2023 Project Goals & Outcomes
Faculty Mentors: David Casagrande & Al Wurth
Students: Cate Adams, Emma Clopton, Isabelle Spirk, & Julie Wright
Project Goals (Responsibilities)
- Greenhouse & tool shed inventory evaluation & cleanup
- Website & social media: organization, aesthetics, grammatical errors, creating more educational content, activeness, creating interactive tools for community discussions.
- Purchasing and planting seeds
- Deer management: considering solutions and developing a plan to handle deer maintenance
- Communications: getting more community engagement and growing awareness of the park
Research Goals (Responsibilities)
- How to best handle/resolve deer management issues
- What crops are most needed in the Bethlehem community
- Seed/plant care, best environment/practices to help keep plants alive in the greenhouse as well as organizing the plants in the park in a way that satisfies their requirements and works with the landscape
Resources Needed
- Partnerships with local community
- Grant funding for planting seeds and expanding park projects
Project Goals (Responsibilities)
- Complete website updates
- Host educational events with local Bethlehem community
- Updating Permaculture Park signage
- Build partnerships with local organizations (Rodale Institute)
Research Goals (Responsibilities)
- Measure Net Primary Productivity of park
- Testing park soil for nutrients and contaminants
- Measuring community satisfaction with park
Resources Needed
- Funding for miscellaneous park projects
- Testing materials/measures for NPP and soil
FALL 2023
Project Goals (Responsibilities)
- Expand upon use and understanding of Hugelkultur and it’s importance
- Campus engagement
- Attend a conference
- Pollinator Garden
Research Goals (Responsibilities)
- Community engagement; looking into organizations in the Lehigh Valley area that would be willing to support our project
- Exploring educational opportunities for younger kids with local middle school
- Compost maintenance, measuring, general upkeep
Resources Needed
- Partnerships with Lehigh organizations
- Funds for continuous park projects