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Question 1.) List five take-aways from Guy Kawasaki’s talk and explain exactly how you will integrate that concept/construct/strategy into your project. Make it compelling. Don’t write generic forgettable text.

  1. One of the most interesting take-aways from the talk that I feel is applicable to our group is to polarize people. I think it is great that we are trying to make our information easily accessible and desired by everyone, and by doing this we are making it as easily understandable as possible. This might not be the best option though. If we were to take the advice, we would section off our target audience to be more specific, and not aimed at the general public or for NGOS OR corporations, but perhaps a specific type of corporation, and do separate investigations and analyses. As of now, we plan to interview different types of companies and NGOs and find the common threads to make useful standards for all of them. Instead of this, we can simply complete our separate interviews and make conclusions produced for each segmented area.
  2. Another very valuable take-away was the 10/20/30 rule. This rule said that presentations built for selling your project or service should be confined to 10 slides, 20 minutes, and a minimum of 30 point font. This could be extremely beneficial to apply to our second presentation in front of the panel, especially because we already have a limit of 20 minutes (including questions). The biggest change would be to the amount of slides that we have in our powerpoint, but by limiting it to 10, we will be forced to be more concise and persuasive with our argument.
  3. Another takeaway that our group will benefit from is to “not let the bozos burn us down”. This is going to serve us very well because we are in the beginning stages of our project but as we go further along and try to expand the audience that we are targeting and the people we are sharing our knowledge with, we will get more critics and more people doubting us. Through all of this, it will be important to remember what we are working on and the impact it will have on people, and to continue in the face of adversity.
  4. Another important takeaway, especially for our group is to just get going. For a significant portion of the semester we were simply conducting research on India and doing research on things that are already well documented that relate to our project in anticipation of what we are to see while there. I think it is important to not fear the unknown ahead of us, and get going with our project.
  5. The last valuable takeaway I want applied to our project, is to find a few soulmates. This was meant to say that you should have a core team with everyone holding a very specific role that cannot be replaced. This is what our team currently has. Each of us is from a different academic background which has proven to be very useful in the tasks we carry out, since we can easily do the one that suits our skills the best.

Question 2.) In partnership with one or at most two team members, present a business model canvas for your venture.

  • Who will you help, key partners: We plan on helping corporations and NGOs in Mumbai by providing them with clear information on how to effectively operate their CSR partnerships. Our key partners include Professor Deo, some of the connections she has already established, and the businesses we will interview.
  • How do you do it? : We plan on doing this by creating a rubric that our recipients would be able to judge their relationships off of and hopefully improve them. In addition to this, we plan on creating a documentary series where we have several small videos with relevant topics surrounding the issue. The documentary’s goal will be to inform, whereas the rubric is more persuasive in getting corporations and NGOs to follow some of the best practices that we compile in the rubric.
  • What do you need? Key resources: We need access to databases that show us the information about companies that we are looking for ( financial statements, where there money goes, etc.) . We have found a significant portion of this information in the database we had a week long trial. We also need information about the work that has been done before us so we can add to it and not overlap, essentially wasting our time.
  • Who do your help? Audience segments: We intend to help the Indian people by increasing the effective CSR that takes place there. There are some partnerships that are working and are executed well, but there are also a lot that simply donate money or avoid the law altogether, and our hope is that with the success of our project we can increase the quantity and quality of the CSR work completed there.


~ by Anique Groce on April 6, 2019 .

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