Blog #2 Project Goals: Team Prompt

2023 Project Goals & Outcomes

Faculty Mentors: David Casagrande & Al Wurth 

Students: Cate Adams, Emma Clopton, Isabelle Spirk, & Julie Wright 


Project Goals (Responsibilities)

  1. Greenhouse & tool shed inventory evaluation & cleanup 
  2. Website & social media: organization, aesthetics, grammatical errors, creating more educational content, activeness, creating interactive tools for community discussions.
  3. Purchasing and planting seeds 
  4. Deer management: considering solutions and developing a plan to handle deer maintenance 
  5. Communications: getting more community engagement and growing awareness of the park

Research Goals (Responsibilities)

  1. How to best handle/resolve deer management issues 
  2. What crops are most needed in the Bethlehem community 
  3. Seed/plant care, best environment/practices to help keep plants alive in the greenhouse as well as organizing the plants in the park in a way that satisfies their requirements and works with the landscape

Resources Needed

  1. Partnerships with local community
  2. Grant funding for planting seeds and expanding park projects


Project Goals (Responsibilities)

  1. Complete website updates
  2. Host educational events with local Bethlehem community 
  3. Updating Permaculture Park signage  
  4. Build partnerships with local organizations (Rodale Institute) 

Research Goals (Responsibilities)

  1. Measure Net Primary Productivity of park 
  2. Testing park soil for nutrients and contaminants 
  3. Measuring community satisfaction with park 

Resources Needed

  1. Funding for miscellaneous park projects
  2. Testing materials/measures for NPP and soil

FALL 2023

Project Goals (Responsibilities)

  1. Expand upon use and understanding of Hugelkultur and it’s importance
  2. Campus engagement 
  3. Attend a conference 
  4. Pollinator Garden 

Research Goals (Responsibilities)

  1. Community engagement; looking into organizations in the Lehigh Valley area that would be willing to support our project
  2. Exploring educational opportunities for younger kids with local middle school
  3. Compost maintenance, measuring, general upkeep

Resources Needed

  1. Partnerships with Lehigh organizations 
  2. Funds for continuous park projects

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