GSIF Blogpost #3

  1. List the top 20 questions your team needs to answer to advance the venture forward. Categorize the questions if necessary.
  • Sustainability/Standard Process
    • How do we make it so that the system is sustainable? 
    • How do we standardize the process of growing mushrooms?
    • What materials can we use for the grow bags that would be most sustainable?
    • What can we do to improve our systems?
    • What can we do with the systems of production so more people are impacted by it?
    • Are we more focused on being environmentally friendly or producing a profit for the people of Sierra Leone?
  • People of Sierra Leone
    • Who can we rely on to overlook the projects in Sierra Leone?
    • How do we get the people of Sierra Leone involved?
    • Are the people of Sierra Leone willing to help us out?
    • Why would they find value in mushrooms as opposed to something else?
    • How can we impact more lives?
    • What skills do people in Sierra Leone have that we can benefit from?
    • How can we get more people to invest into our production system?
    • What can we do to see problems from the viewpoint of people in Sierra leone?
    • What can we do better to communicate with the people of Sierra Leone?
  • Growing mushrooms
    • What can we use for the substrate that is readily available in Sierra Leone?
    • When would be the best time to grow/sell mushrooms for profit?
    • Are we more focused on profit or nutrition?
    • What can we do to make mushrooms a reliable source of income?
    • What is the most effective way to distribute mushrooms throughout the country?


        2. Develop and Visualize the Theory of Change (Logic Model) for your venture.

  • Outcomes
    • Local food security in Sierra Leone
    • Increase nourishment in the children of Sierra Leone
    • Reduced stunting of growth in the children of Sierra Leone
  • Outputs
    • 100 kilograms of mushrooms produced per 2-3 week cycle
    • Reduced number of children in hospitals for undernourishment
    • Increased height and weight of the children of Sierra Leone
  • Inputs
    • Time put into research and development
    • Money invested as well as produced through mushroom production
  • Impacts
    • Increase in net GDP
    • Change in hospitalized children for malnourishment
  • Stakeholders
    • Selling markets
    • World Hope international

One thought on “GSIF Blogpost #3

  1. Your list of questions looks great. Nice start on the logic model too – for some more detail you could look at your project description on the GSIF website. Further work includes several outputs: “Further work includes 1) problem-solving on mushroom growth issues as they arise in Sierra Leone, 2) (re)designing facilities for larger production volumes, 3) developing business / operational models for larger production volumes, 4) developing the market and marketing strategies for mushrooms, and 5) writing grant proposals.” And the outcomes of improved food security, reduced malnutrition, and augmented livelihoods are listed as well.

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