups and answered the questions on the worksheet together. We had to watch a movie called Erin Brockovich for Wednesday’s class and answer questions about it. This was one of my favorite assignments we have been assigned for this class. The movie was fascinating, and answering the questions afterward helped give me a better opinion of what I think of the topics and characters discussed in the movie. I look forward to class on Wednesday to discuss the film and questions and hear what others think about it. 


In the internship seminar class this week, we started the class by recapping the networking event we had on Thursday and how it went. Instead of having our regular class on Tuesday, we had the networking event on Thursday. We then proceeded to switch gears and focus on how to prepare for future interviews and update our resume, including Lehigh in Milan. Professor Gupta stated to the class that our resume is “your brand” and something to help you stand out in the interviews. We need to grab people’s attention, and Lehigh in Milan is a great differentiator and something we should highlight to talk about in interviews. He also told us to be able to talk about what we did in our internship in depth. Do not use short, broad terms like “uploading Excel” and vague words. Our personality should shine through, and we must show that we are someone they want to work with. 


In my internship, both of my bosses are traveling, so they won’t be in the office, so Jen and I worked remotely this week. They gave us a heads-up last week so they could tell us the work and tasks we needed to get done over the course of this week, and we had the opportunity to ask questions in person. Every morning at 9:30, our boss checks in to ensure we are clear on what we are doing and if we have any questions. At the end of the day, they check in again to see our progress and what we have accomplished. I have learned that I don’t mind working from home but miss being in the office and interacting with my co-workers. I have also noticed that I am more productive at work than at home. 

I traveled to 3 different locations this weekend. On Friday, I spent the day in Lake Como, and it is definitely my favorite weekend trip so far. We rented a boat for 2 hours, allowing us to see the lake well and all the beautiful scenery and properties on the lake. Our skipper stopped for 30 minutes to let us jump in and swim in the lake. The water was so amazing and refreshing that I didn’t want to get out. On Saturday, I went to Bologna and Florence, and we spent the night in Florence. Bologna is known for tortellini, so we had to try it there, and it was the best tortellini I’ve ever had! We then traveled to Florence and went to the markets we didn’t get a chance to visit the last time we were there. We loved the dinner spot so much that we went there for the first time, so we had to go back and get their famous blueberry steak!

Swimming in Lake Como!

Tortellini in Bologna

One of the 7 church’s in Bologna

Famous Blueberry Steak in Flornence!


Victoria Hawk’s Blog Post #7: June 27, 2024

This week in the CSR class, we continued our daily routine of starting class on Monday with two WSJ conversations. The person who picked that article talks about it, and then the person commenting on it also shares their thoughts. After they go, the rest of the class can share their views and ask questions. We did that for the first half of class. In the second half of class, we watched a video. On Wednesday, we had a similar structure starting with WSJ. I shared my WSJ about California wanting to have zero emission motors in cars and trains, and not letting cars and trains enter that aren’t up to CARB standards, and how that affects the rest of the country. After my article, another student shared, and then we went on to debate whether corporations have empty rhetoric or not.  

In my internship, we have started to enter the beginning stages of talking to clients about the tradeshow Sigep. I talked about this last week, but we have been making calls and sending out a mass amount of emails to almost 800 people on Thursday. On Monday, it was to get back to work and check our email to see who responded, and who is interested in coming to sigep. Our boss told us we had a positive turnout from years prior, and many more people are interested. The following days, we worked from home and continued to clean up and organize the data sheets of other clients we are planning on reaching out to. 

This weekend, I traveled with seven girls and went to a nice. I went on Saturday, but the rest of the group went on Friday, and when I arrived, I heard about the chaos that occurred on Friday night. Apparently, the air bnb we got was in an unsafe area, and doors didn’t lock and fully shut. Around 2 am, some people started banging on doors outside of the Airbnb, which was scary, and they had to call the police. We ended up moving to a hotel, and it all worked out. The rest of the trip was great, and on Saturday, I met up with them, and we spent the day at the beach, explored nice, and then got dinner. On Sunday,  a few of us went to Monaco and explored the town. It was very cool to see the yachts, and then we spent the rest of the day at a beach club, then headed home to Milan!


