Fall Blog Post #12

Who is Allison Duane?

Allison Duane is a dreamer. She is a current college student with lots of big aspirations and plans for her life, but is trying to figure out how and where they all fit. She wants to have a bigger impact on the world and leave it better than she left it. Even if that means only having a positive effect on one person’s life, it will be a success. She has lots of big ideas, but needs to focus on how to get it all done. 

How will you change the world?

Studying International Relations and Economics, my goal is to work for a nonprofit or some NGO after college. The goal for whoever I wind up working with, is that the group’s mission statement and main goal is to create positive change in the world. I want to change the world by advocating for justice and for everything that is right and moral. I want that to be what I do everyday, what I literally work to achieve. I hope to change the world with my persistence and compassion.

What do you want your epitaph to read?

She was the change she wanted to see in the world.