In User Experience- a research agenda, Hassenzhal provides a sketch about how user experience (UX) will look in the future by addressing previous research on this and related topics.
Hassenzhal first describes previous methods of addressing UX, which he says aim to “enrich current models of product quality with non-instrumental aspects to create a more complete, holistic HCI.” However, Hassenzhal argues that the definition of non-instrumental needs to be better understood in terms of needs, how they translate to product quality, usage situations and more in order to truly create a better UX. Hassenzhal argues that human emotions, either in response to technology use or even just the context alone, must be understood so that designers can create technology based on how emotions can be controlled, what creates those emotions, and how emotions influence judgement. Finally, Hassenzhal addresses the experiential perspective on UX, which he argues extends over varying states of the user over a definitive time frame.
After reading the paper, I realize how difficult it is to create a positive UX, for the creators are working with so many moving parts: user state, characteristics of the system itself, the context in which the user is interacting, the differences between each user, etc. I appreciated how at the end of the paper, Hassenzhal addresses the fact that UX research and action is a work in progress, and is motivated by asking questions about functionality, emotional experience, ability and opportunity of designers and more. One thing that I wondered while reading the piece was how much UX has changed as technology has advanced, as well as whether there are generational differences in regard to what a positive user experience looks like.
That’s an interesting point you make. I am also curious as to how UX has changed as technology has advanced, as well as whether there are generational differences in regard to what a positive user experience looks like. Based my own ideas, I would think that user experience has greatly improved and has most likely changed a lot. I’m sure older generations look at the advancement of technology now, along with UX, and are stunned by the differences compared to their own UX with past technology– for example, from landlines to iPhones. Similar to what we will most likely experience one day as technology continues to advance.
I like the point you bring up at the end about how UX has changed over time. The article I read was about Apple and it talked a bit about the iPhone, which made me think about all of the improvements of the iPhone’s UX over the last decade. For example, when it first came out there was no Siri, there was no tap and hold for things like text messages on the Lock Screen, and there was that big bulky charger that I know we all plugged in upside down every time we wanted to charge our phone. So it really is incredible how much easier it is now to use our devices compared to even just five years ago.
I found it interesting in your response that you recognized how difficult it must be for the creators to make a good UX when much of that depends on the current state of the user. While I am sure there are ways to combat these issues such as making the website as user friendly as possible, it is impressive that you acknowledged the difficulties on the other side of the equation. In addition, I agree with the point you made that UX is likely evolving at a similar rate as technology in general, which causes it to be another thing to consider for creators when making stylistic choices about the media they put out.