This week we were tasked with have two complete mechanisms, one that worked with a 3-D printed handle, and the other that is autonomous and ran by an Arduino motor.
This mechanism project has been rather difficult for me, I have utilized meeting with Brian and Kelly for some help on it, but I struggled to come up with a solution to my autonomous mechanism. My Rack and Pinion is reciprocating so finding a way to get it to move in a loop has proven to be very difficult.
Below is my iteration with the 3-D printed handle as well as a video on how it operates. I am very pleased with how this came out. I had laser cut a hole in the right side of my slider in order to get it to slide. I had initially hope to have it on the wheel, but it was no connected to my slider, therefore it did not move how I had anticipated.
Overall, I know I did not have my autonomous mechanism working, but overall I am very pleased with the progress I have made throughout the semester. I am trying to not be too hard on myself as this process has been rather frustrating for me, I have had no prior knowledge on these mechanisms so the progress I had seen myself make has been positive. I have made over 15 different iterations on this mechanism, so it is all about the process!
I hope to meet with Kelly with this week and ask for some more advice on my Arduino model and will have an update this week!