cinq388 blog post 6

Blog #6 prompts (as a team):

  1. Develop a storyline for your mid-semester presentations.
  2. What supporting evidence will you provide for each point?
  3. How will you boost your credibility every step of the way? 

1&2&3) With our CINQ team, we came up with this storyline and credibility :

  • Problem & Proposed Solution
  1. This is our problem statement: “Energy data that could influence and drive behavior change is currently too difficult for the student body, faculty, and university departments to gather.” We offer the solution of a dashboard that will make it easy, understandable, and entertaining for all of the concerned parties to access this data. 

     2&3. We will provide credibility for our problem & proposed solution by explaining how lack of access to energy data contributes to lack of knowledge and understanding surrounding energy use and efficiency on campus and explain how successful implementation can resolve this through informing students, faculty, sustainability office, and facilities and services. 

  • Case Studies

1&2. We will be using the Energy Usage dashboards from UC Davis and University of Pittsburgh in our Case Studies section to show the successful implementation of this solution at other universities. 

  1. Our case studies section will provide credibility for our project, showing that Energy Dashboards are a reachable, valuable goal to pursue at Lehigh University.
  • Core Elements
  1. For our core elements, we will display the current and goal functionality for our dashboard. 

2&3.  We will provide credibility and evidence by showing screenshots and explaining thoroughly how we plan on finishing the project. 


  • Target Audience and Future Applications

1&2. We will present our target audience and their potential future applications of the dashboard with the visual aid of our context diagram. 

  1. Our context diagram will also assist us in providing credibility as it explains each stakeholder’s needs and how our dashboard will support them.


  • Landing Strategy
  1. We will hand off our dashboard to LTS to maintain the server and call upon other CS students, ie. in a email from Heidi – the department head, if the Sustainability Office or other stakeholders run into technical issues

2&3. Heidi’s reputation as a department head, the CS department’s committed students, LTS’ experience with maintaining servers provides us credibility for our landing strategy. 


One thought on “cinq388 blog post 6

  1. Hi CSB team!

    I know you guys did this presentation with the rest of your team so I’m going to copy those comments below. You’ll be getting full credit.

    Here are my comments: I think you guys need to spend time introducing who you are not just as a team, but as individuals and what your contributions are to the team. For example, I’m Sarah Gnall, I’m a sophomore majoring in Materials Science and Engineering, and I serve as the coder for the team. Something along the lines of that. I also think in addition to mentioning your stakeholders to help with credibility, also mention what credibility you all hold as a team. For example, mention how your knowledge as a Lehigh student will help your project, because you are learning from the top professors in your field. My last comment is for your context diagram, I can’t see it because I need to request access, but make sure that this diagram doesn’t have a lot of words. This is because you want to keep your slides to a minimum of words and let you all do the talking, not the slides.

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