Blog Post 12_Fall 2020

– Who is <name>?

My name is Conner Calzone. I am a junior at Lehigh majoring in Chemical Engineering and Finance. I love to explore other cultures, and travel abroad and I want to make an impact on the world. I pride myself on my determined, hardworking and passionate work ethic as well as my authenticity and humility. I am annoyingly inquisitive as I want to truly understand the topics I learn about. Finally, I am a very hands-on learner. In university, you can easily memorize theorems, but post-university, you will succeed in your field with good presentation, critical thinking and communication skills and by applying the knowledge you have learned outside a classroom setting.


– How will you change the world?

I want to be remembered for the impact I make on the world in some way or another. The way to change the world is to help the people in the world. This is a large reason on why I applied to the Sickle Cell Anemia project a year ago. Not only did it align with my Chemical Engineering major, but it also was a fulfilling project that had a great opportunity to change the world. Changing the world does not have to be an individual venture. My Sickle Cell Anemia group is full of like-minded passionate individuals and working with my peers will allow us to think from many different perspectives and create an important neonatal screening program in Sierra Leone. However, this project will not be the only way I look to change the world. I love volunteering and community service, but I will have to balance those with my profession. Although most do not look at Finance as a world-changing field, I want to use my personable skills to help the people I work with. I like the idea of being a Financial Consultant, and for example, if I can help a family save money, I could help them retire early or send their children and grandchildren to college. It may not seem like a huge deal on a broader scope, but it means the world to them. Overall, I just want to help people however I can.


– What do you want your epitaph to read?

An epitaph should be short and sweet; it should encompass your personality and accomplishments succinctly. Besides making an impact on the world, I want to be true to myself. I believe family is the most important and fulfilling aspect in an individual’s life, but I want to go beyond the “Good Father. Great Husband. Amazing Person” epitaph category. As aforementioned, I want to do something that impacts the world, and I want to do something I find fulfilling. Therefore, my epitaph would read something along the lines of “He forged his own path on a journey to help his family, friends and others.

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