Me, Kiera, Kate, Julia, and Jen in Nice!

Beach in Nice

Cod Rissoto that I had one night for dinner this weekend.

Yachts in Monaco

Victoria Hawk’s Blog Post #6: June 20, 2024

In class this week, we continued our normal routine of starting off class by talking about anything exciting that happened over the weekend and our travel plans. We then started to discuss some of the Wall Street Journal posts. The more we do these, the more I enjoy writing them on my own and completing this assignment. The insight, information, and new perspectives that I get from my classmates help me see their opinions on the article we are currently talking about in class and articles I read in the future. This is something that I really love that we do in class, and I like that everyone feels open and comfortable to share their opinion. In the second half of class, we watched a video and then got together with our group to answer questions. Each group was assigned different questions regarding different topics. Each person from almost every group shared at least one of their questions, and I really liked hearing everyone’s answers and opinions on these different questions/topics. 

In the internship seminar this week, we covered a broad range of topics. It was really great to hear about my peers’ experiences in Milan and at their internships. We talked about the goals we set when we first got here and what we noticed here that we wouldn’t have if we were just in Milan for a few days. That was one of my favorite discussions so far because I would have never asked that question before. I feel like I have become more socially aware of what’s going on around me and have picked up some Italian habits that I wouldn’t have if I were only visiting Milan for a few days. Then, we went on to talk about the culture of our internships, the style of our bosses, and how they are different. It’s very interesting to hear everyone’s perspectives on what is going on at their internship compared to yours. Lastly, we wrapped up class by talking about the stereotypes we make about Italians and Italians make about us.  

This week in my internship, we started to finalize the steps before we got to start calling and reaching out to clients that we would invite to the trade show, Sigep. It is starting to get very exciting because Sigep is our main focus and what we spend most of our time working on. We are organizing one of the last spreadsheets with all of the companies to whom we could reach out and make sure we have all of their contact information. I have really enjoyed doing this work and find it very interesting. I am also really excited about Wednesday at work because we are having another lunch at my boss’s house. He is cooking lasagna for all of the interns and his co-workers.  I really like these meals at his house because someone’s home and living style shows a lot about a person, and he really opens up to us in his house. 

This weekend was definitely the longest and most stressful, but also my favorite. This weekend, I traveled to Cinque Terre, Monterosso, and Riomaggiore, but we stayed in La Spezia. We stayed at the cutest Air bnb! This was the most beautiful and relaxing place I have ever been to. The water was so clear, and the entire layout of this place was beautiful. The rocks were huge, and each looked different and had different structures. The stressful aspect of the trip was traveling on the way home. We were unaware of all the strikes that were going on and didn’t think they could heavily impact the train lines. On Sunday, halfway through the way, we realized all the trains were getting canceled or delayed. Luckily, we figured it out and made it home, but it was a good lesson to learn. Even with all of the stress, this has definitely been my favorite trip so far.

Me, Jen, Mads, and Kate swimming in Monterosso

Pasta and Muscle dish I ate in Monterosso

Me, Kate, and Mads eating breakfast at our air bib with the owner’s cats!

The beautiful ocean in Riomaggorie

Victoria Hawk’s Blog Post #5: June 13, 2024

As we finished up the third week of classes, I feel I am starting to learn and grow in my CSR class. As I talked about in my journal last week, Professor Gupta has one or two students share the article they read and wrote about for their WSJ assignment. Once they share and the student who commented on their article shares, the rest of the class starts to share their opinions on the article. The more we do this, the more comfortable I feel sharing my opinion, adding to what someone said, or even disagreeing with someone. Everyone in the class is very open and wants to hear what you have to say, which I really like. I view it as an open discussion rather than a debate. 


