- Identify two SPECIFIC funding sources for the design phase of your project and two SPECIFIC funding sources for the dissemination (implementation / distribution / commercialization) phase of your project. For each funding source, explain why this is a good fit for your project, and what SPECIFIC aspect of your project might the funding source support.
Funding sources for design phase:
- In a sense, we are funded in credits by the university. Students are incentivized to work on the project through the accumulation of credits.
- Facilities & Services provides funding for additional chilled water and steam meters through Lehigh University’s budget. This is a good fit for our project because F&S and our team benefits from the installation of these meters, and Lehigh’s budget accounts for these purchases over the next few years.
Funding sources for dissemination:
- Khanjan will provide pizza for an implementation event to advertise the dashboard. This is a good fit for our project because we need to make people aware of this resource.
- The Office of Sustainability will help advertise the website. This is a good fit for the project because it benefits both the dashboard and the office of sustainability since both require marketing.
- Identify five specific partnerships that you need to forge to advance your project forward with the ultimate goal of positively impacting at least one million people. Describe exactly how that partnership might help you achieve scale and why that entity might be willing to work with you.
- We need to partner with Doug Spengel in the Lehigh Facilities and Services department. He has access to valuable data and shark meter readings that form the foundation of our project.
- Jeremy Mack in the Lehigh Library and Technology Services department has a wealth of knowledge and technical expertise related to ArcGIS, the mapping system we will use to display our data.
- The Eco Reps and the Office of Sustainability run the annual energy competition between dorms, which will be an essential part of disseminating our project and integrating data into campus life.
- Electro Industries – shark meters. Shark meters are essential for the real time data, organizations will need to install shark meters in their buildings for the dashboard to work. Electro industries would benefit from this partnership because they will increase their sales.
- ArcGIS is also a major component of the dashboard. A partnership with them would benefit both partners. The Energy and Water Dashboard could offer ARCGIS services for a lower cost, and ARCGIS would increase subscriptions.
- Identify one existing social enterprise that you feel aligns well with your venture – explain what it does, why you like it, and in what ways it is similar to your venture.
ME to WE is a social enterprise which supports the creation of jobs in developing countries. It also allows people to track the impact of their purchases on the communities which provide the good. This tracking system is a really important aspect of their model because it incentivizes people to buy from the communities that ME to WE supports. People only change their behavior if they see the benefits of changing. This is similar to our dashboard because we display the impact of student’s energy consumption with equivalencies. Students will decrease their energy consumption if they are shown the impact of each kilowatt hour.