Monthly Archives: June 2023
MTSE Week 4: Progress at Last
This week began very slowly, with Monday and Tuesday being spent entirely working on the computer. During this time I reviewed last week’s experiment procedures and results and made sure that we had protocols and visuals that would allow for … Continue reading
MTSE Blog 3: Experiments Begin
This four day week included lots more work in the lab than previous ones. Some of which was set-up for experiments and some was starting those experiments. At Lehigh we prepared many buffers including those for the bead conjugation, the … Continue reading
MTSE Blog 2: Laying the Groundwork
This week was host to many tasks that seem to lead up to future work. On one side of things, I began by finalizing the budget proposal for the summer, our budget typically consist mainly of expensive reagents (antibodies, latex … Continue reading
MTSE Blog 1: Looking Past the Paperwork
Although my first week as a Mountaintop Fellow this summer was filled with paperwork and procedures, I am eager to get to the real work I have in mind. I am on the SicklED team, which is working to create … Continue reading