This week, I had a conflict and unfortunately did not attend the Internship Seminar Class. I asked a few of my classmates to fill me in on what I missed, and they said we discussed the importance and differences between the cultural identities in Italy and in the US. This is a topic that I find very interesting, and before coming to Milan, I would not think that there is that big of a difference. Now being here, I know that it is day and night. Where you are raised, how you grew up, and the people you are around shape you to who you are. Each place you go has a different culture and things they do, and I am still adjusting to the ones here. It’s crazy to think about how I think something is so different, but Italians wouldn’t think twice about doing it and vice versa. If they saw me carrying coffee on the street in a to-go cup, they would think that it was strange, whereas at home, it’s completely normal. I find it so amazing how each culture has different habits and ways of life, and it is extremely eye-opening here. 

At my internship this week, we continued working on the same project we did last week by finding clients who might be interested in attending Sigep, a trade show that Gen USA was invited to, and sending them emails and calling them. My favorite part of my internship this week was going to my boss’s house with my other boss Mauro, Kamal, Jen, and the two boys we work with. We had lunch at his house, and he cooked us an amazing ravioli dish. I was so excited to see what the houses are like here and how they differ from houses in the US. My boss, Mauro, has a cat that is very energetic and playful. He was always up to something and kept us on our toes at lunch! This has by far been my favorite experience I’ve had at my internship, and it really shows the culture of the office and their close-knit relationships.  

This weekend has been the most relaxing weekend I’ve had since I’ve been here. On Friday, I went to Florence for the weekend with a few girls. We didn’t have any set plans, which was nice because we could just relax and explore the city as we pleased. I noticed how different Florance is from Milan. It is a lot more touristy, but less of a city, which I liked. It felt more relaxed and calm there, even with all the people. The food here was so good. I had one of the best sandwiches of my life. Florence is a beautiful place, and I definitely hope to go back. This weekend, I am going on a completely different type of trip. I am going to Cinque Terre, which is definitely more beachy than Florence. I am excited to relax and get some sun as it has been rainy in Milan recently.


Florence Duomo

Lunch at my boss’s house!

The sandwich I had in Florence

My boss’s Cat!

Victoria Hawk’s Blog Post #4: June 9, 2024

This week was the beginning of our CSR class, and we had our first two meetings of the semester. So far, we have had several assignments, and I feel since being in Milan I am adjusting to the workload. As we are attending class, I am getting a better understanding of everything that I need to do, especially with the WSJ articles. I love that in class, we go over one person’s WSJ article and discuss it as a whole class. The person who picked that article summarizes it to the class, and the people who commented on it get a chance to share what they think about it and their opinion on it as well. As a class, we all get to add our own opinions and debate the topic at hand. It is a very friendly and open environment that lets everyone see the story from another person’s perspective, which, in my opinion, is the best way to understand an article. I also find it helpful for me to pick articles and give me an idea of what a good article to write about for this assignment would look like. 

This week, we have completed the second class of our internship seminar class. I really enjoy this class and see it as a place to freely express our experiences in our internship and how to learn from them. We can ask questions about the Italian work culture and ask any questions about it that we were confused about in the office or scared to ask at work. One thing we did this week is a case study. This is something that I would not have expected to happen in this class and more expected in the CRS class. But it was a pleasant surprise. My group got picked to debate the case against another group, and I really enjoyed debating our viewpoints and seeing the approach and angle the opposing team was taking. Debating and speaking in front is something I want to improve, and I think this class, paired with the CRS class, will really help that. I am glad we are doing debates like these. 

I am wrapping up the second week of my internship, and I have really been enjoying it so far! Everyone at Gen USA is very kind and easy to work with. I can definitely see the work starting to pick up and my boss giving me and Jen more to do and completing tasks with more purpose. This week, he introduced us to the biggest trade show that they have in January and that they got invited back to. Sigep, the tradeshows, asks that Gen USA bring a certain number of companies to the trade show that we think will benefit and use the products, ingredients, machinery, ideas, etc, that they are showing at the tradeshow. We were tasked with finding companies to invite and then finding their contact information. Once we do that, we will call and email them to see if they are interested in coming to this event through Gen USA. 

