MTSE Week 1 Blog

Emma Clopton

Project: The Southside Permaculture Park

This week has been incredibly productive as the Mountaintop Program has finally launched? I am very excited to see the transformative impact the Southside Permaculture Park will have on the community as we continue to transform the space and vision of the park. My team and I have been actively involved in mapping out plans for the duration of the Creative Inquiry Program, which you can read more about here

Returning to the project, we are faced with a significant maintenance challenge. Due to the severe drought, the park has been completely overrun by a weed forest. Unfortunately, we are unable to remove the weeds until we receive a proper rainstorm since they provide coverage for our other plants and help retain moisture. Additionally, during our two-week hiatus prior to the program, the intense May heat caused severe temperatures inside the greenhouse, resulting in the loss of many thriving seedlings. However, we are determined to salvage and recover as much as possible to ensure abundant yields during the summer and fall months.

This first week at MTSE has been particularly eventful for the SSPP project thanks to the heavy smoke that has affected the area. With hazardous air quality, the team had to put a pause on general park maintenance and recovery efforts for several days. In light of these unprecedented circumstances, we shifted our focus towards planning and conducting substantial housekeeping of documents and content dating back to the founding date of the park. We are now entirely reorganized and have improved virtual conditions for us and future teams. Furthermore, we have begun the process of analyzing our website, with a goal to better communicate our purpose and become a valuable educational tool for permaculture philosophy and urban agriculture/gardening. 

As we continue to plan out the project and cultivate new visions for the park, I am excited to be actively involved in driving the impact the permaculture park will have on the Southside community. My hope is that this park becomes an outlet for peaceful escape, learning, inspiration, nourishment, and play. I am aware that the park and program, as a whole, is situated on controversial land. However, our team is dedicated to working diligently to heal the wounds of the past and truly create a space that the community can take part of and call their own. My hope is that the park can foster inclusivity and the Southside community can finally feel recognized rather than pushed out from Lehigh’s expansion. 

On a personal level, I am excited for the growth and development that lies ahead as a student, individual, and “entrepreneur” as I further embark on this project. There are many opportunities for personal and professional growth that lies ahead. I am also excited to work on my strengths and my weaknesses, step outside of my comfort zone, and ultimately become a better individual. I am eager to tackle the challenges that may/will present themselves and embrace them as I continue to work hard to make a positive impact on the Southside community.

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