After programming with libfabric and learning libibverbs by debugging a bit of my code, I realized that learning how to write high performance networked systems is hard. Sometimes you can’t get away with using sockets, MPI, or SHMEM. That is why I have started to work on network-libraries on Github. The goal is to provide other people interested in writing high performance systems that utilize networking with basic demo programs in order to understand how to do it. My plan is eventually to build up to advanced topics like GPUDirect or NVMeOF depending on my ability to access cloud resources capable of supporting those technologies.
Volunteering at PaPoC
I’m excited to get more involved in the distributed systems community. I decided to volunteer at the PaPoC (Principles and Practice of Consistency for Distributed Data) workshop Tomorrow and help handle the Zoom call. The program looks extremely interesting and the joint keynote with LADIS sounds like it will be enlightening as well.
Becoming a PhD Student
I am very excited to be in the process of switching over from the Master’s program in CS at Lehigh to the PhD program. I will be continuing to work with Prof. Roberto Palmieri and the rest of the SSS Lab. I am continuing to work on problems related to GPU acceleration.