This weekend, I traveled to Florence with a few girls doing the Milan program. I left around mid-afternoon on Friday and got to Florence around 4 pm. When we got there, we explored the town, and it was so interesting to see how different it was from Milan. It was almost more rural and not as much as a city like Milan. The people there weren’t as dressed and up, and it almost seemed more relaxed and less crowded. On Saturday, we went to the leather markets, as Florence is known for its leather goods. I got my sister a wallet, and I purchased a leather jacket for myself. On Sunday, we went to a flea market, which was very cool as there was an array of different things. I got my mom a coin necklace, which I thought was very cool. Before heading back to Milan, we stopped at the world’s oldest pharmacy. It was so interesting to see how nice it was and how different pharmacies were back then. It really shows how the world evolved. My favorite room in the pharmacy was this illusion room. There were a bunch of mirrors and changing screens. Florence was an amazing city, and I definitely hope to go back someday.

Mads and I at Piazza Michaelangelo

Famous truffle pasta at Osteria Pastella

Coin charms I got my mom at the flea market.

Ceiling in the Oldest Pharmacy in the World!

Victoria Hawk’s Blog Post #3: June 2, 2024

So far, completing the work for the Corporate Social Responsibility class has been really enjoyable. It is getting me very excited for when we start class on Monday. All of the articles I have read have informed me so much about what is going on in the world, economy, and market. For my WSJ post this week, I read an article called “Cooling for AI is a Hot Stock Market Trade—for Now,” which is about how AI is literally “hot.” It then begins to talk about the effects that AI is having on the world and how it is actually hot and creating heat. AI chips are actually extremely hot and disperse hot air into the atmosphere. A solution that fixes this is liquid cooling. Liquid cooling absorbs heat by putting the coolant liquid into the pipes that act as servers. The reason behind using liquid is that it transfers the heat very quickly and allows data centers to condense the servers to be closer, making it more efficient. Liquid cooling is booming, and the two companies discussed in the article are doing extremely well and are predicted to do even better in 2026. Reading these articles has already helped me be more informed about what is happening in the world, and I am very interested to see what other topics I will read and learn about!


Before completing the first internship class, I was confused about the purpose of the class and what I would be doing. Shortly into the class, I realized how important this class is in helping prepare for our internship and future internships. We went over how different working in Italy is compared to the US and the cultural differences. We have already learned so much about the do’s and don’ts in an office setting that I would not have known without this class. Then, we discussed how they would help us use this internship in the future. They will coach us and help prepare us for future interviews and how we should spin and present our internship in Milan. This is something that we will be asked and want to be asked about in interviews, and we want to make sure that we have it on our resume and explained properly and be able to talk about what we did and how we got out of it. Being able to work in another country is a very impressive skill. It can show how adoptable, flexible, and easy to work with you are, which are admirable traits when considering hiring someone. This class will help mentor us on how to do that and help us be as prepared as possible for our internship and the future. 


After completing the first week of my internship, I feel I am learning a lot and really like the company and people. This week, there were two trade shows my boss’ boss, Mauro, went to, and like I said in my blog last week, Jen and I made the Excel schedules for him to use during them. I thought it was very interesting how trustworthy they are of our work as that schedule is a very important aspect of the trade show. If done incorrectly, that can affect the clients you are meeting with and completely throw off this event for them. My boss Kamal told us that the summer is their more relaxed time of the year, and they don’t have as many trade shows in the summer. It is more of a period for the organization and for them to see what changes and goals they want to set going forward. Fall, winter, and spring are their busy seasons, and they have 2-3 trade shows a week rather than 1-2 every two months in the summer. The rest of the week, we made a PowerPoint to gather the statistics of Gen USA’s progress over April and May to see what changes need to be made and how to improve the company. 


