Christina Enodien (CAS, 2024), Lauren Lencovich (COH, 2025), and Tiffany Valencia (COH, 2025) conduct a focus group with mothers in Makeni
As part of our work, we have engaged in consistent research processes to evaluate the efficacy of our films, share our findings, and showcase the innovations of our partners in Sierra Leone.
In 2023-24, we completed a twelve-month, mixed methods (qualitative and quantitative) study to evaluate the efficacy of our films at twelve different clinical locations in and around Makeni, Bombali District. In 2024-25, we are completing a new twelve-month, mixed methods study at three distinct rural clinics to evaluate maternal healthcare disparities in rural locations.

Tiffany Valencia (COH, 2025) and Hannah Falatko (COH, 2025) present research at the College of Health Experiential Learning and Research Symposium
Recent Publications
- Kramp, M., Wakeel, F., Murray, E., Falatko, H, ““Mothers of Sierra Leone: Improving Maternal Health Through Storytelling.” Public Humanities (2024).
M. Kramp, F. Wakeel, J. Pykon, N. Miller, “On ‘Mothers of Sierra Leone’: Improving Maternal Health Through Storytelling.” Los Angeles Review of Books. 10, May, 2023.
Wakeel, F., Jain, S., Parker, W., Howard, S., Erikson, B., Valencia, T., Enodien, C., Arnfield,B., Lencovich , L., Falatko, H., and Kramp, M. (2023). Enabling equitable access. In: Mason, M (eds). Foundations in Public Health. Kendall Hunt Publishing Company. [Forthcoming]

Bea Arnfield (CAS, 2024) and Brooke Erickson (CAS, 2024) present research at the College of Arts and Sciences Research Symposium.
Publications Under Review
- Enodien, C., Erickson, Falatko, H., Arnfield, B., Lencovich, L., Kwon, C., Kamara, M.S.,Wakeel, F., & Kramp, M. (2025). “Exploration of the efficacy of documentary film in promoting maternal health in Sierra Leone.” Global Health Promotion. Under Revision per Editor’s Request for January 2025 Resubmission.
- Erickson, B., Mulligan, C., Le Vu, M.J., Kamara, M.S., Wakeel, F., & Kramp, M. (2024). Evaluating Film’s Efficacy in Improving Individuals’ Attitudes and Knowledge About Maternal Health in Sierra Leone. Journal of Maternal and Child Health. Submitted November 2024.
- Arnfield,B., Ritzler, S., Enodien, C., Rosseau, S., Wakeel, F., & Kramp, M. (2024). “Gender Differences and the Challenge of Sexual Reproductive Health in Sierra Leone: Perceptions of Family Planning Among Mothers and Fathers.” Studies in Family Planning. Submitted December 2024.
- Falatko, H., Hauck, O., Murray, E., Wakeel, F., & Kramp, M. (2024). “A Qualitative Exploration of the Expectations and Experiences of Paternal Involvement Among Mothers, Fathers, and Healthcare Workers in Sierra Leone.” Health Care for Women International. Submitted December 2024