blog post 9

What are the technological, social, economic, and political trends that will impact (help or hurt) your ventures?

  1. What is the Total Available Market and Total Addressable Market for your product or service?
  2. Do an initial draft of your business model canvas – on each block of the BMC, have a visual and 1-3 bullet points. Remember, these are only drafts – you will continually refine your business models!


  • Technological
  • Widespread use of computers 
  • Convenience of the internet
  • Social
  • Desire for people to compete against each other
  • Growing interest in sustainability in younger generations & on college campuses
  • Public mistrust of media as a result of fake news
  • Cultural lack of data-based decision-making
  • Economic
  • Rise in gas & oil prices from Russian and/or Middle Eastern conflicts – motivation to reduce energy usage to save money
  • Political
  • Democratic control in US government – typically includes environmentally- conscious legislation
  • UN SDGs
  • Environmental impact is a politically contentious topic; could drive people away from the dashboard if they don’t think they need to reduce their energy footprint


  1. At steady-state, the total available market includes all of higher education, both public and private. In 2020, this market was approximately $77 billion (GlobeNewswire). The total addressable market includes those institutions that have a sustainability office.



Partner Network

Office of Sustainability



Facilities and Services

Key Activities

Ability to resolve data exceptions

Design for usability


Learn about energy

Save time finding energy data

Host energy competition

Reduce overall energy usage

Customer Relationships

Dedicated personal assistance

Customer Segments



Office of Sustainability


Facilities and Services

Key Resources

Shark meter network

Web server access 

Coding expertise

Distribution Channels



Cost Structure

Academic credit for students

Money to keep dashboard on server

Revenue Streams

Saving time

Saving money


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