This weekend, I went on another Group trip planned through IES, but for just Lehigh students. We went hiking in the Swiss Alps and also did an obstacle course. For this trip, I woke up at 4:45 and it was an extremely brutal wake up. As soon as I got on the bus, I immediately fell asleep and woke up when we were almost at the cabin and obstacle course by the windy, steep roads going up the mountain. I would definitely say that the obstacle course was my favorite part of the trip. I was really nervous about it at first because I didn’t think I would be good at clipping myself in and setting up the clips for me to zip line and be properly secured on the course, but it was actually pretty easy. Unfortunately, I didn’t bring my phone on the course so I don’t have any photos of it, but it consisted of zip lines, tight ropes, tires, and wooden logs you would have to walk on to get across. After that, we drove 20 minutes to go on a hike up the mountain. I was so surprised by how cold and snowy it was because when we were at the cabin, it was so warm. The snow made it difficult to hike, and we ended up not being able to finish the hike because it got too dangerous. We turned around and walked back down and went to the restaurant right by the mountain. We all got a snack and some gelato at the restaurant and were all recharged for our ride home. This was a great experience, and I loved seeing the beautiful view of the mountains. 

The first meal I had here that wasn’t Italian food. Sushi restaurant around the corner from aparto.

The outside of my office for my internship

View of the Swiss Alps from the cabin

Julia and Kate hiking up the mountain!

Victoria Hawk’s Blog Post #2: May 28, 2024

I am very excited to start the Corporate Social Responsibility class next week as I believe this class will help me improve my teamwork, public speaking, and critical thinking skills. After completing the WSJ assignment that was due last Friday, it really got me excited to start sharing what we are reading and researching in class and hearing people’s opinions on them. As I said in my WSJ post, hearing from several different people’s perspectives, in my opinion, is the best way to understand a topic and better your argument fully. Getting into debates and group discussions about a topic will help us break the issue down from the inside out and fully understand it to the best of our abilities. I really enjoyed writing and researching for my WSJ assignment and look forward to future assignments for this class!

Today, we had our first Internship Seminar Class from 4-6:45, and I was very excited to start my first day! I was initially hesitant to see how the class would be with Professor Gupta being on Zoom, but I thought it went very smoothly. We started the class by having everyone introduce themselves and talk about their internship, what their company is/does, and what they are doing for them. I really liked this because we all haven’t had a formal introduction to each other yet, and its very interesting to hear about what everyone is doing. Also, I think that it is very important and helpful for us to know how to speak about our internship and what it is, as we will be doing that a lot in this class and the future. From today’s class, I really took away how helpful this class will be in helping prepare us for our internship and future internships/jobs. Being in a different country, we are learning that there is a completely different environment and culture, and that goes for the work environment as well. They have a different work culture here and do things completely different than we do back in the States. If you have already had an internship or job in the US, it is probably very different than your one here, and I think that is a very important aspect to know being at your internship. Your internship will also help you in the future because you could hate the work culture here or you could love it. This is a great learning experience for us to learn what we like and don’t like. I am very excited for the next few weeks of this class as I think it will help me learn alot more about my internship and how to present it for it to help me in the future.

I had my first day of my internship with Gen USA on Monday. I got lucky and am working with one of my friends on this trip, Jen. We walked to the office from Aparto and got there at 9:30. When we first got there, we met our boss, Kamal. He gave us the company’s background and reviewed what we would do there and our schedule for our time in Milan. Probably 15 minutes later, we got straight into work, and he told me our assignment for the day and what we needed to do. Over the next two days, Tuesday and Wednesday, Gen USA is going to a PLMA Trade Show where they meet several other companies/ future clients. Kamal was away at a conference last week and got a bunch of companies’ contact information and reached out to them, asking if they could meet at the PLMA trade show through email. For the companies that responded, I made an Excel sheet of their meeting time, where they are meeting, who they are meeting, that person’s role in the company, contact information, and some extra notes. After that, the two other interns showed up, and we ate lunch together. So far, I have very much enjoyed my first two days at my internship and can’t wait to learn more.

