

Dr. Fathima Wakeel, Liv Hauk (CAS, 2026), Hannah Fatalko (COH, 2025), and Sophie Ritzler (COH, 2027) at the American Public Health Association Meetings in Minneapolis, October 2024

Recent Conference Presentations

  • Hauck, O., Murray, E., Mulligan, C., Rousseau, S., Ritzler, S., Le Vu, MJ, Wakeel, Fathima, Kramp, M. “Engineering Documentary Film for High-Level Impact in Sierra Leone: Improving Maternal Health With a Portable Cinema Kit.”  Engaged Scholarship Conference. Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, October 9-10, 2024.

    At APHA, 2022.

    Dr. Wakeel with Jordyn Pykon (CAS, 2023) and Sandrine Haab (CAS, 2023), presenting at the American Public Health Association Meetings

  • Le Vu, MJ, Murray, E., Hauck, O., Mulligan, C., Ritzler, S., Rousseau, S., Wakeel, F., Kramp, M. “Health Science, Engineering, and the Arts Address Maternal Health Disparaities: Mothers of Sierra Leone.”  IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference,” Villanova University, Villanova, PA. October, 23-26.
  • Falatko, H., Murray, E., Hauck, O., Wakeel, F., & Kramp, M.  “Exploration of the Perceived Role of Fathers in Maternal Healthcare Among Mothers, Fathers, and Healthcare Workers in Sierra Leone.” 152nd annual meeting of the American Public Health Association. October 27-30, 2024.
  • Villanova

    MJ Le Vu (COH 2026) at the Global Humanitarian Technology Conference at Villanova, October 2026

    Mulligan, C., Le Vu, MJ., Erickson, B., Arnfield, B., Wakeel, F., & Kramp, M. “Evaluating Film’s Efficacy in Improving Individuals’ Attitudes and Knowledge about Maternal Health in Sierra Leone.” 152nd annual meeting of the American Public Health Association. October 27-30, 2024.

ESC Presentation

Liv Hauck (CAS, 2026) and Sophie Ritzler (COH, 2027) present research at the Engaged Scholarship Conference in Portland, OR in October 2024

  • Ritzler, S., Rousseau, S., Arnfield, B., Enodien, C., Erickson, B., Falatko, H., Murray, E., Mulligan, C., Le Vu, MJ, Hauck, O., Wakeel, F., Kramp, M. “Qualitative Exploration of Perceptions of Family Planning among Mothers and Fathers in Makeni, Sierra Leone using a Health Promotion Short Film.” 152nd annual meeting of the American Public Health Association. October 27-30, 2024.
CAS Research Presentation

Liv Hauck (CAS, 2026) and Constance Mulligan (CAS, 2026) present at the College of Arts and Sciences Research Symposium

  • Arnfield, B, Erickson, B, Enodien, C., Lecovich, L, Falatko, H., Wakeel, F., Kramp, M. “Improving Maternal Health Through Storytelling.” Engaged Scholarship Conference, Lansing, MI, October 2-3, 2023.
  • Lencovich, L., Wakeel, F., Kramp, M., Valencia, T., Falatko, H., Arnfield, B., Erickson, B., Enodien, C., & Kwon, C. Film presented at APHA Public Health Film Festival Short Films at the 151st annual meeting of the American Public Health Association. November 12-15, 2023.
  • Valencia, T., Enodien, C., Wakeel, F., Kramp, M., “Documenting Stories of Motherhood.” Film presented at the Motherhood Society Conference. Tampa, FL. Friday, April 3, 2022.