GSIF Blog #6

Does your work require IRB approvals? If Yes, articulate your detailed IRB strategy. If No, explain why you don’t need IRB approval and identify situations when you might need IRB approval.    We decided that our project needs IRB approval (exempt status). Specifically, our project falls into Exempt Category 2: Surveys, interviews, educational tests, and […]

GSIF Blog #5

List ten things that make you feel human.  Emotions Food / Eating Relationships Water / Drinking Sleeping  Exercising  Music Thinking Helping  Collaborating   Articulate your philosophy of engagement as it pertains to your work with the GSIF / LVSIF. I think it’s important to address our issue and our project through two lenses and to […]

GSIF Blog #4

By: Ami Yoshimura (Team Copra) 1.*Based on your life experience, skills and interests, what would a design process that is both uniquely yours and effective look like? Our group will look to learn from and build off of other projects that have already attempted to improve the processing of copra. It has already been shown […]

GSIF Blog #3

List the top 20 questions your team needs to answer to advance the venture forward. What are we impacting? How are we impacting? Where/why are we impacting? What makes copra so important? How many lives can we impact? How will our work have an impact outside of the Philippines? What are the different ways we […]

GSIF Blog # 2

By: Ami Yoshimura   Give three compelling examples of how cultural issues affect your project. There are many compelling examples of how Filipino culture can affect our project. I think to consider this though, it is important to note Filipino history and how the country was colonized by the Spanish, which continued for 300 plus […]