So far since I’ve been in Italy, I feel I have been very adventurous with traveling and integrating myself into the culture. We have gone out to eat at several different Italian restaurants, and I haven’t had a bad bite since I’ve been here. The best thing I have eaten here so far is my meal on the first day of my internship. We all went out to eat together, and we went to this local restaurant right by the office, and they had the best focaccia bread I’ve ever eaten! For my main course, I had a veal cutlet, which is something I’ve never tried before. My boss said it is a very popular Italian meal, so I thought it would be fun to try a traditional Italian meal that isn’t pasta. Both are pictured below. For traveling, I had a great time at the IES Lake Maggiore trip but my favorite trip so far was what me and a few girls did on Sunday. We took the train to Genoa for a beach day. We were off to a rocky start, getting charged extra for our tickets because we bought them late. Then, once we arrived at Genoa train station, we thought we could stay at one more stop, and it would take us to the next station, which was closer to the beach we wanted to go to. We quickly realized that we couldn’t do that when the train started heading back the way we came. Luckily, I asked the people next to me, and they were also going to the beach, they said this train stops at several beautiful beaches on the coast that are actually much nicer than the Genoa beaches. We ended up going to Varazze and went to the most beautiful beach with the most friendly people. I am so happy that we went on this last minute trip and had all these experiences because it reminded me to always make the best of the situation you are in and that everything happens for a reason!

Focaccia Bread from Restaurant on the first day of Internship!

Day trip to the beach in Varazze

Lake Maggiore IES Trip

Veal Chicken Cutlet I ate out to lunch with my Internship team!

Victoria Hawk Blog Post #1: April 1, 2024

Throughout the Corporate Social Responsibility Course, I plan to learn what corporate social responsibility is and how it affects me in my internship/ future job experiences, the people I work with, my peers, and the world.  During this course, I am excited about working with my group as we have selected “cancel culture” as our topic of discussion for our paper. I am excited to advance my public speaking skills as this is a very participation-heavy course. Throughout the course, we need to keep up with the assigned readings and assignments and be able to talk about them in class. One of the things that I am most excited about in this class is the debates that we will have. I love to hear different people’s opinions and approaches on an issue, and hearing from several slides personally helps me understand the issue better as a whole. 


In the Internship Seminar class, I am very interested in learning about how I can thrive and excel more not only in my summer internship but in any of my future jobs.​​ This is my first internship and first time being exposed to an actual work environment. I believe this class will help me be more prepared, increase my knowledge and confidence in a work setting, and help me achieve my goal of learning as much as I can in this internship. I am very excited to build my professionalism skills and how to be more confident in a work setting. I plan on using this class to my advantage as much as I can because it is here to help me succeed. I am excited to build my resume, advance my interview skills, and learn how to balance my internship with my two classes this summer.


At Lehigh, I have come to the conclusion that I plan on becoming a finance major. Because of that, I would like to have a finance internship in Milan. I am still in the beginning stages of the process, waiting to match up with a company, be put in contact with them, and go through the interview process. Personally, I am not picky about where I end up interning as I know I am fortunate enough to learn about finance at one of the finance capitals of the world. During my internship, I plan to learn the basics of finance and grow my knowledge about it. I have never had an internship before, so this will be my first time working in a professional office setting. I am very excited to learn from everyone that I work with at whatever company I end up at! 


As I am very excited to take classes and have an internship this summer, I would have to say that I am most excited to travel around Milan, Europe, and other countries. As of now, I am signed up for the two class trips to Lake Maggiore and the mountain retreat adventure. I am super interested in traveling to those cities as it will be my first time going there. I am also excited about going on these trips with other Lehigh students that I will meet in Milan. Professor Gupta talked about how, on the Milan trips in previous years, the students and teachers became like “a family” and were constantly doing stuff together. I can’t wait to see new places and to meet new people! I am not sure yet, but I plan on traveling to other countries throughout Europe and learning about their culture. I haven’t had the opportunity to travel to many countries in Europe so I am very excited to get the chance to and want to travel as much as I can.